of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Ancient Norse Runes | Symbols for
Healing, Magick & Spiritual
Development | A Mayastar Energy
Healing Article
Runes of the Elder Futhark
There are 24 runes that form the Elder
Futhark, or alphabet, of the traditional Norse
system. They are usually divided into 3 sets
of 8 runes that are attributed to different
deities. The first set of 8 is connected to the
goddess Freya because it starts with the
Fehu rune, which means “cattle” & which
embodies qualities that align with her. The
second 8 are considered those belonging to
Hel, because the first rune of that set is
Hagalaz which means “hail” and is sacred to
the goddess Hel who rules the underworld.
And the final set belong to Tyr, the sky-god,
because the first rune of that set is Teiwaz,
which means “Pole Star”, and the powers of
this rune connect it to the nature of the god
The Runic Symbols & Interpreting Their
Each rune represents a powerful spiritual
force that expresses an aspect of Universal
Energy. A symbol is something that “stands
for” a particular quality rather than
necessarily embodying it entirely. For
example, with the runes discussed above,
Fehu means “cattle” because cattle refer to
wealth. Before bank accounts & credit cards,
holding your wealth in “cattle” meant you
had something to trade, something to eat &
something to fertilise your crops. So the
symbol of the rune triggers the memory that
it means “cattle”, and if you’ve studied the
runes & their meanings, you can then draw
on your knowledge & experience to express
its further meanings. For example, when you
meditate on this rune you might start by
considering how wealth & prosperity were
tied to cattle historically, then reflect on the
ways wealth & prosperity are expressed in
modern times, & finally, look at the ways
wealth & prosperity are expressed in your
own life.
Using Systems of Symbols for Healing,
Magick & Spiritual Development
Symbols are universal, but can only be
interpreted subjectively. What you bring to
the mix will be your own unique
configuration, based on your own unique
experience & understanding. Regularly
working with a magickal system like the
runes, tarot or qabalah, can create an
energetic construct that you use as a way to
interpret your real-life experiences, spiritual
experiences & interactions with subtle
energetic forces that are otherwise difficult
to define. Over the years, this can build into
a powerful magickal tool!
The unique qualities of sacred spiritual
symbols can be accessed through a variety
of energy healing modalities – but the runes
have a long tradition & over the centuries,
have built up layers of meaning built by
thousands (or maybe millions) of people &
their own experiences of the runes & the
energies they represent. Because of this
long tradition, the runes can be easier to
work with for some people. Especially once
they’ve put in the groundwork by studying,
memorising & meditating on all of the runes
over a period of time.
An example of how this might work means
returning to the Fehu rune. A person new to
runes reads that it means “cattle”; they read
about the connection with the goddess Freya
& the association with wealth & prosperity.
Perhaps they read some books about
mythology that further embellish the rune in
their experience. And perhaps they build up
associations by thinking about how their job,
motivation & ability to earn a wage might be
reflected in the Fehu rune. Over the months
& years, they will gain more experience of
financial affairs & other things might become
associated with the rune Fehu for them. For
example, they might start a business or
learn about the Law of Attraction; they
might buy a house & take out a mortgage;
they might decide to leave their job & apply
for a new one. And all the time, the
energetic structure of the runes gives them
a way to objectively consider their personal
experiences while the runes gain greater
meaning & magick in their lives.
There’s no way to rush that process! But
there are ways to get started with the runes
by exploring their magickal & healing
qualities. The Run Valdr course (which
means “rune power”) connects you with the
source energy that’s expressed through the
runes & teaches you some techniques for
using them in your spiritual practice. You can
learn to use the runes for protection, healing
& personal empowerment through this
attunement & this can get you started on a
life-time’s exploration of the runic
Mayastar, Maya Magickal & the Norse
As a devoted High Priestess of the Northern
Tradition, I work regularly & extensively with
the runes in my personal magickal work as
well as in the magickal work I carry out for
others through Maya Magickal. Currently
there are Tantric Shamanic Rituals (with
Divinity Assumption Channelling options) for
the Valkryie Warrior Heart Power &
Protection Ritual, Odin Magickal Initiation &
Wisdom Ritual, Heimdall Revelation &
Illumination Ritual & the Loki Catalyst of
Change Ritual. And at the time of writing, 2
new Tantric Shamanic Rituals (for connection
to Freya & Hel) are in development!
Additionally, I’ve had great honour of
completing a tailored 24-day magickal
intensive for clients seeking deeper
connection & personal initiation into the
runes through the Yggdrasil Intensive.
You can follow me & receive updates on
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr,
Wordpress, Twitter & Linkedin.
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