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Unicorn Love & Light | Shadow Work & Inner Child Healing

Unicorns are considered by many to exist only in legend, fantasy and our wildest dreams. In fact, they are light-beings and powerful spiritual guides! They occupy angelic realms and the higher strata of the heavenly astral planes: the spheres of transcendental reality that we would consider ‘heavenly’ dimensions. Their proximity to the unadulterated and endless Light allows them to share the brilliance and beauty of the divine with us. Unicorns have enchanted us and inspired our belief in magick since the dawn of time. They are reflected in mythologies that span eons of time, extend over vast continents, and endow countless lives with a dash of sparkle and an abundance of blessings. Yes, unicorns are real! But not in the sense that they roam the physical world. As far as we know, they never did. Rather, they are creatures of The Light and serve as Emissaries of The Light. Unicorns are generous, gentle and deeply loving entities; they make excellent spirit guides and provide healing, support and encouragement to those they bond with. They live only to express The Light and commune with those who seek to reflect greater authenticity in their lives. Most depictions of unicorns show them as large, elegant, horse-like creatures with a single horn in the centre of their forehead, pointing towards the sky. This represents their constant connection to the highest energetic frequencies. The unicorn’s horn can be considered a ‘magick wand’ of sorts: it acts as an antenna to increase receptivity to the high vibrational energies that nourish and sustain them; as well as acting as a device to focus their intention and direct that high vibrational energy in accordance with their wishes. And if you choose to work with them, they can teach you to do the same! Unicorns inspire a sense of wonder that many don’t experience beyond their childhood years. But that inner child still exists and is still captivated by the mysterious and majestic unicorn! It’s the sense of child-like trust, open fascination and over-flowing love we experience when we look at the image of a unicorn, that draws the unicorns to us. They awaken the effervescent joy and jubilation of the inner-child and allow us to connect more deeply with our essential truth. Unicorns are creatures of purity and innocence and unless we approach them with that language in our hearts, we won’t make a connection. The unicorns encourage us to inspire the universe to align with our passionate hopes, dreams and wishes by consciously tapping into our artless, inner-child spirit, in order to share heartfelt intentions of “love and light” with the world around us. So often, phrases such as “with blessings”, “bright blessings” and “peace and love” are used unconsciously, not realising that using them mindfully can powerfully align us with potent energy frequencies that can manifest transformative healing, increased contentment and deepen our spiritual connection with people, the planet, animals and all that we encounter. Humans are complex beings! We experience both the light and the darkness and the full range of human trials and triumphs. It’s important that we don’t deny our shadow side and that we work to consciously assimilate the parts of ourselves that need healing. Sometimes this involves going through some dark emotions and challenging ourselves by confronting our fear, anger or jealousy, in order to exceed our limitations: we grow and evolve through our suffering. But that’s not the only way we develop. We are beings that are balanced in their light and darkness. We’re not meant to be all ‘love and light’, all of the time; and we’re not meant to be all ‘dark night of the soul’ all of the time either. We can learn to maintain our centre through regular spiritual practice, so that we are not moved by every shift and switch-up we encounter. We can also choose to connect with different energy currents in a conscious way, in order to learn more about ourselves and to effect healing. Trying to focus only on the lighter aspects of life denies us the wisdom of experience. Maintaining a child-like openness and curiosity that allows us to channel high-vibrational light energies, without the grounding and development of maturity and personal accountability, can be very toxic and can stunt spiritual growth. When sending ‘blessings’ or ‘light’ to another person, it should come from the heart and not be limited by what you want the other person to experience. If your spiritual practice is grounded in the idea that you want to make another person feel a particular way or have a particular experience/realisation, that’s the involvement of your ego. It’s potentially dangerous and it restricts the flow of energy, blunts your sensitivity and hinders the manifestation of your spiritual gifts. Often, people who exhibit ‘toxic-positivity’ are unaware of their egoic projections. A simple way to avoid falling into this trap, is to check your motivation for sending love and light to others. If, when you inquire of yourself, you find that your intention is to “heal others” or “make others happy” or “stop someone feeling sad”, remind your ego that you’re not commander-in-chief of the universe! You are not an authority over another person; and another person’s healing is part of their spiritual journey and not yours! They have the right NOT to heal and NOT to be happy. It’s never your place to tell them what they should/shouldn’t do. You can send love and light with the intention that the divine expression of the universe will be realised through the other person’s life journey; and you can send them love and light with the intention that the universe will act through you to inspire their healing in accordance with the highest spiritual law of free-will. Connecting with the unicorns through the Love & Light Encoding can help us to explore the luminosity, purity and free-spirited nature of the inner-child; and it is a wonderful energy to work with for self-healing, self-love, overcoming trauma, healing childhood pain and sharing unconditional love with the world! Allow yourself to play with these energies and experiment with them. The unicorns are attracted to gaiety, laughter and fun so don’t take yourself too seriously! Sometimes, during our darkest times, when we’re overwhelmed with sadness or hopelessness, we drop the ego. If you’ve ever had that experience, you will likely remember feeling very vulnerable and raw, because once the ego’s overwhelmed, we can feel like nothing protects us from the darkness; there’s nothing between us and the abyss! It can feel extremely scary and often it’s real-life events like the death of a parent, the loss of a job or serious illness that throws us into that “pit of despair”. Those moments are more shocking to us because while it’s happening, it’s hard to imagine anything ever being ok again. That’s the point at which our faith is truly tested. This experience is sometimes called ‘the dark night of the soul’ and it has the potential for great spiritual growth because the ego is suspended. If you find yourself having one of those ‘deep-dives’ into your sorrow and doubt, call upon the unicorns! As frivolous and light-hearted as they may seem, they understand our experiences from a different level. They perceive the growth and the illumination of the soul that occurs during our personal suffering. They offer healing, comfort and clarity that can at least help us to feel safe while we’re going through difficulties. It can be tempting to try to wish away every hard feeling and disquieting thought – as if they’re the problem rather than a symptom of the problem – but ultimately, we all have to face our darkness as well as our light. Extending love to ourselves when we’re struggling can seem like an insurmountable objective. The unicorns can show us the way, even on the darkest nights. Think of the unicorn energy as being like starlight; their presence wakes you up to the billions of stars that light up the skies of your own soul-scape, and guide you towards your spiritual destiny. The stars are brightest on the darkest nights. Sometimes, a dark night of the soul can reveal more stars and give you greater direction and confidence in your ability to find your way forwards. Related courses: Unicorn Love & Light Encoding Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Maya Muses - Energy Updates, Affirmations, Mystical Musings, Personal Posts, Photos & All the Latest for Mayastar & Maya Magickal Maya Magickal - Tailored Spells, Healing & Magickal Intensives Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin - Instagram - ALM (Maya) FB - Pinterest - Wordpress Join the mailing list or email Maya with your enquiry at: Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; and 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me. Payment Information: Personalised Packages, Exchange Rates & Monthly Payment Plans Testimonials & Reviews Code of Ethics, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Unicorn Love & Light | Shadow Work & Inner Child Healing Unicorns are considered by many to exist only in legend, fantasy and our wildest dreams. In fact, they are light-beings and powerful spiritual guides! They occupy angelic realms and the higher strata of the heavenly astral planes: the spheres of transcendental reality that we would consider ‘heavenly’ dimensions. Their proximity to the unadulterated and endless Light allows them to share the brilliance and beauty of the divine with us. Unicorns have enchanted us and inspired our belief in magick since the dawn of time. They are reflected in mythologies that span eons of time, extend over vast continents, and endow countless lives with a dash of sparkle and an abundance of blessings. Yes, unicorns are real! But not in the sense that they roam the physical world. As far as we know, they never did. Rather, they are creatures of The Light and serve as Emissaries of The Light. Unicorns are generous, gentle and deeply loving entities; they make excellent spirit guides and provide healing, support and encouragement to those they bond with. They live only to express The Light and commune with those who seek to reflect greater authenticity in their lives. Most depictions of unicorns show them as large, elegant, horse-like creatures with a single horn in the centre of their forehead, pointing towards the sky. This represents their constant connection to the highest energetic frequencies. The unicorn’s horn can be considered a ‘magick wand’ of sorts: it acts as an antenna to increase receptivity to the high vibrational energies that nourish and sustain them; as well as acting as a device to focus their intention and direct that high vibrational energy in accordance with their wishes. And if you choose to work with them, they can teach you to do the same! Unicorns inspire a sense of wonder that many don’t experience beyond their childhood years. But that inner child still exists and is still captivated by the mysterious and majestic unicorn! It’s the sense of child-like trust, open fascination and over-flowing love we experience when we look at the image of a unicorn, that draws the unicorns to us. They awaken the effervescent joy and jubilation of the inner- child and allow us to connect more deeply with our essential truth. Unicorns are creatures of purity and innocence and unless we approach them with that language in our hearts, we won’t make a connection. The unicorns encourage us to inspire the universe to align with our passionate hopes, dreams and wishes by consciously tapping into our artless, inner- child spirit, in order to share heartfelt intentions of “love and light” with the world around us. So often, phrases such as “with blessings”, “bright blessings” and “peace and love” are used unconsciously, not realising that using them mindfully can powerfully align us with potent energy frequencies that can manifest transformative healing, increased contentment and deepen our spiritual connection with people, the planet, animals and all that we encounter. Humans are complex beings! We experience both the light and the darkness and the full range of human trials and triumphs. It’s important that we don’t deny our shadow side and that we work to consciously assimilate the parts of ourselves that need healing. Sometimes this involves going through some dark emotions and challenging ourselves by confronting our fear, anger or jealousy, in order to exceed our limitations: we grow and evolve through our suffering. But that’s not the only way we develop. We are beings that are balanced in their light and darkness. We’re not meant to be all ‘love and light’, all of the time; and we’re not meant to be all ‘dark night of the soul’ all of the time either. We can learn to maintain our centre through regular spiritual practice, so that we are not moved by every shift and switch-up we encounter. We can also choose to connect with different energy currents in a conscious way, in order to learn more about ourselves and to effect healing. Trying to focus only on the lighter aspects of life denies us the wisdom of experience. Maintaining a child-like openness and curiosity that allows us to channel high- vibrational light energies, without the grounding and development of maturity and personal accountability, can be very toxic and can stunt spiritual growth. When sending ‘blessings’ or ‘light’ to another person, it should come from the heart and not be limited by what you want the other person to experience. If your spiritual practice is grounded in the idea that you want to make another person feel a particular way or have a particular experience/realisation, that’s the involvement of your ego. It’s potentially dangerous and it restricts the flow of energy, blunts your sensitivity and hinders the manifestation of your spiritual gifts. Often, people who exhibit ‘toxic-positivity’ are unaware of their egoic projections. A simple way to avoid falling into this trap, is to check your motivation for sending love and light to others. If, when you inquire of yourself, you find that your intention is to “heal others” or “make others happy” or “stop someone feeling sad”, remind your ego that you’re not commander-in-chief of the universe! You are not an authority over another person; and another person’s healing is part of their spiritual journey and not yours! They have the right NOT to heal and NOT to be happy. It’s never your place to tell them what they should/shouldn’t do. You can send love and light with the intention that the divine expression of the universe will be realised through the other person’s life journey; and you can send them love and light with the intention that the universe will act through you to inspire their healing in accordance with the highest spiritual law of free-will. Connecting with the unicorns through the Love & Light Encoding can help us to explore the luminosity, purity and free-spirited nature of the inner-child; and it is a wonderful energy to work with for self- healing, self-love, overcoming trauma, healing childhood pain and sharing unconditional love with the world! Allow yourself to play with these energies and experiment with them. The unicorns are attracted to gaiety, laughter and fun so don’t take yourself too seriously! Sometimes, during our darkest times, when we’re overwhelmed with sadness or hopelessness, we drop the ego. If you’ve ever had that experience, you will likely remember feeling very vulnerable and raw, because once the ego’s overwhelmed, we can feel like nothing protects us from the darkness; there’s nothing between us and the abyss! It can feel extremely scary and often it’s real-life events like the death of a parent, the loss of a job or serious illness that throws us into that “pit of despair”. Those moments are more shocking to us because while it’s happening, it’s hard to imagine anything ever being ok again. That’s the point at which our faith is truly tested. This experience is sometimes called ‘the dark night of the soul’ and it has the potential for great spiritual growth because the ego is suspended. If you find yourself having one of those ‘deep-dives’ into your sorrow and doubt, call upon the unicorns! As frivolous and light- hearted as they may seem, they understand our experiences from a different level. They perceive the growth and the illumination of the soul that occurs during our personal suffering. They offer healing, comfort and clarity that can at least help us to feel safe while we’re going through difficulties. It can be tempting to try to wish away every hard feeling and disquieting thought – as if they’re the problem rather than a symptom of the problem – but ultimately, we all have to face our darkness as well as our light. Extending love to ourselves when we’re struggling can seem like an insurmountable objective. The unicorns can show us the way, even on the darkest nights. Think of the unicorn energy as being like starlight; their presence wakes you up to the billions of stars that light up the skies of your own soul-scape, and guide you towards your spiritual destiny. The stars are brightest on the darkest nights. Sometimes, a dark night of the soul can reveal more stars and give you greater direction and confidence in your ability to find your way forwards. Related courses: Unicorn Love & Light Encoding Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy