of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Psychic Protection on the Healing
The decision to pursue a healing journey is
the decision to align more completely with
your authentic spiritual self. It’s a heroic
path because when you choose to pursue
your healing, you’re accepting that you have
the power to change your own life! Along
with the empowerment, there can be some
challenges too. It can be difficult to
overcome beliefs, habits, and ways of living
that no longer serve you!
Over time, dedication to your healing path
brings rewards of increased intuition, inner-
peace, and spiritual strength. But along the
way, there can be times when your energy is
out of balance because you’re dealing with
healing aspects of yourself, and uncovering
areas that need healing. At the beginning of
your spiritual journey, there’s often a
tendency to focus on the spiritual aspects of
life and to neglect the more mundane or
earthly aspects. This can result in a lack of
grounding and when we’re ungrounded, our
energy is vulnerable to external influences –
particularly from unhealed, toxic, or
negative people around you!
During periods of high stress, emotional
dysregulation, or significant change, our
energy body can be knocked out of balance.
We may experience blocks to our energy
that we can work on healing. But as we
become aware of the areas that need
healing, we also become aware of the way
they impede the free-flow of life-force-
energy through the spiritual body.
As you progress on your spiritual journey,
you will learn to maintain your energy field
in such a way that you naturally protect
yourself against the conscious and
unconscious “psychic attacks” that we all
face. When you’re starting out and your
sensitivity is increasing, it can feel like
you’re too sensitive, or perhaps that the
people around you have changed, when in
fact, all that’s changed is that you’re now
aware of the effect lower energy vibrations
have on you.
So, what can you do about it? Is there a way
to keep your energy body more protected?
Is there a way you can increase your
spiritual strength? Is there a ways that you
ground yourself during times you feel
energetically limited? YES! YES! AND YES!
And what’s more, there are many
techniques that you can work with to assist
in maintaining your energetic integrity,
protecting yourself from psychic attack, and
ensuring your energy body is balanced.
Grounding yourself every morning and
evening (and throughout the day if needed),
is the simplest way to adapt your regular
spiritual practice to ensure it’s properly
balanced. Making a routine of performing a
grounding exercise is a great idea if you’re
making a routine of performing a meditation
or healing exercise each day. It can seem
like a lot of work to start with, but once
you’re used to it, it becomes second nature.
Try out the Grounding Visualisation here…
There are more elaborate ways to create an
energetic safe-space too! Using ritual
techniques and special healing modalities
can help you to protect your energy, banish
harmful low-vibrations, and detox your aura.
The Elemental Pentagram & Magic Circle
Empowerments course is excellent for
creating a sacred space in which to
meditate, perform healing work, and
develop your own rituals. Casting a circle is
a powerful ritual in itself and learning to do
this gives you a great foundation in energy
Dark Moon Mother Protection can be used to
protect you from the conscious and
unconscious influences of those around you,
as well as defending against lower astral
beings or attachments. And Goddess Diana’s
Mirror Shield Activations can create an
impervious energetic barrier that will allow
you to maintain your energetic integrity, and
protect you from conscious and unconscious
psychic attacks, baneful magick, and energy
However you choose to maintain your
spiritual security, regular maintenance will
improve and enhance your spiritual practice
by ensuring your energy is properly
grounded too. Without sufficient grounding,
the high frequency energies we work with
for healing, manifesting, and magick can’t
be effectively used because we’re unable to
fully translate them into the physical realm.
As your energy becomes more resilient and
stable through regular spiritual practice and
grounding/protection, you are able to
channel higher energy frequencies and
utilise them in new ways!
Read more or purchase Elemental
Pentagram & Magic Circle Course
Read more or purchase the Dark Moon
Mother Protection Course
Read more or purchase Goddess Diana’s
Mirror Shield Activations
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