of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health -
An article by Maya (2009)
Please email me if you would like to receive a
free copy of the Mayastar Information pack in
pdf format by email. This has information
about Psychic Self Defence, the occult and
Wicca in it that may be of interest to you as
well as much more information about
I receive a number of emails through
Mayastar Academy and Maya Magickal from
people that feel they are experiencing
negative effects of what they perceive to be
psychic attack or the effects of black magick
levelled against them. And so I have decided
to put this guide together so that if you fall
into this category.
At 18 I was initiated as a High Priestess in
Gardnerian Wicca and during my years with
the coven (and subsequent studies and
solitary ritual work), I learnt a good deal
about these things so I feel qualified to offer
you advice on how you may be able to help
yourself with these things.
I now work shamanically and using
traditional witchcraft techniques that harness
the forces of nature to effect change in a
person’s life. You can find out more on
I am happy to work magickally to create a
protection barrier around you using my
Protection Spell – and sometimes a
combination of two or three spells performed
over the space of a month can resolve any
problem by making sure whatever the
perceived cause of the situation may be, the
actual situation is covered by the working;
often what is perceived as a psychic attack
from another person or entity is not quite
what it seems; our rational minds try to put a
‘name and face’ to the situation and we can
end up envisioning a situation that’s rather
different to the fact of the matter. But my
spells are worked in a way that ensures that
no all bases are covered so you don’t need to
determine the cause or define the situation
for them to work.
But let’s have a look at some facts about
what is commonly called ‘psychic attack’…
What is Psychic Attack?
The most common beings that involve
themselves in affecting humans on an
energetic level are called ‘lower astral beings.
These beings are not necessarily evil or
demonic or ‘soul suckers’; but they can be
very mischievous and the energy they
emanate can inspire paranoia or compound
the negative thoughts or feelings of the
individual involved. This in turn can attract
more negative beings to them and left
unchecked, the situation may escalate.
This kind of situation can often arise at times
in our lives when our own psychic defences
are low due to emotional problems; such as
following a relationship break up, during
adolescence, following bereavement and (the
worst culprit) 'playing' with ouija
boards...practising occult work that involves
invoking demons (usually called 'High Magick'
as opposed to 'Low Magick' which involves
invoking and working with neutral energies of
It's worth considering the amount of 'pride'
involved in thinking you can 'invoke demons
and tell them what to do without having any
negative effects! Pride comes before a fall
after all! So those who do ‘dabble’ in ‘High
Magick’ are taking a serious risk.
It is important to be aware of these things
but also vitally important to keep them in
perspective; if you lose perspective, things
will inevitably seem a lot worse!
The lower astral beings that can interfere
with us are not physical beings; most have
never been human; and all of them (in
accordance with Universal Law) MUST LEAVE
IF YOU TELL THEM TO!! It’s as simple as
that. The quickest way to get rid of them is
to tell them to go away! The problem that
people have is that they experience a bout of
negativity from one such being and allow it
to frighten them – and this fear just
encourages them; in effect, you could say
they feed off of fear; though they are drawn
to any negative vibration – fear just happens
to be the lowest of these.
What Can You Do?
For your part, you would need to practice
regularly any energy healing/attunement
based course techniques you learn; this
would help you keep your 'energy' up. And
also make sure to be grounding yourself
And, should you sense the presence of a
‘negative entity’, simply make sure you don’t
over react emotionally but instead, forcefully
tell it to ‘go away’ (simply telling it to f***
off is perfectly effective – you don’t need to
know latin!). I've done this myself and found
it very effective!
If you are experiencing any physical
symptoms or feeling depressed on an
ongoing basis, you absolutely must seek
medical advice from your GP. The same goes
for if you’re experiencing hallucinations
(visual or auditory) – it can be very hard to
tell whether the manifestation is internal or
external, but it’s always best to make sure all
bases are covered and you ensure your own
mental/emotional/physical health is kept
checked too.
Regular self-healing treatment with an
energy healing modality can support you
even if your problem originates with a
physical/mental/emotional cause. But it’s
always best to deal with any problems on all
fronts; using whatever ‘tools’ are available to
you in order to achieve the best result in the
shortest time.
What Can I do?
It’s impossible for me to give advice that will
sort every problem out. But Mayastar deal
with problems on a holistic basis so, my
advice would always be to deal with any
problem on every front in order for the most
effective solution.
There are protection based energy healing
courses that you might be interested in. For
information, follow this link... and of course,
I am happy to work magickally on a person’s
behalf. Even if it’s a case that the person
isn’t sure the problem is on an energetic
level, I am happy to work magickally on a
‘being on the safe side’ way.
If you are concerned that there are negative
entities around you or someone levelling
negative magick towards you and it’s
affecting you, email me and I'll be pleased to
discuss the options with you.
Maya X
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