of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Mayastar Temple Services
Welcome to the Mayastar Temple Services
page. I’m Mayastar, High Priestess of the
Mayastar Temple, where I perform energy
attunements, magickal interventions &
spiritual services on behalf my students &
clients. Through these sacred ceremonies, I
intend to bring guidance & inspiration as
well as energetic healing & spiritual support.
Mayastar Temple Donations Your
donations help to support my starseed
mission of bringing inspiration, guidance &
support to those pursuing a healing journey,
through my courses, temple services,
magickal interventions, channelled music,
social media & YouTube channel. If you are
donating £25 or more, you can also choose
to be added to the Mayastar Temple Healing
List for a month.
Distance Energy Healing Sessions from
These energy healing sessions are
performed daily in the Mayastar Temple. You
can choose from any of the energy healing
modalities I teach if you would like to
receive a healing transmission from a
particular system. Alternatively, you can
leave the options open so that I can
intuitively divine the most appropriate &
powerful energies for you at this time.
Each energy healing transmission is 30
minutes & is sent using the Orb of Life
method, which allows the recipient to
activate the session whenever they are
ready. And because of the nature of these
energy transmissions, they can also be
programmed so that you don't need to
consciously call them in! If you prefer, they
can be programmed so that you receive
them automatically when you go to sleep at
night. The benefit of this is that you don't
need to adhere to a special routine, and
sleeping helps you to integrate the energy
more fully.
Energy healing sessions bring healing to the
energy body, increasing the flow of life-force
throughout the system, eliminating
energetic blocks, and restoring balance.
When the energy body is in balance, healing
can take place on other levels.
Energy healing sessions can also be
purchased for personal empowerment. For
example, if you intend to increase your
intuition, you might request energy
transmissions focused on that goal.
NOTE: If you prefer, your energy
healing transmissions can be set up so
that you receive them when you fall
asleep each night.
1 x 30-Minute Mayastar Energy Healing
Session: £40
7 x 30-Minute Mayastar Energy Healing
Sessions: £200
30 x 30-Minute Mayastar Energy
Healing Sessions: £600
Mayastar Temple Blessing Ceremony
The Mayastar Temple Blessing Ceremony is
a sacred magickal ritual that aligns you with
positive & progressive energy currents,
manifests healing & draws good fortune &
blessings to your life. In this ceremony, I
connect with the elemental forces of the
earth, draw in potent energetic forces
through my familiar spirits & guides, and
connect with powerful divine beings to
invoke high-frequency energetic currents
that are channelled, directed & ceremonially
sealed to bring benefits to your life in all
The Temple Blessing isn’t focused on specific
outcomes in the way a spell or magickal
intensive is; it’s an open invitation to the
ancient deities & light-beings that support
the Mayastar Temple to manifest the optimal
opportunities for you at the present time,
that will create the greatest potential for
peace, prosperity & progress in all you do.
A daily Temple Blessing can be purchased
for periods of transition, when starting a
new venture (such as a new job,
relationship or house move), when focusing
on your manifesting work, or simply, when
you feel the energy around you needs a
1 x Mayastar Temple Blessing
Ceremony: £60
3 x Mayastar Temple Blessing
Ceremony: £150
7 x Mayastar Temple Blessing
Ceremony: £280
30 x Mayastar Temple Blessing
Ceremony: £600
Mayastar Spiritual Mentoring
My spiritual mentoring services allow you to
connect with me directly by email in order
to receive guidance on your spiritual path.
With this option, you can email me weekly
with a question, situation or experience you
would like to receive guidance on. I will
connect with my familiar spirits & guides,
using Tarot as medium & will respond to
your questions each week by email with the
guidance I receive from the spirits, along
with my own personal counsel & wisdom.
But, you don’t need to have questions for
me or the spirits to choose mentoring! Each
mentoring session can be left open to the
Universe to bring through whatever you
need at the time including suggestions for
healing techniques, spiritual practices,
meditations & the symbols & archetypes
that would be most beneficial for you to
connect with to progress your path & bring
your life into a closer alignment with your
highest spiritual self.
This option also can also provide guidance
on which Mayastar courses and/or Maya
Magickal workings are optimal for you at the
present time. Additionally, if you would like
to consult with me but are not ready to
pursue further options, you can purchase a
single mentoring session to receive my one-
to-one intuitive & inspired direction.
The Universe always knows what you need
to know & through these sessions, I channel
that information for you & enhance, expand
& explore that divine guidance using my
own experience & insight.
1 x Mayastar Spiritual Mentoring
Session: £80
3 x Weekly Mayastar Spiritual
Mentoring Sessions: £220
6 x Weekly Mayastar Spiritual
Mentoring Sessions: £400
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