of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Mayastar Mantra-Waves Meditation
Music | Shamanic Siren Subliminals | An
This year, I’ve decided to bring something
new to Mayastar! The Mayastar Mantra-
Waves Meditations were originally part of a
personal experiment. My unique autistic
configuration is reflected in my sensory
hypersensitivity; and although this
sensitivity is great for my spiritual work,
magick & creativity, it can make some
activities challenging. So I have various
strategies for managing my sensory input
each day – and my daily spiritual work is a
huge part of that!
Music in Spiritual Practice, Meditation &
Music has always been a very important part
of my spiritual work because it features
heavily in my spell-crafting & ritual practices
- those for my personal magickal path as
well as those for clients I work with through
Maya Magickal. I’ve experimented with
creating sacred soundscapes to use as
backgrounds to my spiritual practices and
rituals over the years. Sometimes I’ve found
them particularly calming – so over time,
those sounds & patterns were replicated &
The Mantra-Waves Meditations were
conceived as a way to combine those
soundscapes with subliminal messaging that
could be used during my evening dance
drills, barre-work & yoga practice. And I
thought you might enjoy experimenting with
these spiritually-inspired tracks as a means
to enhance your own spiritual practice.
How & When to Use Mayastar Mantra-
Wave Meditation Music
Here are some thoughts & ideas for you to
consider if you think these recordings might
work well for you too…
Listening to Mayastar Mantra-Waves in
Bed for Sleep & Mind-Programming
Listening to Mantra-Waves Meditations
before you go to sleep can send a powerful
message to your subconscious, allowing you
to synchronise your conscious intentions
with your unconscious mind so that shifts &
changes can take place with less resistance.
Additionally, you could choose to use
Mantra-Waves Meditations at other times &
to enhance your energy work & spiritual
practice. But I recommend not using them
when you’re trying to concentrate or focus
because regularly using them during your
spiritual practice or when going to sleep at
night will reinforce their relaxing & hypnotic
qualities. They’re designed to be used
specifically when you’re relaxing!
Mantra-Wave Meditations to Enhance
Magick, Ritual & Spells
If you’re taking a Magickal Intensive with
me, such as the 21-Day Chakra Healing &
Light-Body Activation Intensive, the Luring
Moon Abundance Alignment 30-Day Ritual
Intensive or the Killing Moon Karmic
Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive, using the
Mantra-Waves Meditations each night of the
ritual can help you to overcome blocks or
energetic impediments to the manifestation
of magickal change.
The 21-Day Chakra Healing & Light-Body
Activation Intensive includes daily 30-minute
energy transmissions that I prepare & send
during the ritual using the Orb of Life
method. This allows the recipient to “call in”
that energy transmission at their own
convenience. A good time to do that is
before you go to sleep at night because
sleep is naturally grounding & ensures the
new energetic frequencies are fully
integrated. Listening to the Mantra-Waves
Meditations during the process of receiving
the transmissions can enhance & intensify
the effect. This applies to the option of
Divinity Assumption Channellings that can
be purchased as part of the Tantric
Shamanic Rituals offered through Maya
Magickal too. For example: the Goddess
Melusine Dance of Mystery & Magick,
Goddess Lakshmi Dance of Prosperity,
Goddess Aradia Dance of Desire &
Abundance & Shiva Nataraj Dance of
Mayastar Mantra-Waves Meditations for
Reiki, Yoga, Mala Beads & Rosaries
The piano music pauses throughout the 60
minute sessions allowing you change your
exercise or position if you’re using them
during a dance-drill or yoga session.
If you use Traditional Usui Reiki hand
positions during a treatment for yourself or
someone else, the pauses in piano music can
be used to remind you to move to the next
position. You can also choose to use prayer
beads, a mala or a rosary if you find it helps
your focus. A good idea for this is to move
the bead as each mantra-wave flows over
Listening with headphones is advised if you
would like to benefit from the full depth of
the recordings. They have been developed
so that that stereo sound enhances the
experience of the listener & helps to balance
both sides of the mind.
Here are some activities you might want to
enhance by experimenting with Mantra-
Wave Meditations:
Energy healing work
Receiving Mayastar attunements
(NOTE: I will pin a comment on each
Mantra-Waves Meditation on YouTube
with recommendations for Mayastar
energy healing modalities that would be
enhanced by that particular track)
Yoga (I use them during my evening Yin
Yoga practice)
Daily meditation
In bed (you can even loop the track to
repeat overnight while you sleep so that
you receive the mantra-waves throughout
the night)
Relaxing in the garden on a Sunday
Sunbathing or relaxing on holiday
During your ritual work
On self-care days
While creating art
While completing ballet barre exercises –
or other “dance drills”
If you enjoy working with my Mantra-Waves
Meditations, I’d really appreciate your
engagement. If you like, comment or share
my videos with your friends, or on social
media, it really helps me out & helps
Mayastar to grow. I will be releasing a new
Mantra-Waves Meditations on the Mayastar
Official YouTube Channel each week – so
come back soon & stay tuned to my social
media to be updated when new recordings
are released.
You can follow me & receive updates on
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr,
Wordpress, Twitter & Linkedin.
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