of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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Lemurian Starseeds & the Soul-Star
Chakra of the World | A Mayastar
Energy Healing Article
Just as Glastonbury in the UK is known as
the “Heart Chakra of the World”, the lost
continent of Lemuria was once the Soul Star
Chakra of the World. The combination &
perfect balance of earthly & celestial
energies brought to earth by the Lemurians
created an energetic portal, a reservoir of
high-vibrational, loving energy that’s
accessible to us even today. The physical
continent may not be here, but the
Lemurian Light-Beings & the Lemurian
Portal are!
History of Lemuria (The Mother Land -
Lemuria, also called ‘Mu’ or ‘The Mother
Land’, has never been documented as a
verifiable historical fact. However, ancient
legends, knowledge of geology & some
archaeological discoveries have suggested
that the ‘lost continent’ of Lemuria not only
existed, but that its magickal & mysterious
reputation is justified.
Ancient Lemuria was a spiritually advanced
civilisation that lived in harmony with
nature. As a continent, Lemuria was also an
energetic gateway that connected the
Lemurians with their ancestors & soul-tribes
in the stars. Even while living on earth, the
Lemurians shifted between states of
consciousness, retaining their soul-
memories & relationship with the stars that
were their original home.
At times they enjoyed physical incarnation
on earth in order to learn about the sacred
processes of life & nature including birth,
death & rebirth. At other times, they aligned
purely with their higher consciousness &
existed as beings of light in order to bring
higher spiritual energies to the earth.
Mount Shasta & the Lemurian City of
When the fall of Lemuria occurred, the
continent was lost to the rising waters over
a period of several years. Lemurians that
had chosen physical incarnation had to
leave & there are historical reports of them
settling in South America as well as the
southern California in the United States,
where they established an underground city
called “Telos”.
Telos is located trans-dimensionally in the
location of Mt Shasta. The location allows
the Lemurians to anchor their energy to the
earth, but they live predominantly in their
light-body forms. Mount Shasta & Telos
could be considered the newer Soul Star
Chakra of the World because the work the
Lemurians began before the fall of Lemuria
still continues to this day.
Lemurians, the Age of Aquarius &
Global Ascension
At the time of the fall of Lemuria, some
Lemurians chose to remain to undergo a
physical death so that they could
reincarnate during the New Age. The Age of
Aquarius begin at the time of the Harmonic
Convergence in 2012, when our sun moved
into an area of the Milky Way called the
“Photon Band”, along with the primary star
of the Pleiadian constellation. This transition
marked a period of accelerated global
ascension that continues until today.
Through the energetic guidance of the
Lemurian Light-Beings, new ways of living,
higher levels of consciousness &
opportunities for the spiritual awakening of
individuals became more accessible to us.
They facilitate self-healing, healing for
others, healing for the planet & spiritual
ascension through their continuous presence
& unending quest for peace, harmony &
wholeness for all.
Some Lemurian souls incarnated in the
present day as Indigo Children, Starseeds &
Lightworkers. They are often collectively
called “Lemurian Starseeds” because the
Lemurians were so powerfully connected to
the celestial spheres. Lemurian Starseeds
sometimes carry a sense of home-sickness
for their ancient home & some still have
memories of that time.
Lemurian Starseeds bring gifts of healing,
intuition, empathy & magick to the world.
Their souls carry the blueprints that can
align others with their highest spiritual
potential, so they are frequently called to
lives of service to people & the planet,
working as healers, counsellors, teachers &
artists of all kinds.
Challenges for Starseeds
Lemurian Starseeds face unique challenges
while incarnated. They might be described
as having their “heads in the clouds and
their feet on the ground”! They tend to be
very sensitive & empathic & this tendency
can manifest as a general difficulty coping
with life that requires them to consciously
follow a healing path that allows them to
learn to manage their gifts & their
vulnerabilities. Energy healing practices can
be powerful in this regard!
Lemurian Starseeds, Crystal Healing &
Energetic Grids
The Lemurian connection to the earth allows
them to connect with the planet in a unique
way. Just as trees explore the earth &
connect with each other through the root
system, the Lemurians connect with the
sacred spiritual aspect of the earth & all
parts of it. If you feel drawn to working with
crystal energies, this could be a Lemurian
calling because crystals are especially
receptive to energetic programming.
As the Lemurians channel their healing
energy & harmonious frequencies to the
planet as a whole, it’s the crystals that
anchor the new blueprints or codes to the
earth plane. Some crystals are particularly
potent in this regard – Quartz points that
feature striations are called “Record
Keepers” and meditating with these crystals
can help you to connect more deeply with
the Lemurians & the Soul-Star Chakra portal
of Telos, wherever you are in the world!
Crystals can be used to create energetic
grids for healing work, and our whole earth
is such a grid.
If you feel a calling to work with crystal
energies & develop skills in creating crystal
grids for healing, protection or manifesting
work, the Ethereal Crystals Healing Course
from Mayastar would be a great option.
Lemurian Connection to Star People:
Pleiadian Starseeds
As mentioned earlier, the Lemurians have
powerful connections to the stars. In those
with a Lemurian calling, or those who have
incarnated as Lemurian Starseeds, the stars
inspire a special kind of emotional response.
Starseeds often report feeling both
overjoyed & deeply sad when looking at the
stars. They often have a fascination with all
things space-related & the phenomenon of
UFOs & extra-terrestrial visitors because
they have unconscious memories that
connect them to the ”Star People”.
Many of the Lemurians came from tribes of
Star People – particularly the Pleiadians – so
many Starseeds gain deep healing, manifest
spiritual gifts, & unlock ancient wisdom from
past lives through connection with the
Pleiadians. There are many ways to do this,
but energy attunement to Pleiadian DNA
Clearing & Activation, Pleiadian WhiteLight
Connections, Pleiadian Orb of Resonance,
Pleiadian Healing Emanations & Celestial
Encodings 1-9 energy healing modalities
through Mayastar are all powerful ways to
enhance your connection with your soul-
tribe & progress your ascension path.
The Pleiadian attunements are especially
transformational & healing for those born
before the Harmonic Convergence of 2012.
The Pleiadian WhiteLight Connections
modality in particular can assist in the
integration ascension energies by increasing
the basal vibrational frequency of the
energy body to align with the New Age.
If you feel drawn to Lemurian beings or
would like to connect with them to progress
your spiritual path, some other Mayastar
Academy courses that may interest you are:
Lemurian Facilitator
Lemurian Seed Crystals I-IV
New Lemurian Energy
Lemurian Indigo Connections
Rainbow Sequence Healing Technique
Additionally, the 21-Day Chakra Healing &
Light-Body Activation Intensive from Maya
Magickal can be performed as a personal
initiation ritual that heals & activates the
energy body, facilitating the restoration of
the original energetic blueprint. This
comprehensive magickal programme
includes daily energy transmissions. You can
read about this option & purchase from
Maya Magickal.
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