of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
The Great Goddess Quan Yin
(Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing)
This article is an excerpt from “Quan Yin’s
Compassionate Heart Healing” - an
attunement-based energy healing modality
channelled by Maya.
The Great Goddess of antiquity finds her
expression through numerous and diverse
depictions of personified deity. From Mary the
Mother of Jesus, to Isis the Mother Goddess
of Egypt; through Gaia (Mother Earth), to
Frigga, Kali, Tara and Quan Yin. Her power is
conveyed through thousands of beloved
delineations that extend from one side of the
world to the other and span aeons of time!
The Great Goddess has been loved,
celebrated and reinvented in the hearts of
billions of people since the dawn of time.
And, while she is a complex and multi-faceted
presence, she is considered her most
accessible and is most often related to, as a
Mother Goddess.
Quan Yin is a personification of the Great
Mother Goddess that many feel called to for
help and healing. She personifies the gentlest
and most empathic side of the Great
Goddess. Her law is unconditional and
boundless love. Her commandment is mercy.
Her gift is compassion.
Quan Yin
Quan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy &
Compassion. While she originates in China,
she has developed a large following around
the world. In Japan she is called Kannon. And
she shares many aspects with the goddess,
Tara of Tibet.
Quan Yin is also a being of enlightenment and
growth known as a ‘Bodhisattva’: a being
devoted to the enlightenment of all beings.
She offers support and guidance to those who
wish to let go of their ego attachments and
embrace her compassionate way. Many
meditate on her image in order cultivate this
depth of divine love.
Her full name is ‘Quan Shi Yin’ which means
“she who hears the cries of the world”. And
the cries that she hears are those heartfelt,
perfect prayers, that come when the ego has
been quieted; the perfect utterances of the
heart and spirit that open us to experiences of
the limitless divine.
Quan Yin Upon the Dragon
There are many depictions of Quan Yin but
one of my favourite images shows her
standing on the back of a serpentine dragon;
she wears an expression of peace and
satisfaction and her posture conveys
confidence & compassion. In one hand she
holds a vase that contains the tears of those
who cry to her for help; the other hand holds
a rice plant that reveals her power over the
natural world.
The dragon she rides is representative of the
ego and of the fiery yang-energy current. The
dragon is symbolic of our desires and
emotions; its endless, undulating dance
reflects the constant movement of the
turbulent passions within us, and how we
externalise these by our intentions and
I see this image as depicting the ego-dragon
reacting to the stormy waves of emotion with
limited consciousness. Quan Yin creates a
safe-space and allows the dragon to
experience the waves of emotion without the
judgment and attachment of ego-based
awareness; providing access to the sacred
nature. Wherever she is called, a portal of
love, compassion and mercy is created.
Working with this system allows us to do the
same for ourselves and others to effect
healing and spiritual growth.
This article is an excerpt from “Quan Yin’s
Compassionate Heart Healing” - an
attunement-based energy healing modality
channelled by Maya | Connect with the Great
Goddess of Compassion & Mercy for deep
healing through powerful yin energetic
This gentle but powerful energy can be used
for self-healing, animal healing, healing
others, distance healing, in cases of anxiety,
insomnia, PTSD or any emotional imbalance,
healing past life trauma, processing grief or
shock. Working with this energy creates an
energetic safe-space within and supports you
as you process difficult experiences or face
challenging emotions in order to manifest the
gifts of wisdom and spiritual progress.
Quan Yin's limitless compassion for all beings
is a powerful antidote to many of the
struggles we face in a world of yang
dominance. This beautiful energy allows you
to step into an oasis of calm using meditation
and healing techniques to soothe the soul &
bring your energy back into equilibrium.
1 attunement. 42 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna May.
Read more about “Quan Yin’s Compassionate
Heart Healing Course” here…
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