of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Perceptions of Reality
The illusion of man lies in his mind. For the
mind dictates the nature of his perceived
reality. This reality would be based on
knowledge, life experiences, karmic patterns,
genetically inherited beliefs and societal
dictates. However, the wisdom of the Higher
Mind recognizes the connection to God,
although this is simply the first step to Self
Mastery. If the Higher Mind, and the knowing
that comes with this, cannot filter into a level
of conscious understanding, or reach the
depth of the Soul within man, then the
perceived duality spreads into the genetic
memory, based on separation and negative
ego allurements. And this genetic memory is
the predominant influence in shaping the
reality of man. As such, the importance of
clearing this false memory becomes the
priority in the early parts of the Spiritual
journey, the journey into the One Reality
within All That Is. In fact, in the early parts
of shifting and transmuting this genetic
memory, man can make enormous progress.
Then there comes a pause as man integrates
“new/ancient beliefs” and plays them out in
his everyday reality. This could be considered
an initiation. What he has shifted and then
remembered and awakened within the
dormant DNA, becomes the focus of his
reality. Man’s ability to flow with the Life
lessons he now chooses, and in many cases,
initially appearing as more challenging,
shows how far he, the initiate, has come.
The spiral growth pattern thus continues to
allow the new initiate to transmute, awaken
and remember, and take him further into the
depth of his Soul Consciousness, until the
point of transcendence. This is the point of
letting go of the duality completely in
surrender and trust, and acknowledging the
completeness and wholeness of where the
initiate is at this point. Then the real work
can truly commence. Firstly, the initiate
chooses not to let any negative thoughts
and/or feelings control or dominate his
reality in any way, and further to this,
chooses not to play out any negative
thoughts and feelings, which again may take
several weeks, or even years, to work
through. The initiate is connected to his
Higher Light at this point, and working from
Love/Wisdom and Service in Love. The focus
becomes on Planetary Service and the
upliftment of all Life. So, the focus shifts
from Self to the Service of others, whiles
maintaining and integrating more of the Soul
Consciousness into the body and energy field
on an on-going basis. The sensitivity of the
initiate also develops in different ways, and
the initiate needs to go with the “ebb and
flow” of these Now moments. The main focus
at this stage is one of trust and surrender,
and allowing, in detachment, empowerment,
compassion, Love and Wisdom. The majesty
of Creation, of the One Reality within All That
Is, becomes real for the initiate, and all else
becomes an illusion.
© Anrita Melchizedek 2005
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