of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
The Higher Self Journey Activation
The Higher Self Journey Activation Program
has seven activations to aid you in
communicating with your Higher Self. Each
activation helps to clear the blocks and
hindering energies that might prevent you
from receiving divine guidance, messages
through dreams or psychic impressions,
inspiration for your direction in life, and
insights about your soul mission for this
incarnation. By clearing the barriers to higher
consciousness, you are able to progress your
spiritual awakening.
Divine Protection Activation
This activation creates an etheric shield of
Divine and Holy protection which acts as an
energetic barrier. Using this activation allows
you to block out intrusive, negative or
malicious energies from other people; it
protects you against psychic attack by
creating an etheric shield that helps you to
maintain your balance, even in challenging
Clearing Activation
This activation works to clear energy blocks
and dissolve barriers that hinder the flow of
communication between your normal
consciousness and your Higher Self. Using
this activation can help you cleanse away the
energetic debris within your energy field that
may be a result of negative thoughts,
limiting beliefs, difficult emotions or
imbalance in your energy body. This
activation restores your inner harmony,
allowing you to recognise the promptings of
spirit, and enabling you to receive guidance
from your highest spiritual aspects.
Grounding Activation
This activation helps to maintain your
consciousness within your body, allowing you
to remain conscious of your immediate
surroundings and your reality. Using this
activation can help you to prevent getting
swept up in whatever’s going on around you,
allowing you to retain your connection with
the divine and ensuring a sense of safety and
security. Grounding has a naturally protective
effect on the energy field, and this can
further support your energy protection.
Meditation Activation
The purpose of this activation is to help you
to receive guidance from the Higher Self in
meditation. It will enable you to develop a
routine of connecting with the Higher Self as
well as help to discipline you to consistently
seek communication and wisdom from your
Higher Self.
Higher Guidance Activation
The purpose of the Higher Guidance
activation is to help you hear the still small
voice of the Higher Self within you. It will
free you from all thoughts and or energies
that keep you from hearing the Higher Self
or the inner voice. This activation also
includes connection with your spirit guides
and the beings that support you such as
Angels, Ascended Masters and Light-Beings.
This activation opens you to receive their
loving support and healing.
Communication Activation
This Activation will enable you to
communicate with the Higher Self through
any means that you find beneficial to you
whether it be through your dream state,
automatic writing, meditation, channelling,
divination and so on. It will empower you to
gain insights and to develop personal
wisdom. Communication is a two-way
process and working with this energy can
also help you to more effectively commune
and share energy with your spiritual support
team in the divine dimensions.
Heart Activation
The heart activation will enable you to
embrace love for yourself and for others.
Aligning with loving connections brings us
closer to the Higher Self, allowing us to
perceive the truth. When the Heart Chakra is
fully activated, we are able to see beyond
appearances and judgements, and appreciate
the divine reality. This activation allows us to
live from a spiritual perspective and express
the Higher Self in our daily lives.
Course includes:
7 distant attunements
15-page course manual in pdf format by
Maya’s exclusive eBook: "The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium. This includes
information about energy anatomy,
spirituality, healing, meditation & provides
a broad base of knowledge to enhance
your healing & spiritual development
The Mayastar Information Pack
An Accredited Certificate of Achievement
& lineage. Your lineage is proof you’ve
been attuned by someone from a line of
genuine masters
The option to upgrade your Certificate of
Achievement to a Mayastar Diploma for
an upgrade fee of £20. To receive this
higher award, you need to submit a 300-
word essay about the modality, along with
3 case-studies to demonstrate your
experience of using it. Read about
Mayastar’s advanced programmes here…
Attunement(s) sent using the Orb of Life
method within 3 days of purchase
Unlimited email support from Maya for the
duration of your course
No time limits or deadlines! You are
encouraged to learn at your own pace and
to enjoy your journey with Mayastar. Read
more about how courses work here…
Prerequisites: None
Higher Self Journey Activations Course:
Diploma Certification Optional Upgrade:
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!