of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
An Exploration of The Emissaries of
The Light: Ascended Masters,
Avalonians & Pleiadians | A Mayastar
Energy Healing Article
This abridged article is drawn from The
Emissaries of the Light series of
attunements channelled in 2020.
“The Light”, “The Universal Light”, “The
Source”, “The Field”, “The Unified Field”,
“The Universe”, “The Power That Moves the
Universe” and “God” are all ways of
describing the same principle: the spiritual
foundation of all living things.
Whether you subscribe to a particular
philosophy or religion and seek to
understand this force, or you simply
acknowledge the existence of an ethereal
‘otherness’ or eternal presence in your life
but don’t worry about trying to pin it down,
the concept of a spiritual origin and
dimension to life is common to billions of
people, all over the world and throughout
We may choose to interact with that
spiritual principle in a church, during
meditation or through sacred rituals.
However we express, experience and
embrace “The Light”, our relationship with it
is unique, personal and very hard to
articulate. If you acknowledge its
importance, your relationship with The
Light grows, develops and changes
throughout a lifetime…and beyond!
There are certain qualities that apply to this
force; reflecting on these can assist us to
find a deeper communion with The Light:
The Light is considered to be the energetic
blueprint that underpins all of creation
(manifest and unmanifest); it is the etheric,
spiritual source of life and consciousness; it
is considered to be eternal, unlimited and
boundless. It is unrestricted by time and
the laws that apply to the temporal world;
it is complete and unifies all that is seen
and unseen throughout the universe.
Sometimes this force is described as a deity
and is personified as a mother/father/god
figure. This illustrates the loving, supportive
and nurturing nature of The Light. But it
transcends any and all of the definitions we
apply to it. That’s not to say reflecting on
the nature of our divine source is a waste of
time though! We can learn a great deal
about ourselves, others and the world
around us through connecting with The
Light and meditating on it. We can seek to
learn more about it even if we know,
ultimately, we lack the capacity to truly
understand it.
Emissaries of The Light - Spiritual
Guidance, Support & Empowerment
The Emissaries of The Light are beings and
persons that exist as pure channels of The
Light. They are individual souls or
consciousnesses that are aligned with The
Light so that they experience no separation
from it and reflect it without corruption.
This kind of consciousness is beyond the
ego. It’s a state that is sometimes referred
to as “The Sight” or “Union With the
Godhead”. Essentially, through our spiritual
practices we are all seeking connection with
The Light. Through years of devotional
practice we may experience insight and
visions that allow us to glimpse the truth of
our spiritual nature. Emissaries of The Light
exist in that transcendental state
perpetually. Alignment with them can assist
us to deepen our relationship with The
There are different types of Emissaries and
we will look at some of these in this article.
Ascended Masters, the Astral Realm &
Ascended Masters are spiritual light-beings
that exist in the astral planes. The astral
planes can be considered trans-dimensional
worlds that are not usually accessible to us
– except through trancework and the
achievement of higher states of
consciousness. Some might call the astral
realms, the ‘heavens’ or the ‘spiritual
The planes of the astral realm resonate at
higher vibrations than those we encounter
in the temporal world so they are rarely
accessible to us except sometimes in
dreams, visions and during out-of-body-
experiences where the energetic body
leaves the physical form for a time.
However, as intangible as these places may
seem to us, to the energetic beings that
occupy them, they are as real and concrete
as the physical world is to us.
Ascended Masters are beings that provide
support and guide to those on a spiritual
journey. Many of them have been human at
some point and have ascended to a higher
plane after death, where they continue
their work in assisting human souls to
evolve and to express the highest spiritual
principles accessible to them. They can
provide healing and assistance in
overcoming limiting beliefs, ego-dominance
and imbalance. They can provide comfort
and help you to realise spiritual gifts such
as clairvoyance, extra-sensory perception,
empathy and healing.
Many healers, spiritual practitioners and
occultists have worked with Ascended
Masters – so there are many definitions,
stories and explanations applied to them.
Some of these light-beings have hundreds
of names or are very complex so they
might be approached by different people, at
different times, in very different ways!
When you connect with a spiritual guide,
they often choose to appear to you in the
archetypal form (character/model) that will
resonate most strongly with you.
In summary, Ascended Masters are
Emissaries of The Light that were probably
(though not always) once human. They
may have been healers, teachers, spiritual-
leaders or great mages while on earth.
They achieved a level of spiritual
development and self-realisation that
allowed them to ascend beyond this earthly
realm and beyond the karmic cycles of
reincarnation. We call this “Enlightenment”.
They exist in a plane of pure spiritual
energy but concern themselves with our
spiritual journeys. They are there to inspire
us to realise our spiritual potential during
incarnation and they will assist us in any
way they can to do this, providing we
approach them with pure intent, high ideals
and without ego.
Avalonians - Celtic Light-Beings, the
Fairy Realm & Glastonbury
The Avalonians are light-beings that exist
trans-dimensionally in the area of
Glastonbury Tor in Somerset, UK. At this
sacred site, two major ley-lines (energy
lines/fairy paths) converge at the famous
Isle of Avalon. The Tor forms a portal to the
hidden realms and there are often sightings
of strange lights and UFOs in this location
The origins of the Avalonians are
mysterious but they have a great
connection to the earth and nature and to
the fairy folk (also called the Fae or Sidhe).
You may want to work with the Avalonians
is if you have English/Celtic heritage or feel
drawn to nature religions like paganism,
Wicca or Druidry.
Detailed courses are available from
Mayastar to connect with these energies:
Avalonian Alignment Programme, Star of
Avalon Ascension & Avalonian Spectal
Activations courses.
Pleiadians - Star People, Starseeds &
the Age of Aquarius
Pleiadians are also called the Star-People.
They are light-beings that originate from
ethereal realms that exist trans-
dimensionally to the stars of the Pleiades.
They have connections to Lemuria, Atlantis
and Avalon, and are usually depicted as
very tall, blond-haired, blue eyed humans
with golden auras that radiate peace,
warmth and harmony. They are concerned
with the spiritual ascension of the planet
itself as well as with individual seekers.
At the Winter Solstice in 2012, our Sun
moved into a dark area of the Milky Way
called The Photon Band. At the same time,
the primary star of the Pleiades, Alcyone,
moved into this band. This was a planetary
initiation and marked the beginning of a
period of accelerated spiritual expansion for
our planet. This shift was the start of the
Age of Aquarius: The spiritual golden age!
It is referred to as the 2012 Harmonic
Working with the Pleiadians can help us to
tap into these advanced currents of spiritual
growth. Especially for those who feel called
to provide healing and spiritual support for
others, as well those who identify as
Starseeds, Indigos, Lightworkers or
There are a number of Pleiadian
attunement courses available through
Mayastar Academy including the 2012
Pleiadian WhiteLight Connections, Pleiadian
Orb of Resonance & Pleiadian DNA Clearing
& Activation.
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