of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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About Attunements
Angel Lightworker Program
The Angel LightWorker Program connects
you to the angels you can call on to manifest
abundance, prosperity, healing, protection,
love, romance, psychic intuition, success,
and more! There are 3 attunements, a 26
page course manual plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Angel Lightworker Program: £60
Archangel Gabriel's Empath Encoding
Empaths are gifted with the capacity to pick
up on the emotions and energy of those
around them. If you are drawn to spiritual
work and find that you are sensitive to the
energy & emotions of those around you, you
may be a natural empath. Empaths have
enormous potential as healers and
lightworkers, but can be vulnerable to
negative influences around them.
This activation supports the development of
spiritual gifts of intuition, clairvoyance,
empathy, compassion, kindness and
unconditional love in a safe way; it allows
you to switch your gift on and off as needed
to avoid burn-out & maintains your energetic
1 attunement. 31 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Archangel Gabriel's Empath Encoding
Course: £40
Archangel Raphael's Healing Matrix
The Healing Matrix connects you with the
heart centre of the Universe, through the
heart centre of Archangel Raphael to heal
through the sacred experience of divine
spiritual communion.
Communion is the energetic flow, back and
forth, of spiritual substance; it is the
energetic 'conversation' that occurs between
the human soul and the Soul of the
Working with the Healing Matrix regularly
can increase focus and concentration,
enhance visualisation ability, heal the inner-
child through internal communion, increase
self-love, self-trust and self-esteem. The
energy of this attunement manifests deep
peace, comfort and a sense of security that
is particularly powerful for emotional and
spiritual healing. It can also be used to
establish a deeper relationship with nature &
the planet as a whole; awakening us to the
energetic web that underpins all of creation.
1 attunement. 30 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Archangel Raphael's Healing Matrix
Course: £40
The DNA Flush Empowerment is a powerful
energy healing modality designed to clear
energetic debris, blocks and attachments
that hinder the full expression of your
energetic DNA coding.
The energetic body can hold onto old energy
patterns that block the flow of life-force
energy throughout the system. When our
energetic landscape is compromised by
these negative imprints, over time, our
health on other levels can also be
compromised. Our physical, mental and
emotional health is tied to our energetic
When the DNA Flush is activated, it works to
restore alignment with your original
energetic blueprint. This process restores the
flow of energy and brings you back to a
state of equilibrium.
One attunement. 12 page manual plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
DNA Flush Empowerment Course: £40
Journey to the Divine Self Activations 1-
These activations take you on a journey of
self-realisation by clearing the energetic
blocks and residue from past programming.
Freedom from past connections that have
blunted your success and limited your
spiritual growth opens you up to your
authentic and Divine Self; opportunities for
prosperity and progress come from
alignment with your divinity.
Excellent for manifesting healing, peace of
mind, positive relationships, spiritual
awakening, self-love, revealing your divine
purpose and exploring expanded
10 attunements. 31 page course manual
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Journey to the Divine Self Activations 1-
10 Course: £120
Kuthumi Crystalline Light Activation
The Crystalline Light Activation creates a
protective energy field around you to
prevent incursion & violation (intentional and
incidental) from those you come into contact
with in your day to day life.
Kuthumi's Crystalline Light Activation creates
an energetic shield that guards you against
manifesting the energetic projections of
others, as well as protecting you from
negative entities and lower astral beings.
1 attunement. 28 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Kuthumi Crystalline Light Activation
Course: £40
Lightworker Spiritual & Starseed
These transmissions contain powerful
energetic blueprints that raise the vibrational
frequency of your energy and facilitate
higher consciousness. They take the form of
initiatory empowerments that allow you to
embody your spiritual inheritance of past
lives and renew your connection to your
spirit guides.
The nature of the transmission is unique for
everyone; some receive karmic healing;
some manifest new gifts like psychic
awareness, seeing auras and enhanced
empathy; others receive dreams or visions
that reveal important guidance from
supportive light-beings.
2 attunements. Two Lightworker Series
manuals plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lightworker Spiritual & Starseed
Transmissions Course: £40
Multidimensional Self Flush
This attunement allows you to transcend the
limitations of 3D consciousness and to
connect with your multidimensional nature.
This enables you to appreciate and
experience the connection you have to the
multidimensional Universe, and to the world
around you on an energetic level. Regularly
working with this energy will cleanse your
energy field of the illusion of separation, and
allow you to activate your spiritual gifts and
unlock your divine wisdom.
This course includes some recommended I
AM affirmations that can further amplify the
energy and help you to align with your true,
multidimensional nature. Combining these
with the energy flush can create fast
changes in your awareness, progressing your
spiritual awakening path.
1 attunement. 17-page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Multidimensional Self Flush
Empowerment: £40
St Germain's Auric Transmutation Flush
Alchemist & Ascended Master, St Germain
concerns himself with the realisation of
spiritual gifts, healing and the clearing of
limiting energy patterns.
The Auric Transmutation Flush refines and
clears the energy body of blocks and
stagnation; it dissolves negative energetic
imprints and banishes attachments.
This healing flush can be used for self-
healing and healing others. It enhances the
flow of life force energy to restore health
and well-being. Regular use of the Auric
Transmutation Flush raises the basal
vibrational frequency of the energy body and
supports spiritual healing and growth.
1 attunement. 30 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
St Germain's Auric Transmutation Flush
Course: £40
StarLight Reiki
StarLight Reiki reflects the light energy that
infuses the world around us and is contained
in all manifestations of the universe. This
energy is suitable for self-healing, healing
others and distance healing. There are no
symbols for this modality so it's suitable for
those that find visualisation a challenge!
2 attunements. 12 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
StarLight Reiki Course: £60
Lightworker Energy Healer Package
This package includes:
Starlight Reiki
Lightworker Spiritual & Starseed
St Germain's Auric Transmutation Flush
Archangel Gabriel's Empath Encoding
Lightworker Energy Healer Package:
£120 (save £60 on the regular fees)
Lightworker Energy Healer Advanced
Diploma Package
This package includes:
Starlight Reiki
LW Spiritual & Starseed Transmissions
St Germain's Auric Transmutation Flush
Archangel Gabriel's Empath Encoding
Angel Lightworker Programme
Kuthumi Crystalline Light Activation
Archangel Raphael's Healing Matrix
An accredited certificate of achievement is
issued for each course as part of the
package. On submission of a 300-word essay
& 3 case studies that demonstrate your
understanding & experience of each course,
a basic diploma certificate is issued. If you
complete all courses in the package to the
diploma level, you will receive an advanced
This package can count towards Mayastar
Degree Programmes. To receive a "Mayastar
Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 5 advanced diplomas; to receive a
"Mayastar Master of Energy Healing Degree"
you need to complete 10 advanced
diplomas; and to receive a "Mayastar Doctor
of Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 15 advanced diplomas. The
advanced diploma packages can be found
through the “Course Category Menus” at the
top of this page.
Lightworker Energy Healer Advanced
Diploma Package: £300 (save £160 on
the regular fees)
Diploma Level Upgrade
To upgrade a single course to diploma level,
add this option to your order. Diploma
certification is issued on submission of a
300-word essay demonstrating your
understanding of the modality & 3 case
studies that demonstrate your experience
working with the energy. This option allows
you to build towards advanced diploma or
degree certification one course at a time.
Diploma Level Upgrade: £20
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!