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Deepening the Lemurian Connection in 2023 | A Mayastar Energy

Healing Article

Who are the Lemurians?

The ancient Lemurians inhabited an island in the Pacific Ocean that was lost beneath the waves over a period of several years, in prehistoric times. During the cataclysm, some of the advanced spiritual beings that inhabited Lemuria chose to leave behind their physical lives & return to their spiritual home in that stars where they retain their connection to other Starseeded souls & provide us with healing, energetic empowerment & inspiration on the path of spiritual awakening. But this off-world & extra-dimensional etheric connection isn’t the only energetic bond that aligns us with the Lemurians & anchors their influence to us & to the planet as a whole. And in 2023, it’s the earth-centric connection to the Lemurians that comes to fore! Not all of the Lemurians chose to return to the stars through the process of spiritual ascension; some chose to continue their physical incarnation by escaping the sinking islands & moving to new locations in the south-west United States & South America. In particular, a council of powerful Lemurian Priests & Priestesses was formed to institute & maintain a City of Light called “Telos” which exists trans-dimensionally in the location of Mount Shasta in California.

The Planetary Ascension & the Importance of Telos & Mount Shasta

The sacred location of Mount Shasta acts as a planetary Chakra or energy centre. A Chakra is an energetic portal where life-force energy is concentrated at a particular energetic frequency. The portal of Telos aligns with the Soul Star Chakra & can be considered part of the planet’s light- body. The Soul Star Chakra exists within the energy field or light-body of every person. It is around 6-12” above the crown of the head & can be visualised as a swirling ball of pure white or golden light. This energetic centre connects our personal energetic field with the field of Universal Life Force Energy that connects all living things to all other living things in creation. At this energetic level, we are able to perceive our divinity & connect with deities, higher light-beings & guides in order to receive healing, spiritual activations & attunements. The Soul Star Chakra corresponds to 11- D consciousness. This level of consciousness allows access to high vibrational streams of power; and working with these higher energetic frequencies can help us to remember our spiritual commitments, realise spiritual gifts & recall experiences of past lives in order to establish a meaningful context for interpreting, expanding & mastering our current incarnation.

The Lemurians & the Soul Star Chakra of the World

As the Lemurians maintain the Soul Star Chakra of the world, they are also here to help us maintain our connection to our own Soul Star Chakra centres as a means to progress our ascension journey & awaken ourselves to higher levels of consciousness. The presence of Telos within a mountain reminds us of an essential truth that the Lemurians communicate regularly: in order to access high vibrational energies & experience the flow of those energies, we have to establish good grounding in the physical realm. We can’t translate the eternal etheric energies into something tangible or useful without keeping our feet firmly on the ground. If you want to bring your light to the planet, you need to make sure you are part of the planet too!

Dualism in the New Age: 3D Consciousness & Spiritual Awakening

In spiritual communities there is a lot of talk about transcending 3D consciousness as if all things physical or temporal are somehow less sacred than those things associated with higher frequency energies. This dualistic concept is harmful & false; it harkens back to the limited philosophies of some organised religions that proffer concepts like good & evil. A dualistic undercurrent in the collective thinking of humanity leads some lightworkers, Starseeds & indigo children to deny their humanness as something that’s “non-spiritual”; they can start to view the earthly planes as somehow negative or undesirable. When we deny our truth, we create a lot of energetic resistance & block ourselves from accessing the higher planes of spiritual awareness. In 2023, the Lemurians invite us to take the necessary steps to translate our higher light into the kind of light we can share with the world by remembering we are part of the world!

Special Tasks for Starseeds & Lightworkers in 2023

Starseeds are present on the planet for the purpose of anchoring high- frequency light energy & the levels of consciousness, love & magick that it represents, to the physical plane. Since the 1960s Starseeds have incarnated with increasing frequency in order to progress this special task. The more Starseeds that are present on the planet, the higher the energetic frequencies we can tap into individually, collectively & as a planet become enlightened. But to anchor those energies, Starseeds must stay grounded. So this year, focusing on establishing a deeper connection to the earth will be a powerful way to explore your Starseed potential & connect with the Lemurians. There are a number of energy healing modalities that can be used to connect with the Lemurian light-beings & work with the energetic forces they represent: Lemurian Facilitator & Seed Crystals Attunements Lemurian Indigo Connections Light of Lemuria Attunement Amara Omni Empowerment Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Lemurian Starseed Attunement Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Attunements Information Article
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Deepening the Lemurian Connection in 2023 | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article Who are the Lemurians? The ancient Lemurians inhabited an island in the Pacific Ocean that was lost beneath the waves over a period of several years, in prehistoric times. During the cataclysm, some of the advanced spiritual beings that inhabited Lemuria chose to leave behind their physical lives & return to their spiritual home in that stars where they retain their connection to other Starseeded souls & provide us with healing, energetic empowerment & inspiration on the path of spiritual awakening. But this off-world & extra-dimensional etheric connection isn’t the only energetic bond that aligns us with the Lemurians & anchors their influence to us & to the planet as a whole. And in 2023, it’s the earth-centric connection to the Lemurians that comes to fore! Not all of the Lemurians chose to return to the stars through the process of spiritual ascension; some chose to continue their physical incarnation by escaping the sinking islands & moving to new locations in the south-west United States & South America. In particular, a council of powerful Lemurian Priests & Priestesses was formed to institute & maintain a City of Light called “Telos” which exists trans-dimensionally in the location of Mount Shasta in California. The Planetary Ascension & the Importance of Telos & Mount Shasta The sacred location of Mount Shasta acts as a planetary Chakra or energy centre. A Chakra is an energetic portal where life-force energy is concentrated at a particular energetic frequency. The portal of Telos aligns with the Soul Star Chakra & can be considered part of the planet’s light-body. The Soul Star Chakra exists within the energy field or light-body of every person. It is around 6-12” above the crown of the head & can be visualised as a swirling ball of pure white or golden light. This energetic centre connects our personal energetic field with the field of Universal Life Force Energy that connects all living things to all other living things in creation. At this energetic level, we are able to perceive our divinity & connect with deities, higher light-beings & guides in order to receive healing, spiritual activations & attunements. The Soul Star Chakra corresponds to 11-D consciousness. This level of consciousness allows access to high vibrational streams of power; and working with these higher energetic frequencies can help us to remember our spiritual commitments, realise spiritual gifts & recall experiences of past lives in order to establish a meaningful context for interpreting, expanding & mastering our current incarnation. The Lemurians & the Soul Star Chakra of the World As the Lemurians maintain the Soul Star Chakra of the world, they are also here to help us maintain our connection to our own Soul Star Chakra centres as a means to progress our ascension journey & awaken ourselves to higher levels of consciousness. The presence of Telos within a mountain reminds us of an essential truth that the Lemurians communicate regularly: in order to access high vibrational energies & experience the flow of those energies, we have to establish good grounding in the physical realm. We can’t translate the eternal etheric energies into something tangible or useful without keeping our feet firmly on the ground. If you want to bring your light to the planet, you need to make sure you are part of the planet too! Dualism in the New Age: 3D Consciousness & Spiritual Awakening In spiritual communities there is a lot of talk about transcending 3D consciousness as if all things physical or temporal are somehow less sacred than those things associated with higher frequency energies. This dualistic concept is harmful & false; it harkens back to the limited philosophies of some organised religions that proffer concepts like good & evil. A dualistic undercurrent in the collective thinking of humanity leads some lightworkers, Starseeds & indigo children to deny their humanness as something that’s “non-spiritual”; they can start to view the earthly planes as somehow negative or undesirable. When we deny our truth, we create a lot of energetic resistance & block ourselves from accessing the higher planes of spiritual awareness. In 2023, the Lemurians invite us to take the necessary steps to translate our higher light into the kind of light we can share with the world by remembering we are part of the world! Special Tasks for Starseeds & Lightworkers in 2023 Starseeds are present on the planet for the purpose of anchoring high-frequency light energy & the levels of consciousness, love & magick that it represents, to the physical plane. Since the 1960s Starseeds have incarnated with increasing frequency in order to progress this special task. The more Starseeds that are present on the planet, the higher the energetic frequencies we can tap into individually, collectively & as a planet become enlightened. But to anchor those energies, Starseeds must stay grounded. So this year, focusing on establishing a deeper connection to the earth will be a powerful way to explore your Starseed potential & connect with the Lemurians. There are a number of energy healing modalities that can be used to connect with the Lemurian light-beings & work with the energetic forces they represent: Lemurian Facilitator & Seed Crystals Attunements Lemurian Indigo Connections Light of Lemuria Attunement Amara Omni Empowerment Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Lemurian Starseed Attunement Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Attunements Information Article