of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
About Kundalini Activation
This energy is also called Kundalini Fire and
when activated, can be used for healing
yourself and others and for many other
purposes. By balancing and strengthening
the energy system and raising the Kundalini,
many positive side effects may result.
These include:
Increased creativity
Increased powers of concentration
Increased self-esteem
Increased ability to channel energy for
Increased compassion and empathy
Realization of your desires and
Awareness of/connection to the
Increased flow of Universal Life Force
A sense of peace
Increased health and vitality
Balance of physical appetites and
Increased psychic sensitivity
Raised consciousness
Better quality of sleep
A sense of connection to all things
Renewed passion for life
Expression of the Higher Self through
the physical body
Kundalini Reiki is a complete system of
energetic healing in its own right. However,
it can also be used to strengthen the
channeling and healing capacity of those
attuned to other energy healing modalities
such as Usui Reiki, Ama Deus Shamanic
Healing and Violet Flame. Many are of the
opinion that the healing effected when the
Kundalini has been awakened is that much
more powerful because both spiritual and
earth energies are harnessed.
Kundalini activation/awakening is most often
identified with the dynamic meditation
techniques of Kundalini Yoga. This is a very
powerful system – but Yogic practice is not
for everybody and Kundalini Reiki provides an
alternative method of Kundalini awakening
for those who prefer a simpler and gentle
Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning “the
coil in the hair of the beloved”. It refers to
the powerful, creative force resident in every
human being. The Kundalini lies dormant in
most people and is symbolised as coiled
snake at the base of the spine. Through
Kundalini activation, this energy ‘uncoils’,
ascending through the chakras to the crown
where it connects with the force of Universal
Love and Light. This connection to the
Universe/God ultimately can bring us to a
state of enlightenment (called ‘Samadhi’ in
Sanskrit), a state of total consciousness.
Through regularly working with our Kundalini
energy, our level of consciousness and
spiritual awareness is raised and we
increasingly manifest our ‘true’ or ‘higher’
Self. As we continue to achieve higher levels
of awareness and perception, we begin to
express our highest spiritual ideals and
destiny on the physical plane.
Kundalini activation is the birthright of every
human being. It is the path to our complete
manifestation and potential; the realisation of
the Self.
During Kundalini Activation work, the
masculine and feminine energies within the
practitioner are balanced and merged, as the
main energy channel is opened. Universal
Life Force Energy is drawn down through the
system as the earth energy is simultaneously
drawn up through the system. This action
creates a powerful, energising and purifying
heat. The Earth and Universal energies meet
and fuse at the level of the sacral chakra and
the resulting high-frequency creative force
moves downward to the base chakra where
the dormant Kundalini resides. Through this
transformative, alchemical process (the
reconciliation of opposites), the Kundalini
Flame is kindled and Kundalini Fire is
For details of the Kundalini Activation course,
please follow this link…
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