of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Manifestation Guidance Programme 1-12
An energetic journey of 12 attunements that
align you with your dreams and allow you to
manifest your desires.
Learn to focus your intention and energy to
manifest progressive and powerful changes in
all areas of your life. Includes symbols that
you can use in meditation, healing sessions
and to enhance your manifestation work.
Working with each of these attunements
allows you to create a life that fulfils you
mind, body and soul.
The attunements are:
1. Personal Power - This attunement works to
eliminate negative energies and blocks that
create a sense of powerlessness or prevent
us from seeing the role we can play in
manifesting the life we truly desire.
Connecting with your personal power source
is the essential first step!
2. Self Love & Respect - Self-love can
transform our lives by aligning us more
closely with our deepest wants and needs.
This attunement is intensely healing and
assists in the development of self-esteem and
confidence, thereby awakening us to greater
3. Love & Friendship - This attunement
assists you to align with others who resonate
with you on an energetic level; it magnetises
the aura and attracts friendships and
relationships that support your vision.
4. Abundance - Connect with the universal
source of abundance to resolve and dissolve
the energetic blocks associated with belief in
limitation and lack! Feel the limitless flow of
beneficent energy into your life.
5. Prosperity - Through this attunement, you
connect with your higher-self to receive
guidance on your work or career in order to
enrich your life with meaningful work. If you
feel like you're not in the right place or not
doing what you wish you were doing, this
attunement can provide insight on your
optimal path.
6. Letting Go - A powerful connection to clear
energetic connections to people, places and
things that no longer serve you. This
attunement can also help with letting go of
painful emotional experiences and negativity
to increase your freedom and independence.
7. Moving Forward - This attunement releases
you from resistance to pursuing your goals,
dreams and ambitions. If hesitation,
indecision and procrastination are hindering
your progress, this attunement can get you
back on track!
8. Intuition & Psychic Abilities - This energy
increases the efficacy of latent psychic and
intuitive gifts to fine-tune your awareness of
the guidance and promptings of spirit.
9. Courage & Strength - Excellent attunement
for gaining quick boosts of positive energy
whenever you need them!
10. Divine Guidance - This attunement brings
clarity and divine inspiration in decision-
making to ensure alignment with your true
will is reflected in all areas of your life.
11. Rising to the Challenge - This attunement
allows you access boosts of determination
and willpower in pursuit of your greatest
good. If you struggle to stick to your plans
and routines, this energy will be a powerful
12. Healing Happiness - This energy
strengthens your connection to the
experience of happiness so that you can
derive genuine satisfaction and pleasure
through the realisation of your wishes, goals
and ambitions. This helps to ground your
progress so that you can build upon your
achievements and aspire to greater success.
Course includes:
12 distant attunements
12 course manuals in pdf format by email
Maya’s exclusive eBook: "The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium. This includes
information about energy anatomy,
spirituality, healing, meditation & provides
a broad base of knowledge to enhance
your healing & spiritual development work.
The Mayastar Information Pack
An Accredited Certificate of Achievement &
lineage. Your lineage is proof you’ve been
attuned by someone from a line of
genuine masters
The option to upgrade your Certificate of
Achievement to a Mayastar Diploma for an
upgrade fee of £20. To receive this higher
award, you need to submit a 300-word
essay about the modality, along with 3
case-studies to demonstrate your
experience of using it. Read about
Mayastar’s advanced programmes here…
Attunement(s) sent using the Orb of Life
method within 3 days of purchase
Unlimited email support from Maya for the
duration of your course
No time limits or deadlines! You are
encouraged to learn at your own pace and
to enjoy your journey with Mayastar. Read
more about how courses work here…
Prerequisites: None
Manifestation Guidance Programme:
Diploma Certification Optional Upgrade:
Abundance & Prosperity Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package (includes:
Abundance Affinity Attunement,
Lakshmi's Golden Good Fortune
Activation, Full Abundance Attunement,
Attraction Reiki, Manifestation Guidance
Programme 1-12, Archangel Uriel's
Prosperity & Progress Activation). An
accredited certificate of achievement is issued
for each course as part of the package. On
submission of a 300-word essay & 3 case
studies that demonstrate your understanding
& experience of each course, a basic diploma
certificate is issued. If you complete all
courses in the package to the diploma level,
you will receive an advanced diploma.
This package can count towards Mayastar
Degree Programmes. To receive a "Mayastar
Energy Healing Degree" you need to complete
5 advanced diplomas; to receive a "Mayastar
Master of Energy Healing Degree" you need
to complete 10 advanced diplomas; and to
receive a "Mayastar Doctor of Energy Healing
Degree" you need to complete 15 advanced
diplomas. The advanced diploma packages
can be found through the “Course Category
Menus” at the top of this page.
Abundance & Prosperity Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package: £300 (save
£190 on the regular fees)
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!