of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement
Harnessing the Feminine Energies of the Sun
for Healing & Spiritual Development
The Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement
was channelled by Maya during a Beltane
ritual to celebrate the beginning of Summer.
The Beltane festival falls on the 30th April
and marks a very important ‘fire festival’ in
the pagan calendar.
The period from the Beltane to the
Midsummer Solstice (around 21st-23rd June
depending on the year) marks the time of
the year when the solar energies are at their
most potent and are increasing in strength
as the days draw on (in the Northern
hemisphere). The natural earth tides are
concerned only with growth, vitality and
abundance. North of the equator, the season
is turning and the Sun’s power is beginning
to increase a little each day as the year
Our ancient ancestors understood the power
and significance of particular cosmological
alignments and built monuments to
specifically to mark and track these events,
and to celebrate them. Stonehenge in
South-West England is an example of such a
sacred monument that is very significant for
the Solstices.
There are many today that still observe and
celebrate these events; my personal
religious observations follow the natural
tides of the year and during this particular
seasonal festival, the focus of the ritual was
the Norse Goddess, Sunna: The Goddess of
the Sun.
In some of the popular mythologies, Greek
and Roman for example, deities associated
with the Sun have tended to be male.
However, further north, the qualities of the
Sun were perceived very differently because
of the climatic variance.
During the Beltane fire festival ritual, we
celebrated the waxing of the Solar current as
Sunna rides the sky, drawing closer to the
Earth and bringing the world back to life
after the colder winter months. Starting at
Mid-Winter and increasing in influence as the
year turns to Midsummer, Sunna’s power is
felt and its effect seen, all around us.
The sleeping trees awaken, stretch to the
sky and green; flowers and plants stir within
the dark Earth as they sense her warmth
and emerge to bask in her light; hibernating
animals awaken and begin their annual rites
of courtship and subsequent mating rituals;
during this time, the world is filled with
expressed fertility and abundance; the
encouragement and nurturing of life and the
joy and hope the season evokes with such
bounteous scenes affects us all. You can
almost taste the healing quality of the
energy in air!
This force of energy will be imprinted and
‘stored’ within your energy field to be called
upon whenever you would like to invoke and
express it for whatever purpose you choose.
The course manual includes the following:
· Introduction
· Solar Deities
· Global Warming
· Quantum Physics
· The Power of the Mind
· Complementary Therapies & Healing
· Kirlian Photography & evidence of the
reality of subtle energies
· Solar Goddesses Around the World
· The Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement
· Sunna – information about the Norse
Goddess of the Sun
· Solar Associations
· Creating and Charging Talismans
· Applications for Solar Goddess Radiance
· Affirmations for prosperity, healing, beauty,
love, peace and courage
· Global Warming
· Prayer to Svalin for Environmental Healing
· Solar Goddess Radiance Healing Meditation
· Solar Goddess Radiance Healing for Others
· Empowering sacred objects with Solar
Goddess Radiance (such as wands)
· Creating a Circle of Protection around you
· Using Solar Goddess Radiance energy to
cleanse the energy in a room/house
· Your Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement
· After Your Attunement
· Grounding
· Attuning Others
· How attunements work
· Preparing to treat or teach others
· How energy healing works
· Information about energy exchange
Course includes:
1 distant attunement
48-page course manual, in pdf format by
Maya’s exclusive eBook: "The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium. This includes
information about energy anatomy,
spirituality, healing, meditation &
provides a broad base of knowledge to
enhance your healing & spiritual
development work.
The Mayastar Information Pack
An Accredited Certificate of Achievement
& lineage. Your lineage is proof you’ve
been attuned by someone from a line of
genuine masters
The option to upgrade your Certificate of
Achievement to a Mayastar Diploma for
an upgrade fee of £20. To receive this
higher award, you need to submit a 300-
word essay about the modality, along
with 3 case-studies to demonstrate your
experience of using it. Read about
Mayastar’s advanced programmes here…
Attunement(s) sent using the Orb of Life
method within 3 days of purchase
Unlimited email support from Maya for
the duration of your course
No time limits or deadlines! You are
encouraged to learn at your own pace
and to enjoy your journey with Mayastar.
Read more about how courses work
Prerequisites: None
Solar Goddess Radiance Course: £40
Diploma Certification Optional Upgrade:
Divine Feminine Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package (includes:
Amara Omni Empowerment, Goddess
Unveiled Radiance Healing, Mary
Magdalene’s Inner Temple
Empowerment, Rosa Mystica Soul
Retrieval, Goddess Yemaya’s
Bequeathal, Solar Goddess Radiance,
Quan Yin’s Compassionate Heart
Healing). An accredited certificate of
achievement is issued for each course as
part of the package. On submission of a
300-word essay & 3 case studies that
demonstrate your understanding &
experience of each course, a basic diploma
certificate is issued. If you complete all
courses in the package to the diploma level,
you will receive an advanced diploma.
This package can count towards Mayastar
Degree Programmes. To receive a "Mayastar
Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 5 advanced diplomas; to receive a
"Mayastar Master of Energy Healing Degree"
you need to complete 10 advanced
diplomas; and to receive a "Mayastar Doctor
of Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 15 advanced diplomas. The
advanced diploma packages can be found
through the “Course Category Menus” at the
top of this page.
Divine Feminine Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package: £300 (save
£140 on the regular fees)
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!