of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
The Violet Flame of Saint-Germain
The Violet Flame of Saint-Germain is a
powerful energy attunement that can be
used for healing and spiritual development
by bringing the alchemical process of
transformation to the attunee.
Comte de Saint-Germain was an 18th-
century German Count who was known as
'Der Wundermann' - 'The Wonderman'. Much
mystery surrounds his origin and no details
or record of his death exists. Saint-Germain
is credited with the achieving the goal of the
alchemist: transmutation of the spirit
through possession of the Philosopher's
Alchemy is an occult science of
transformation and transmutation. In
medieval times, alchemical practices
outwardly focused on the transmutation of
base metals into gold. To the alchemist and
others with occult (hidden) knowledge this
physical transmutation symbolised the
spiritual process of refining the spirit and
achieving enlightenment.
Saint-Germain taught that man has all the
potential of the Universe within him, and
that he must strive unceasingly to free
himself from the binds of matter in order to
open himself to communication with the Soul
of the Universe. His intention was to bring
immortality of spirit to those he taught. He
believed that if he facilitated the spiritual
growth of a small number of people, they in
turn would each pass this wisdom and
growth to a small number – and so on.
Saint-Germain is a great example of what
we would call a Lightworker today.
Many still hold the mysterious figure of
Saint-Germain in high regard and some have
received communication from his spirit. It is
through such communication that Hari Das
Melchizedek received attunement to the
sacred Violet Flame of Saint-Germain and
instruction on how the transmutational
power of this high frequency spiritual energy
may be used to help others achieve
transformation, freedom from matter, self-
realization and enlightenment – and it is this
attunement that I pass to others.
The Violet Flame of Saint-Germain the fire of
transformation on all levels. Saint-Germain
is sometimes called Lord (or Chohan) of the
Seventh Ray – the Violet Ray of Spiritual
Light. (All 7 rays combine to form pure white
light, which is the Light of the
Universe/Universal Love/God).
The Violet Flame is able transmute negative
energies/influences into positive ones. This
high frequency energy is for those who hear
the call of the Universe or spiritual service to
mankind, and it helps us to become more
ourselves – expressing our true spirit. It can
also transmute negative karmic patterns and
traumas of our past (and present) lives,
which are recorded in our spiritual, mental,
emotional and physical bodies.
The Violet Flame is not a 'miracle cure' or a
'quick fix' – nor is it a motorway to
enlightenment. But working with this high
frequency energy will gradually bring
changes and new wisdom to the life of the
Read more or purchase the Violet Flame
Attunement course
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Lightworkers Article
Attunements Information Article
“The violet flame goes after the schisms
which cause psychological problems
that go back to early childhood and
previous incarnations and that have
established such deep grooves within
the consciousness that in fact they have
been difficult to shake lifetime after
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