of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Kundalini Energy: Your Questions
Answered | A Mayastar Energy Healing
What is Kundalini Energy?
Kundalini energy is the potency of your
divine source: the fire within. It’s the origin
of spiritual power that comprises your soul.
In some spiritual philosophies this energy is
called Chi, Ki, Life-Force, Inner Light or
Shakti. It’s the essence of your true,
authentic self & is expressed in your life
wherever you put your focus & however
you configure your intentions.
Kundalini energy isn’t positive or negative
but can be used for positive or negative
ends depending on how you use it.
Kundalini energy is the magick you hold
within you & when it’s fully activated &
flows freely through your energy body, it
finds expression in your healing work,
spiritual practice, creative pursuits & all
expressions of love.
Kundalini energy connects all living things
to all other living things & learning to work
with this energy can enhance your sense of
spiritual connection. It can also help you to
manifest & harness spiritual gifts such as
healing abilities, psychic awareness,
intuition, empathy & astral travel. When
Kundalini energy is fully realised, higher
states of consciousness become open to us.
How can I activate my Kundalini
Kundalini activation is also called “Kundalini
Awakening” & this process is depicted
symbolically as a coiled serpent that sleeps
at the base of the spine. The base of the
spine is the location of the Base Chakra
that connects us to the physical plane &
facilitates the cohesive expression of our
spiritual essence in human form.
There are 7 main chakras, or energy
centres, that form the human energy field.
These are located along the spine, with the
highest energetic vibrations & highest level
of consciousness connected to the Crown
Chakra at the top of the head.
The process of living your life – sharing
your energy with the world & with those
around you, & progressing your path by
gaining wisdom & letting go of old
attachments & resentments is how you
naturally activate your Kundalini energy.
And often it’s the difficult & painful
experiences of life that progress the
journey to higher consciousness most
efficiently. But we can support this process
by using techniques that are designed to
facilitate connection with this energy & the
expression of it. Kundalini Yoga and
Kundalini Reiki are both very powerful &
popular modalities for supporting &
hastening our spiritual development.
This energy is also called Kundalini Fire and
when activated, can be used for healing
yourself and others and for many other
purposes. By balancing and strengthening
the energy system and raising the
Kundalini, many positive side effects may
Is Kundalini Energy Dangerous?
Kundalini energy isn’t dangerous because
it’s completely natural & neutral. It is the
expression of our divine nature & inner
power. It’s the energy we can tap into to
discover more about ourselves & others. We
can harness it for healing & channel it into
magick, manifesting & making a life. That’s
not to say complications can’t occur
Most often, when problems arise it’s
because someone is trying to pursue
Kundalini activation for ego-gratification.
This often manifests itself as people being
in a hurry on their “path to enlightenment”.
They can tend to carve out an identity of
being a “highly spiritual person” where they
become fixated on being a “high achiever”
in “states of consciousness”. You can often
spot them because they’ll make statements
like “I’ve transcended the 3D realm & only
want to be around other 5D people” – this
is patently absurd because if you really
transcended the 3D realm, you’d be dead!
They might also make statements like: “I’m
so spiritually sensitive and pure that I can
only eat (insert special dietary requirement
here)”; or even “I have achieved
When someone’s pursuing spiritual
development but with their ego in the
driving seat, that can be dangerous
because they’re restricting their eternal
essence by filtering it through their beliefs
or attachments. This can create real &
harmful delusions because their spiritual
practice may end up reinforcing their
limiting beliefs.
A lack of grounding is the most common
danger for those pursuing any kind of
spiritual path. If you start to notice yourself
thinking the 3D world is bad & the 5D world
is good; or that the spiritual realm is
positive & the physical realm is negative,
it’s time to take a break from your spiritual
practice & ground yourself properly by
focusing your time & attention on more
mundane matters! High vibrational spiritual
energy is useless if you aren’t grounded
enough to actually use it! True spiritual
development requires the full integration of
your lower consciousness with your higher
consciousness. Both aspects must be
developed in harmony if you want to realise
your true potential!
What are the benefits of working with
Kundalini energy?
Through regularly working with our
Kundalini energy, our level of consciousness
and spiritual awareness is raised and we
increasingly manifest our authentic spiritual
self. As we continue to achieve higher levels
of awareness and perception, we begin to
express our highest spiritual ideals and
destiny on the physical plane.
Kundalini activation is the birthright of
every human being. It is the path to our
complete manifestation and potential; the
realisation of the Self.
During Kundalini Activation work, the
masculine and feminine energies within the
practitioner are balanced and merged, as
the main energy channel is opened.
Universal Life Force Energy is drawn down
through the system as the earth energy is
simultaneously drawn up through the
system. This action creates a powerful,
energising and purifying heat. The earthy
energies meet the spiritual energies and
fuse at the level of the sacral chakra. Then
the resulting high-frequency creative force
moves downward to the base chakra where
the dormant Kundalini resides. Through this
transformative, alchemical process (the
reconciliation of opposites), the Kundalini
Flame is kindled and Kundalini Fire is
What is Kundalini Reiki?
Kundalini Reiki is an attunement-based
energy healing modality that helps you to
connect with your Kundalini energy to
enhance your healing journey & progress
your spiritual development. The principle
technique is called the “Kundalini Fire
Meditation” which can be completed every
day in 5-15 minutes. This energy flows
along the Kundalini channel of the spine,
cleansing & activating the 7 main energy
centres of the body. Regularly working with
this technique can enhance the awakening
of the Kundalini energy & ensure it’s
achieved without force, without ego &
without creating imbalance.
Benefits of Kundalini Reiki include:
Increased creativity
Increased powers of concentration
Increased self-esteem
Increased ability to channel energy
Increased compassion and empathy
Realization of your desires and potential
Awareness of/connection to the
Increased flow of Universal Life Force
Increased health and vitality
Balance of physical appetites and drives
Increased psychic sensitivity
Raised consciousness
Better quality of sleep
A sense of connection to all things
Renewed passion for life
Expression of the Higher Self through the
physical body
Kundalini activation/awakening is most
often identified with the dynamic
meditation techniques of Kundalini Yoga.
This is a very powerful system – but Yogic
practice is not for everybody and Kundalini
Reiki provides an alternative method of
Kundalini awakening for those who prefer a
simpler and gentle approach.
Read about the Kundalini Reiki course
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