of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Wisdom of the Stars Series: Sirian Light
Pyramid Activation
Channelled by Maya in 2024
The Sirians are light beings that originate
from the Sirius star system which is the
brightest star in Earth's night sky, located in
the constellation Canis Major.
Sirius has been an object of fascination and
reverence across numerous ancient cultures,
including those of Egypt, Greece, and
indigenous tribes in Africa and the Americas.
And still today, in New Age circles, Sirius
and the Light-Beings connected with it,
inspire and provide guidance to many
spiritual seekers and Starseeds.
The Sirians are credited with providing the
ancients with technological advancements in
both practical sciences and spiritual
development, and through these
attunements, we can connect with the
Sirians to progress our own spiritual paths.
Through these attunements we access the
power of the energetic technology of the
Light Pyramid. This sacred geometric tool
can be used to amplify light energy, and
using the tools and techniques described in
this course, you can explore different ways
to access the amplifying effects of this
sacred geometric technology.
The Sirian Light Pyramid Activation can be
used for channelling energy, accessing
higher levels of consciousness, facilitating
lucid dreaming or astral travel, amplifying
energy, healing, grounding, protection,
manifesting, meditation and connecting to
the Sirians for guidance, insight and
downloads of energy and wisdom to
progress your ascension journey.
Each course in the "Wisdom of the Stars"
series consists of three energy attunements:
Alignment, Empowerment, and Activation.
The Alignment attunement aligns your
energy field with the vibrational frequencies
of the Star People, creating a harmonious
resonance between your soul and their
collective energy. The Empowerment
attunement strengthens your connection to
the Star People, amplifying your intuitive
abilities and spiritual gifts. Finally, the
Activation attunement activates the new
light-codes within your energy field that are
integrated as you continue to work with the
energy. As these codes are integrated, you
awaken to your true cosmic heritage and
This course includes an activation symbol
and a light-language mantra that you can
use to access and amplify the energies of
the Sirian Light Pyramid. These sacred tools
serve as keys to connect with the powerful
healing currents of the Sirians, experience
their loving energy and receive their
guidance on your journey to wholeness.
Course includes:
3 distant attunements
40-page course manual by Maya, in pdf
format by email
Maya’s exclusive eBook: "The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium. This includes
information about energy anatomy,
spirituality, healing, meditation &
provides a broad base of knowledge to
enhance your healing & spiritual
development work.
The Mayastar Information Pack
An Accredited Certificate of Achievement
& lineage. Your lineage is proof you’ve
been attuned by someone from a line of
genuine masters
The option to upgrade your Certificate of
Achievement to a Mayastar Diploma for
an upgrade fee of £20. To receive this
higher award, you need to submit a 300-
word essay about the modality, along
with 3 case-studies to demonstrate your
experience of using it. Read about
Mayastar’s advanced programmes here…
Attunement(s) sent using the Orb of Life
method within 3 days of purchase
Unlimited email support from Maya for
the duration of your course
No time limits or deadlines! You are
encouraged to learn at your own pace
and to enjoy your journey with Mayastar.
Read more about how courses work
Prerequisites: None
Wisdom of the Stars Series: Sirian Light
Pyramid Activation Course: £60
Diploma Certification Optional Upgrade:
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!