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Lightworkers: Spiritual Advocates, Empaths & Healers

A Lightworker is someone who has a ‘calling’ to serve humanity in some way. Some believe these are enlightened or spiritually advanced souls that have chosen to be reincarnated so that they may further the spiritual evolution of humanity as a whole by making their own contribution. Whether their ‘destiny’ is decided before this life or during it, Lightworkers are here to help humanity achieve its collective destiny. All Lightworkers are different and work in different ways. Listening to 'new age' music and being vegan are NOT prerequisites! Some Lightworkers are healers or complementary therapists, some are counsellors, some are artists or musicians and some are authors. But all Lightworkers have one thing in common – their intention to work in accordance with universal destiny. Some may call this ‘Divine Intelligence’, 'Universal Light', ‘God’ or ‘Nature’. The name is not important. The intention is what matters. In her book, The Lightworker’s Way the respected spiritual therapist, Dr Doreen Virtue takes the reader on a spiritual adventure as she recounts her own life story of awakening her healing and clairvoyant power. She writes, “This is a book about my own journey of remembering my identity and abilities as a Lightworker. Its purpose is to help you recall your own divine mission and your natural spiritual skills.” You are a Lightworker if you feel called to heal others; want to resolve the world’s social and environmental problems; believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation; feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel others; and know that you are here for a higher purpose, even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfil it. Right now, Lightworkers are awakening to faint memories of their divine life missions. They hear an inner calling that can’t be ignored. This call is a reminder that it is now time to get to work in healing the planet and its population. Go to... Articles Menu Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Home Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article “Every soul is immortal, for whatever is in perpetual motion is immortal. Every man’s soul has, by the law of his birth, been a spectator of eternal truth, or it would never have passed into this our mortal frame. Yet still it is no easy matter for all to be reminded of their past by their present existence.” - Plato
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Maya Magickal Spells, Killing Moon Karmic Reversal, Light- Body Activation Intensive, Tantric Shamanic Rituals & Empowerments
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Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; & 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me & I’ll be happy to help!
Mayastar's checkout process is through Paypal so you can pay securely online by credit or debit card wherever you are in the world! Check the current exchange rate from GBP (£) to you local currency here Paypal offers monthly payments when you check out through the website using your personal (not business) Paypal account ........................ Terms of Sale: Fees are not refundable in the event that you fail to complete your course. Once the course materials have been emailed to you, no change can be made to your order ....................... All visitors, please read our: Cookie Policy, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy ........................
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Lightworkers: Spiritual Advocates, Empaths & Healers A Lightworker is someone who has a ‘calling’ to serve humanity in some way. Some believe these are enlightened or spiritually advanced souls that have chosen to be reincarnated so that they may further the spiritual evolution of humanity as a whole by making their own contribution. Whether their ‘destiny’ is decided before this life or during it, Lightworkers are here to help humanity achieve its collective destiny. All Lightworkers are different and work in different ways. Listening to 'new age' music and being vegan are NOT prerequisites! Some Lightworkers are healers or complementary therapists, some are counsellors, some are artists or musicians and some are authors. But all Lightworkers have one thing in common – their intention to work in accordance with universal destiny. Some may call this ‘Divine Intelligence’, 'Universal Light', ‘God’ or ‘Nature’. The name is not important. The intention is what matters. In her book, The Lightworker’s Way the respected spiritual therapist, Dr Doreen Virtue takes the reader on a spiritual adventure as she recounts her own life story of awakening her healing and clairvoyant power. She writes, “This is a book about my own journey of remembering my identity and abilities as a Lightworker. Its purpose is to help you recall your own divine mission and your natural spiritual skills.” You are a Lightworker if you feel called to heal others; want to resolve the world’s social and environmental problems; believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation; feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel others; and know that you are here for a higher purpose, even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfil it. Right now, Lightworkers are awakening to faint memories of their divine life missions. They hear an inner calling that can’t be ignored. This call is a reminder that it is now time to get to work in healing the planet and its population. Go to... Articles Menu Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Home Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article “Every soul is immortal, for whatever is in perpetual motion is immortal. Every man’s soul has, by the law of his birth, been a spectator of eternal truth, or it would never have passed into this our mortal frame. Yet still it is no easy matter for all to be reminded of their past by their present existence.” - Plato
Maya Muses - Energy Updates, Affirmations, Mystical Musings, Personal Posts, Photos & All the Latest for Mayastar & Maya Magickal Maya Magickal - Tailored Spells, Healing & Magickal Intensives Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin - Instagram - ALM (Maya) FB - Pinterest - Wordpress Join the mailing list or email Maya with your enquiry at: Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; and 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me. Payment Information: Personalised Packages, Exchange Rates & Monthly Payment Plans Testimonials & Reviews Cookie Policy, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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