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A Word from Mayastar | New Age Philosophy: Ascension,

Enlightenment & Healing the Ego

In 2004 I established Mayastar Academy with the intention of progressing

the spiritual lives of others by sharing the fruit of my career as a spiritual

facilitator, witch & healer. Mayastar has become a powerful resource for

those pursuing their path to wholeness that wish to add energy work to their


Through Mayastar, I hope to provide the kind of empowerment and

instruction that builds confidence so that my students continue to work with

the tools they receive through working with me. Regular work with these

energies can assist you to uncover and realise your unique spiritual gifts.

Whether you identify as a lightworker, starseed, spiritual seeker…or prefer

not to limit yourself with labels, I believe the expression of your authentic

spiritual-self is your birth right. Further, I consider that making the choice to

consciously pursue the realisation of your spiritual potential is a sacred

endeavour and one that I am honoured to play my part in.

I would like to take this opportunity to share some words of advice with you.

Based on my experience as both a student and teacher of the spiritual arts

over the last 30 years…

A Powerful & Progressive Approach to Energy Work

…I recommend approaching energy work (and all spiritual practices), with as

little ego as possible; and with the curiosity & courage of a child. Ego-

centred consciousness can bind you to a limited vision of yourself and the

world. The process of spiritual development has a lot to do with overcoming

the limitations of restrictive attitudes of mind, beliefs and thought habits that

blind us to our true essence, which is the reality of our eternal and divine


Ego-centred consciousness is often bound to the concept of an

outcome/solution rather than being present in the moment. Because of that,

when ego consciousness is dominant or unbalanced, we lose our natural

state of energetic integrity and groundedness because we are psychically

‘devaluing’ the present moment.

Without being mindfully present in the “now”, we can’t experience the full

extent or implication of peace, joy, happiness, sadness, grief or love. All

human emotions have important lessons for us. But to gain wisdom, we

need to be present with them. Regular spiritual practice can help you to

become more mindfully present in your life and, over time, this translates

into a deeper and more meaningful experience of yourself, the world and

everyone in it!

The Limitations of Ego-Consciousness & Contextualising the Ego

It’s important to realise that the limitations of ego-based consciousness are

essentially illusory; we will outgrow them if we commit ourselves to our

spiritual practice and self-healing journey. But it’s also important to

understand that the painful and difficult attachments we start out with play a

fundamental role in everyone’s unique development process. The

attachments of the ego create suffering; the suffering compels us to change

things and forces us to grow; to exceed the limitations of our consciousness.

It would be folly to try to destroy the ego entirely as the ego is the vehicle

through which we navigate the physical world; but problems arise when an

unbalanced ego attaches itself inappropriately to things around us or to our

thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the world and ourselves. We call this

phenomenon ‘ego projection’ and it’s the cause of most human suffering.

When properly balanced, the ego matures and becomes the vessel through

which, the soul finds expression on the physical plane. The ego could be

considered an spiritual tool when it’s used correctly!

You might want to think of the journey of spiritual development as being a

process ‘contextualising the ego’ rather than ‘over-coming’ it. We develop

self-awareness by working more with our shadow (hidden) and spiritual

(eternal) aspects in a conscious way and this creates the context that

naturally balances the ego over time.

Spiritual Practice & Patience on the Healing Journey

Spiritual development is a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. It does

require you to have some level of faith in the process – and in yourself. It

requires discipline and sometimes, courage. If you’re feeling in a hurry about

it, that’s the ego talking! But assuming you’re sincere in your spiritual

aspirations, energy work can be a fulfilling, creative and exciting spiritual

practice; allowing you to safely explore and further your spiritual growth

through healing, manifesting and meditation.

I encourage you to explore, experiment and expand your mind with a

healthy balance of solemnity and light-heartedness: Practice consistently but

not constantly! And take yourself seriously enough to record your

meditations, healings and thoughts in a journal or diary. This discipline

enables you refer to your own work and start to gain wisdom by learning

from your own experience. It also sends an important message to your

conscious mind: That you’re sincere about your spiritual pursuits!

Spiritual Ascension, Enlightenment, Self-Mastery & Individuation

The journey of spiritual ascension is a process of balancing and integrating

our consciousness; it is also a universal theme that you’ll find repeated in

different cultures, religions and spiritual or magickal practices all around the

world. The paths are many and varied but the aspiration is the same. You

may see it referred to as spiritual development, healing, self-realisation, self-

actualisation, spiritual enlightenment, self-mastery, individuation, the great

work, the hero’s quest, the fool’s journey, the journey of love, gaining of the

sight, union with the Godhead, traversing the abyss...and I’m sure you can

add a few more! However you choose to define it, ultimately, it’s the path of

perceiving and expressing our eternal nature, while fully present in the

temporal world.

It is my soul-felt wish that your connection to Mayastar contributes positively

and progressively to your journey. May you find greater wholeness,

authenticity and meaning in all aspects of yourself and your life through my

work <3

______________________ You can follow me & receive updates on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Wordpress, Twitter & Linkedin. Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Attunements Information Article
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
A Word from Mayastar | New Age Philosophy: Ascension, Enlightenment & Healing the Ego In 2004 I established Mayastar Academy with the intention of progressing the spiritual lives of others by sharing the fruit of my career as a spiritual facilitator, witch & healer. Mayastar has become a powerful resource for those pursuing their path to wholeness that wish to add energy work to their practice. Through Mayastar, I hope to provide the kind of empowerment and instruction that builds confidence so that my students continue to work with the tools they receive through working with me. Regular work with these energies can assist you to uncover and realise your unique spiritual gifts. Whether you identify as a lightworker, starseed, spiritual seeker…or prefer not to limit yourself with labels, I believe the expression of your authentic spiritual-self is your birth right. Further, I consider that making the choice to consciously pursue the realisation of your spiritual potential is a sacred endeavour and one that I am honoured to play my part in. I would like to take this opportunity to share some words of advice with you. Based on my experience as both a student and teacher of the spiritual arts over the last 30 years… A Powerful & Progressive Approach to Energy Work …I recommend approaching energy work (and all spiritual practices), with as little ego as possible; and with the curiosity & courage of a child. Ego-centred consciousness can bind you to a limited vision of yourself and the world. The process of spiritual development has a lot to do with overcoming the limitations of restrictive attitudes of mind, beliefs and thought habits that blind us to our true essence, which is the reality of our eternal and divine nature. Ego-centred consciousness is often bound to the concept of an outcome/solution rather than being present in the moment. Because of that, when ego consciousness is dominant or unbalanced, we lose our natural state of energetic integrity and groundedness because we are psychically ‘devaluing’ the present moment. Without being mindfully present in the “now”, we can’t experience the full extent or implication of peace, joy, happiness, sadness, grief or love. All human emotions have important lessons for us. But to gain wisdom, we need to be present with them. Regular spiritual practice can help you to become more mindfully present in your life and, over time, this translates into a deeper and more meaningful experience of yourself, the world and everyone in it! The Limitations of Ego-Consciousness & Contextualising the Ego It’s important to realise that the limitations of ego-based consciousness are essentially illusory; we will outgrow them if we commit ourselves to our spiritual practice and self- healing journey. But it’s also important to understand that the painful and difficult attachments we start out with play a fundamental role in everyone’s unique development process. The attachments of the ego create suffering; the suffering compels us to change things and forces us to grow; to exceed the limitations of our consciousness. It would be folly to try to destroy the ego entirely as the ego is the vehicle through which we navigate the physical world; but problems arise when an unbalanced ego attaches itself inappropriately to things around us or to our thoughts, beliefs and ideas about the world and ourselves. We call this phenomenon ‘ego projection’ and it’s the cause of most human suffering. When properly balanced, the ego matures and becomes the vessel through which, the soul finds expression on the physical plane. The ego could be considered an spiritual tool when it’s used correctly! You might want to think of the journey of spiritual development as being a process ‘contextualising the ego’ rather than ‘over- coming’ it. We develop self-awareness by working more with our shadow (hidden) and spiritual (eternal) aspects in a conscious way and this creates the context that naturally balances the ego over time. Spiritual Practice & Patience on the Healing Journey Spiritual development is a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. It does require you to have some level of faith in the process – and in yourself. It requires discipline and sometimes, courage. If you’re feeling in a hurry about it, that’s the ego talking! But assuming you’re sincere in your spiritual aspirations, energy work can be a fulfilling, creative and exciting spiritual practice; allowing you to safely explore and further your spiritual growth through healing, manifesting and meditation. I encourage you to explore, experiment and expand your mind with a healthy balance of solemnity and light-heartedness: Practice consistently but not constantly! And take yourself seriously enough to record your meditations, healings and thoughts in a journal or diary. This discipline enables you refer to your own work and start to gain wisdom by learning from your own experience. It also sends an important message to your conscious mind: That you’re sincere about your spiritual pursuits! Spiritual Ascension, Enlightenment, Self-Mastery & Individuation The journey of spiritual ascension is a process of balancing and integrating our consciousness; it is also a universal theme that you’ll find repeated in different cultures, religions and spiritual or magickal practices all around the world. The paths are many and varied but the aspiration is the same. You may see it referred to as spiritual development, healing, self-realisation, self- actualisation, spiritual enlightenment, self- mastery, individuation, the great work, the hero’s quest, the fool’s journey, the journey of love, gaining of the sight, union with the Godhead, traversing the abyss...and I’m sure you can add a few more! However you choose to define it, ultimately, it’s the path of perceiving and expressing our eternal nature, while fully present in the temporal world. It is my soul-felt wish that your connection to Mayastar contributes positively and progressively to your journey. May you find greater wholeness, authenticity and meaning in all aspects of yourself and your life through my work <3 ______________________ You can follow me & receive updates on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Wordpress, Twitter & Linkedin. Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Attunements Information Article