of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
About Reiki
The word Reiki (pronounced 'Ray-Kee') is
defined as Universal or Spiritual (Rei) Life
Force Energy (Ki). Traditional Usui Reiki (also
called Usui Shiki Ryoho) is a very powerful
healing system - but it is also essentially
very simple and anyone can learn to use it to
help them develop a sense of wholeness on
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
levels. Reiki can be used to heal yourself on
all levels, enhance your spiritual
development, heal other people, heal
animals and for many other purposes.
The Reiki healing system is believed to have
originated in the Far East where it was
rediscovered by a Japanese doctor called
Mikao Usui. Following years of study, Usui
underwent a spontaneous attunement to the
energy we now call Reiki. He was shown
how to work with the energy and universal
symbols. Dr Usui continued for many years
to work with the technique to heal others as
well as to teach and attune people to the
Mrs Takata was attuned by one of Usui's
students after receiving treatment in a Reiki
clinic. Mrs Takata brought the system to the
West and the lineage of all Reiki Masters
(working in the traditional system of Dr Usui)
can ultimately be traced back to Dr Usui and
Mrs Takata.
Being attuned to Reiki does not entail
conversion or adoption of spiritual beliefs or
practices from any particular religion or
philosophy. If you have a spiritual belief
system, Reiki will tend to strengthen that
and your experiences through Reiki will help
you understand and define your own beliefs.
A Reiki attunement is a passing on of the
ability to channel and use Universal Reiki
energy. This can be used to help the person
heal (on physical, mental emotional and
spiritual levels), to facilitate spiritual
development, to ease stress, to cleanse an
item or area and to balance and harmonise
the energy of a person/animal/place etc.
Reiki complements other holistic therapies
very well and can be used in conjunction
with other treatments such as colour
therapy, massage, crystal healing - basically
any therapy where it is appropriate to use a
'hands on' approach.
Reiki treatments are given by gently placing
the hands on the body of the (clothed)
recipient in various positions. The energy
flows through the practitioner and into the
client and increases the level of Reiki energy
throughout their system. The increased flow
allows for blocks of stagnant energy to be
released and thereby restores the system to
its natural harmonious and balanced state.
Reiki can also be sent at a distance using
sacred Reiki symbols that are taught at Reiki
Level II. The nature of Reiki is universal and
infinite; time and distance are no barriers to
the energy. Distance treatment can be given
without diminishing the benefit of the
There are various Reiki ‘brands’ and
modalities available today – most are simply
variations on the traditional teachings of Dr.
Usui. Some of these newer modalities can
enhance your Reiki experience but I
(personally) see them more as
enhancements of the original system rather
than substitutes of it and feel they are best
taught in addition to the traditional
techniques rather than instead of them.
If you are interested in purchasing the
Complete Usui Reiki Course please follow this
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“Our Reiki Ryoho (method) is something
absolutely original and cannot be
compared with any other (spiritual)
path in the world. This is why I would
like to make this method available to
the public for the well-being of
humanity. Each of us has the potential
of being given a gift by the divine, which
results in the body and soul becoming
unified. In this way, a great many
people will experience the blessing of
the divine.” Dr. Mikao Usui
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