of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Energetic Protection from Narcissists,
Energy Vampires & Black Magick
(Home, Healing & Boundaries)
Your energy field, your home & your
natural energetic boundaries
Your energy field extends from your physical
body & exerts a subtle influence on your
surroundings. In this sense, your “home” is
deeply connected to you on a spiritual level.
What you put into your home reflects
qualities, aspirations & inspiration that
derive from your soul. As someone who uses
magick every day, I can tell you that having
a good clear out, decorating or spring
cleaning your house can be a powerful ritual
with healing & manifesting benefits!
It can be difficult to appreciate the reality of
the energy body because most people can’t
see or feel it. But almost everyone can
understand it if you explain that their home
is a container for it in the same way their
physical body is:
When you leave your home, you lock the
door. It’s an important protection “ritual”
that has effects beyond the prevention of
theft of your property. Imagine how you
would feel if someone came into your home
uninvited, not to steal anything, but just to
look around, admire your place & relax.
Theft of physical property or physical
damage to your home were not a risk. But
how would you feel afterwards? Most people
would say they felt violated; many would
experience anxiety & insomnia & some
might even choose to move away. Not
everyone would appreciate how their energy
was damaged by such an event – but on an
energetic level, healing would be essential.
Energy protection is about boundaries. It’s
about creating energetic security for yourself
by effectively locking the door when you
want or need to. It’s about recognising when
your boundaries have been breached &
empowering yourself with the knowledge of
how to deal with those kinds of incursions.
Energy vampires, narcissists, unhealed
people & energetic toxicity
An energy vampire is usually a person,
though there are some spiritual beings that
can deplete our energy, they’re generally
less problematic than people! In all kinds of
connections with people, we share energy
because our energy fields literally overlap on
an energetic level, the reality of the
“transaction” is reflected. What happens
energetically could be markedly different
from what seems to be going on, on the
Most people have had the experience of
meeting someone new that seemed to “suck
the life out of them” in a way they couldn’t
quite explain. Sometimes it’s obvious that
the person has a toxic attitude; perhaps
they’re very self-centred or self-
aggrandizing; or perhaps they’re very
cynical & come over as negative & nihilistic;
but sometimes, they can seem great on the
surface – saying all the right things &
observing all the right etiquette, but
somehow, still leave you feeling drained &
your energy disrupted.
Often, their negative influence completely
unconscious & unintended. It could be due
to a lack of healing or unresolved trauma
that’s creating conflict in their energy field;
or it could be due to a temporary situation
that’s creating a similar energetic
dysregulation for them. But whatever the
cause is, it’s important for you to protect
your energy when you’re around those kinds
of people because they don’t know how to
(or why to) create & maintain their own
To manage those who are incapable or
unwilling to acknowledge & observe your
boundaries, the first step is to pay attention
to those you connect with & how you feel
around them. Tap into your intuition to
identify the ways your energy field
communicates with you. Perhaps when
you’re around energy vampires, you feel
emotional or find yourself feeling anxious?
Perhaps you experience a physical response
like a tension headache or you notice your
shoulders becoming tense. The trick is to
notice the feedback your soul gives you &
create your energetic boundaries in response
to that. This is especially important if the
problem person is a work colleague or family
member that you see regularly.
When a toxic person’s behaviour impacts
those around them, but never themselves,
you can safely deduce that their behaviour is
malignant or malicious. But sometimes the
person who’s causing the harm is harming
themselves too. If someone’s constantly
sabotaging & hurting themselves & those
around them, they need healing. However,
that doesn’t mean it’s your job to heal them
or continuously give them the benefit of the
doubt – and it does mean that your
boundaries are still vital! People will pursue
healing when they’re ready – it’s not
something you can force. Respect other
peoples’ right to their own suffering because
sometimes it’s an essential part of their
spiritual growth.
Black magick, narcissistic manipulation
& energy protection
Black magick is magick that seeks to violate
Universal Law. It’s magick that’s used to
manipulate another person or control their
behaviour in accordance with your
intentions. Black magick is most often
carried out in the form of “love spells” where
someone is trying to “make” someone love
them or respond to them in the way they
want. Black magick of this type always
backfires – there’s no type of magick that
will allow you to subvert someone else’s
freewill without incurring some serious
karmic repercussions!
When you understand what’s going on
energetically, you start to appreciate how
some peoples’ behaviour can amount to
black magick – and such behaviour will incur
negative karma too. For example,
narcissistic people habitually deceive &
manipulate those around them in order to
control their behaviour or achieve their own
ends. This creates the same effect on an
energetic level as the use of deliberate black
magick. Therefore, we can alleviate some of
the problems we face when around toxic
people by applying the same principles we
would if we were the subject of a hex or
curse: energetically creating boundaries &
backing them up with practical steps like
limiting our exposure & not showing up to
every disagreement they invite us to!
Think of your energy field as your “home” &
reflect on the idea that, when around
“opportunistic” or “unhealed” people, you
need to make sure you keep your doors
locked & your curtains drawn. And that, is
essentially how you make a boundary! To
maintain it, you do that continuously, until it
becomes second nature. It’s not easy at
first, but there are a number of energy
healing techniques that can be used for this
What energy healing systems can help
with energy protection?
From Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing
& Spiritual Development, the following
courses are indicated for energy protection:
Dark Moon Mother Protection
Goddess Diana’s Mirror Shield Activation
Light Sanctuary Activation
Archangel Gabriel’s Empath Encoding
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki
Protection Healing Orb
Archangel Michael’s Sapphire Flame
And from Maya Magickal Spells: The Killing
Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual
Intensive. This powerful magickal
programme works to resolve & dissolve
negative & restrictive energetic attachments
such as those that derive from unhealed,
damaged & malicious people – including
those we created ourselves when unhealed,
damaged or exerting a toxic influence in our
own lives!
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