of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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Shakti Energy: Your Questions
Answered | Divine Feminine Energy
Shakti is the name given to the divine
feminine energetic current that is expressed
through, and underpins the whole of
creation. The name “Shakti” means ”force”
or “power” and is also the name of the
goddess that is partnered with the Hindu
god, Shiva. Shakti isn’t always depicted as
the lover-goddess of Shiva however; the
word “Shakti” can also be used to refer to
divine feminine energy as a formless,
limitless and sacred spiritual power.
All Gods are One God & All Goddesses
are Aspects of Shakti
The writer, Marion Zimmer Bradley famously
said that “all gods are one god and all
goddesses are one goddess”. This idea
expresses the concept of Shakti beautifully.
Shakti can be considered the energetic pillar
that proceeds from the highest energetic
frequencies, and is fully expressed when it is
grounded into physicality. In this paradigm,
the physical world is considered sacred
because it’s part of the expression of the
goddess, and the goddess herself is sacred.
This philosophy invites us to celebrate and
honour our bodies, the world we live in and
everything we encounter in the temporal
world by recognising that it’s all connected
to us through the unifying force of the
goddess. And just as Shakti finds expression
in the world of “things” and “time”, she also
finds expression through all depictions of
divine feminine energy. All goddesses can be
considered aspects of Shakti. So whether
you feel inspired by Isis, drawn to Diana,
excited by Eris or moved by Melusine,
answering the call of the goddess is a potent
way of connecting with your own Shakti.
The Goddess Shakti & the Importance of
Shakti Energy in the Modern Age
The goddess Shakti represents life and life-
force. It’s said that without her, Shiva takes
on the affect of a corpse. Shakti’s energy is
considered the animating component that
expresses life, creativity and abundance.
She is depicted as a dancer whose spirit and
passion find full grounding in her being as
she embodies higher spiritual energies
through her physical form and expresses her
divine nature through every intuitive step.
She reminds us that authenticity means
embracing and expressing the eternal and
spiritual through the temporal and earthly
Shakti manifests through all people, all living
things, the planets, the stars and the earth
itself. Wherever life exists, Shakti exists. And
you are an expression of Shakti too! In the
modern age, an important part of working
with Shakti is learning to appreciate that
compartmentalising the spiritual side of
things and seeing spirituality as separate to
“reality” is a flawed model; and that the
etheric essence of everything is essential,
evolving and eternal.
The Importance of Shakti for Healing &
Shakti is the Great Mother Goddess – the
matrix of energy that gives birth to the
entire Universe and then nourishes it
through continuous energetic expression and
expansion. At this time, many people feel
called to connect with the divine feminine
energetic current because the systems of
power we operate with in the world as a
whole are more aligned with the masculine
energetic current. Without the sacred
feminine being represented in a balanced
way, the divine feminine current becomes
restricted, compromised and stagnant; and
without the balancing effect of Shakti, the
divine masculine energetic principle is
expressed in blunted, superficial and toxic
Consciously connecting with the goddess
within, and the goddess without helps us to
balance the archetypes within our own
energy field. This is important for those who
wish to pursue a healing journey because
divine feminine energy is needed to help us
counter the analytical, logical and practical
nature of divine masculine energy that tends
to be over-expressed, and unbalanced in the
modern age.
Spiritual Practices for Awakening Shakti
& Exploring the Divine Feminine
Bringing divine feminine energy into our
lives can look different for different people
because it’s about tapping into that
energetic source and allowing it to flow
through us so that it can be expressed in a
unique and authentic way. For some, that
might be choosing to dedicate a daily
spiritual practice to the goddess and to
consciously work towards embodying her
energy or aspects of her nature. Some ideas
for this might be, developing a daily dance
ritual – where you mindfully connect with
the goddess and ask her to guide you in
your dance so that you can feel her
presence; or you might dedicate a day every
week to goddess-based self-care where you
take a “spa-day” for yourself – have a long,
relaxing bath, listen to soul-nourishing
meditations and choose your food with the
idea that you’re sharing it with the goddess
when you eat it and invite her to enjoy it
with you; or you might make small changes
to your daily yoga or energy healing practice
to align yourself with the goddess by adding
a particular mantra or maybe choosing to
work with an energy healing system that
connects with divine feminine energy.
Goddesses to Inspire Your Divine
Feminine Spiritual Practice
Here are a few divine feminine figures that
you can connect with and meditate on in
order to align with the goddess within and
awaken to the flow of Shakti in your own
life. I’ve chosen archetypes and goddesses
that can be connected with through
Mayastar courses so that if you feel a calling
to a particular goddess, you can find out
more about her and learn to work with her
through energy healing techniques if inspired
to do so!
Amara: Through channelling, the aspect of
the Great Mother Goddess that inspired,
supported & guided the ancient Lemurians
has revealed herself to spiritual seekers,
Starseeds & Lightworkers in the modern age.
As an oceanic goddess & divine creator, she
shares many attributes of the African Great
Mother Goddess, Yemaya. And in reflecting
the mysteries of the collective unconscious,
the sacred feminine & the depths of human
emotion, she also reflects many of the
characteristics of Quan Yin.
Amara has a special place in the hearts of
those drawn to the new age that are feeling
the call to pursue their own healing journey
with a view to progressing the spiritual
ascension of the planet as a whole by their
contribution. All people, in all places and at
all times are children of the Great Mother
Amara and she reaches out through dreams,
visions and intuition to encourage us to
remember our true divine nature in order to
live, love and learn with greater authenticity.
Isis: Isis is the Great Mother Goddess of
Ancient Egypt; she is reflected in two main
forms: Isis Veiled and Isis Unveiled. As Isis
Veiled she depicts the physical
demonstrations of life – the richness,
opulence and fertility of the earth. As a
nature-based goddess she shares many
attributes with other nature goddesses like
the Greek Artemis, Roman Diana and Norse
Frigg or Freya. The plants and animals
represent the physical 3D reality that can be
considered her “veil”. This idea reminds us
that what we perceive within the physical
realm is sacred and beyond the appearance
is the true spiritual source of our reality.
Isis Unveiled is represented by the symbol of
The Moon and its cycles of life, death and
rebirth. The Moon moves the tides and
represents the hidden and secret parts of
our divinity that are revealed in the
darkness. The darkness doesn’t represent
something negative here. When it comes to
the goddess, the darkness can represent
what is hidden or unknown; it can also
represent the unconscious mind and the
collective unconscious which is the world of
dreams, symbols, mythology and magick. In
her Unveiled form, we appreciate the higher
spiritual nature of the goddess and can
connect with her to enhance our intuition,
psychic awareness and abilities in the
magickal arts.
Quan Yin: Quan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy
& Compassion. While she originates in China,
she has developed a large following around
the world. In Japan she is called Kannon.
And she shares many aspects with the
goddess, Tara of Tibet.
Quan Yin is also a being of enlightenment
and growth known as a ‘Bodhisattva’: a
being devoted to the enlightenment of all
beings. She offers support and guidance to
those who wish to let go of their ego
attachments and embrace her
compassionate way. Many meditate on her
image in order cultivate this depth of divine
Her full name is ‘Quan Shi Yin’ which means
“she who hears the cries of the world”. And
the cries that she hears are those heartfelt,
perfect prayers, that come when the ego has
been quieted; the perfect utterances of the
heart and spirit that open us to experiences
of the limitless divine.
Energy Healing Modalities for Divine
Feminine Alignment & Shakti
You can find a number of attunement-based
energy healing modalities that facilitate
connection with the Divine Feminine on the
Mayastar website. Some recommendations
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Lemurian
Goddess Amara Attunement
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Shakti
Rising Attunement
Mary Magdalene’s Inner Temple
Quan Yin’s Compassionate Heart Healing
Goddess Yemaya’s Bequeathal
IsisUnveiled Radiance Healing
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