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The Great Central Sun, Collective Consciousness & Spiritual


The Great Central Sun is a spiritual symbol that expresses the collective

consciousness of the whole Universe and which can be contemplated or

meditated upon to help us gain some understanding and perspective of our

place in the grand spiritual hierarchy.

Just as the planets in our solar system orbit our sun, so all individual

expressions of consciousness orbit the Great Central Sun within the spiritual

dimension. As a symbol, the Great Central Sun can be visualised as being

like our own sun and meditation on our sun and the expression of solar

energy can help us to connect with the higher concept of the Great Central

Sun. The things we know and notice about the light of the physical sun that

nurtures life on our planet can give us some clues about the nature of

consciousness and our own spiritual journey.

As well as drawing inspiration from meditation on our own sun as a way to

connect with the idea of a Great Central Sun, we can reflect on the way our

galaxy is put together. Our sun is one of 100-400 billion stars that make up

the Milky Way galaxy that is our home. Our galaxy is shaped like a spiral and

it rotates around a central point where physicists believe, a super-massive

black hole exists that has the gravitational power to hold our entire galaxy

together and maintain it procession.

The time it takes for our sun to complete a full galactic orbit is 220 to 230

million years! In comparison, it take 365 days for our planet to orbit the sun

at the centre of our solar system. So reflecting on the enormous and

continuous cosmic dance that is repeated on different scales throughout our

Universe can help us to understand that our relationship with consciousness

as individuals is only the tip of the iceberg and that higher levels of

consciousness exist beyond that; and that human life-cycles for the

expression of consciousness are not long, but cycles of the expression of

cosmic consciousness take place over far longer periods of time that can’t be

appreciated fully from our limited human perspective.

When reflecting on the spiritual symbolism of the Great Central Sun, it’s

important to remember that all life is considered to have consciousness to

some degree within the spiritual model. Every expression of life is part of

one “Universe” and is energetically connected with every other expression of

life within the Universe. The plants are connected to the animals and the

people; the planet itself has its own consciousness as do all the physical

components that make it up: the rocks, the soil, the rivers and seas all have

their own spirit or soul that can be considered part of the collective. So when

we access higher levels of consciousness we can gradually become more

aware of the energetic spiritual expression that underpins all of creation and

which is expressed in unique and myriad forms through all that is seen and


The Great Central Sun can also be perceived as an energetic egregore – a

concept discussed in another article you’ll find on Mayastar which relates to

the thoughtforms that build up and are anchored to energetic symbols. As

an example, let’s take our own sun. As a unique expression of life, it has its

own consciousness and energy. Its energetic expression is informed by

higher expressions of consciousness that mirror it such as the Great Central

Sun. So by connecting with solar energy, we will increase our sense of

alignment and connection with the Great Central Sun too. And these layers

of consciousness extend in the other direction too. As all the humans on the

planet see the sun, and experience it in their own unique ways, they project

their own energetic understanding of the symbol towards the sun. The scale

of the these expressions creates an enormous energetic receptacle that

could be considered like a battery of energy that we can then connect with

to harness the power for different purposes such as healing or magick. The

thoughtform or egregore that is created by all human experiences and

understanding of the sun exists as an energetic sphere of influence that is

more accessible to us than the spiritual energy the sun expresses innately

but the egregore is informed by the sun’s expression too. So an egregore

can be considered a kind of energetic intersection that allows us to attune to

those energies so that we can perceive them more accurately and through

regular connection with the egregore, achieve higher levels of consciousness

that allow us to gain a more spiritual perspective.

The symbol of the Great Central Sun can also be considered a reflection of

the concept of God. Although different spiritual paths have different

definitions for what God is and what God does, very generally speaking, God

is considered a transcendent character who knows all and is in all places at

all times, all at once. The Great Central Sun is likewise omnipresent and

reflects the collective consciousness of all creation. Just as God is considered

to express the oneness or wholeness of creation, so the Great Central Sun

can be considered a reflection of the oneness of consciousness that connects

all things to all things on an energetic level.

Another way we can reflect on the Great Central Sun as a spiritual symbol is

through its nurturing and light-giving qualities. Just as our physical sun’s

energy allows plants to grow and flourish, creating life and providing us with

food and everything we need to live, so the Great Central Sun’s energy

continually shines upon us in the spiritual dimension, providing us with the

energy of Light or Life-Force, which is also called Chi, Ki or Prana. During

meditations, we can connect more intensely with that energy by focusing on

breathing in life-force energy and anchoring it into the solar plexus area. The

solar plexus is the energy centre that’s located in the centre of the torso –

just below the breast bone, between the ribs. The solar plexus chakra is

called “The Star of the Sacred Flame” in the Avalonian Alignment, Star of

Avalon Ascension and Avalonian Spectral Activations energy healing systems.

It reflects the symbol of the sun and the Great Central Sun as its qualities

reflect personal empowerment and when fully activated and balanced, the

solar plexus chakra energy is expressed in our confidence, determination,

courage, independence and originality.

You can further enhance your solar meditations and intensify the activation

of your solar plexus chakra by spending time each day in sunlight during

your practice. The light of the sun is essential to our bodies; it creates

unique chemical reactions within us that balance our hormones, create

nutrients within our body and maintain the function of the immune system.

Light from the sun activates different areas of our brains and allows us to

produce different types of neurotransmitters which can affect our mood. It’s

hard to overestimate how important time in the sun is for people! And while

too much sun exposure can be detrimental, spending at least 20 minutes a

day in the early morning light while you bring your attention to your breath

can be a simple but extremely powerful spiritual practice to strengthen that

solar plexus potency, while also supporting your physical, mental and

emotional health.

When it comes to energy healing, you can further activate the healing

potential of solar energy in your life with the Solar Goddess Radiance

Attunement system. Here is some information about this modality:

“Our ancient ancestors understood the power and significance of particular

cosmological alignments and built monuments to specifically to mark and

track these events, and to celebrate them. Stonehenge in South-West

England is an example of such a sacred monument that is very significant for

the Solstices.

There are many today that still observe and celebrate these events; my

personal religious observations follow the natural tides of the year and

during this particular seasonal festival, the focus of the ritual was the Norse

Goddess, Sunna: The Goddess of the Sun.

In some of the popular mythologies, Greek and Roman for example, deities

associated with the Sun have tended to be male. However, further north, the

qualities of the Sun were perceived very differently because of the climatic


During the Beltane fire festival ritual, we celebrated the waxing of the Solar

current as Sunna rides the sky, drawing closer to the Earth and bringing the

world back to life after the colder winter months. Starting at Mid-Winter and

increasing in influence as the year turns to Midsummer, Sunna’s power is felt

and its effect seen, all around us.

The sleeping trees awaken, stretch to the sky and green; flowers and plants

stir within the dark Earth as they sense her warmth and emerge to bask in

her light; hibernating animals awaken and begin their annual rites of

courtship and subsequent mating rituals; during this time, the world is filled

with expressed fertility and abundance; the encouragement and nurturing of

life and the joy and hope the season evokes with such bounteous scenes

affects us all. You can almost taste the healing quality of the energy in air!

This force of energy will be imprinted and ‘stored’ within your energy field to

be called upon whenever you would like to invoke and express it for

whatever purpose you choose.

The course manual includes information about solar deities, quantum

physics, the power of the mind, complementary therapies and energy

healing, the Norse goddess Sunna, creating solar talismans, affirmations,

environmental healing, self-healing, healing others, energy protection,

empowering or charging sacred objects, energetically cleansing the home

and much more. Read more here…

Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2024
Maya Muses - Week-Ahead Spiritual Guidance Tarot Readings for the Collective every Monday Maya Magickal - Tailored Spells, Healing & Magickal Intensives Mayastar Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Linkedin - Maya’s Art - Instagram - ALM (Maya) FB - Pinterest - Tumblr - Wordpress Join the mailing list or email Maya with your enquiry at: Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; and 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me. Payment Information: Personalised Packages, Exchange Rates & Monthly Payment Plans Testimonials & Reviews Code of Ethics, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 10k courses taught worldwide!
The Great Central Sun, Collective Consciousness & Spiritual Ascension The Great Central Sun is a spiritual symbol that expresses the collective consciousness of the whole Universe and which can be contemplated or meditated upon to help us gain some understanding and perspective of our place in the grand spiritual hierarchy. Just as the planets in our solar system orbit our sun, so all individual expressions of consciousness orbit the Great Central Sun within the spiritual dimension. As a symbol, the Great Central Sun can be visualised as being like our own sun and meditation on our sun and the expression of solar energy can help us to connect with the higher concept of the Great Central Sun. The things we know and notice about the light of the physical sun that nurtures life on our planet can give us some clues about the nature of consciousness and our own spiritual journey. As well as drawing inspiration from meditation on our own sun as a way to connect with the idea of a Great Central Sun, we can reflect on the way our galaxy is put together. Our sun is one of 100-400 billion stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy that is our home. Our galaxy is shaped like a spiral and it rotates around a central point where physicists believe, a super-massive black hole exists that has the gravitational power to hold our entire galaxy together and maintain it procession. The time it takes for our sun to complete a full galactic orbit is 220 to 230 million years! In comparison, it take 365 days for our planet to orbit the sun at the centre of our solar system. So reflecting on the enormous and continuous cosmic dance that is repeated on different scales throughout our Universe can help us to understand that our relationship with consciousness as individuals is only the tip of the iceberg and that higher levels of consciousness exist beyond that; and that human life-cycles for the expression of consciousness are not long, but cycles of the expression of cosmic consciousness take place over far longer periods of time that can’t be appreciated fully from our limited human perspective. When reflecting on the spiritual symbolism of the Great Central Sun, it’s important to remember that all life is considered to have consciousness to some degree within the spiritual model. Every expression of life is part of one “Universe” and is energetically connected with every other expression of life within the Universe. The plants are connected to the animals and the people; the planet itself has its own consciousness as do all the physical components that make it up: the rocks, the soil, the rivers and seas all have their own spirit or soul that can be considered part of the collective. So when we access higher levels of consciousness we can gradually become more aware of the energetic spiritual expression that underpins all of creation and which is expressed in unique and myriad forms through all that is seen and unseen. The Great Central Sun can also be perceived as an energetic egregore – a concept discussed in another article you’ll find on Mayastar which relates to the thoughtforms that build up and are anchored to energetic symbols. As an example, let’s take our own sun. As a unique expression of life, it has its own consciousness and energy. Its energetic expression is informed by higher expressions of consciousness that mirror it such as the Great Central Sun. So by connecting with solar energy, we will increase our sense of alignment and connection with the Great Central Sun too. And these layers of consciousness extend in the other direction too. As all the humans on the planet see the sun, and experience it in their own unique ways, they project their own energetic understanding of the symbol towards the sun. The scale of the these expressions creates an enormous energetic receptacle that could be considered like a battery of energy that we can then connect with to harness the power for different purposes such as healing or magick. The thoughtform or egregore that is created by all human experiences and understanding of the sun exists as an energetic sphere of influence that is more accessible to us than the spiritual energy the sun expresses innately but the egregore is informed by the sun’s expression too. So an egregore can be considered a kind of energetic intersection that allows us to attune to those energies so that we can perceive them more accurately and through regular connection with the egregore, achieve higher levels of consciousness that allow us to gain a more spiritual perspective. The symbol of the Great Central Sun can also be considered a reflection of the concept of God. Although different spiritual paths have different definitions for what God is and what God does, very generally speaking, God is considered a transcendent character who knows all and is in all places at all times, all at once. The Great Central Sun is likewise omnipresent and reflects the collective consciousness of all creation. Just as God is considered to express the oneness or wholeness of creation, so the Great Central Sun can be considered a reflection of the oneness of consciousness that connects all things to all things on an energetic level. Another way we can reflect on the Great Central Sun as a spiritual symbol is through its nurturing and light-giving qualities. Just as our physical sun’s energy allows plants to grow and flourish, creating life and providing us with food and everything we need to live, so the Great Central Sun’s energy continually shines upon us in the spiritual dimension, providing us with the energy of Light or Life-Force, which is also called Chi, Ki or Prana. During meditations, we can connect more intensely with that energy by focusing on breathing in life-force energy and anchoring it into the solar plexus area. The solar plexus is the energy centre that’s located in the centre of the torso – just below the breast bone, between the ribs. The solar plexus chakra is called “The Star of the Sacred Flame” in the Avalonian Alignment, Star of Avalon Ascension and Avalonian Spectral Activations energy healing systems. It reflects the symbol of the sun and the Great Central Sun as its qualities reflect personal empowerment and when fully activated and balanced, the solar plexus chakra energy is expressed in our confidence, determination, courage, independence and originality. You can further enhance your solar meditations and intensify the activation of your solar plexus chakra by spending time each day in sunlight during your practice. The light of the sun is essential to our bodies; it creates unique chemical reactions within us that balance our hormones, create nutrients within our body and maintain the function of the immune system. Light from the sun activates different areas of our brains and allows us to produce different types of neurotransmitters which can affect our mood. It’s hard to overestimate how important time in the sun is for people! And while too much sun exposure can be detrimental, spending at least 20 minutes a day in the early morning light while you bring your attention to your breath can be a simple but extremely powerful spiritual practice to strengthen that solar plexus potency, while also supporting your physical, mental and emotional health. When it comes to energy healing, you can further activate the healing potential of solar energy in your life with the Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement system. Here is some information about this modality: “Our ancient ancestors understood the power and significance of particular cosmological alignments and built monuments to specifically to mark and track these events, and to celebrate them. Stonehenge in South-West England is an example of such a sacred monument that is very significant for the Solstices. There are many today that still observe and celebrate these events; my personal religious observations follow the natural tides of the year and during this particular seasonal festival, the focus of the ritual was the Norse Goddess, Sunna: The Goddess of the Sun. In some of the popular mythologies, Greek and Roman for example, deities associated with the Sun have tended to be male. However, further north, the qualities of the Sun were perceived very differently because of the climatic variance. During the Beltane fire festival ritual, we celebrated the waxing of the Solar current as Sunna rides the sky, drawing closer to the Earth and bringing the world back to life after the colder winter months. Starting at Mid-Winter and increasing in influence as the year turns to Midsummer, Sunna’s power is felt and its effect seen, all around us. The sleeping trees awaken, stretch to the sky and green; flowers and plants stir within the dark Earth as they sense her warmth and emerge to bask in her light; hibernating animals awaken and begin their annual rites of courtship and subsequent mating rituals; during this time, the world is filled with expressed fertility and abundance; the encouragement and nurturing of life and the joy and hope the season evokes with such bounteous scenes affects us all. You can almost taste the healing quality of the energy in air! This force of energy will be imprinted and ‘stored’ within your energy field to be called upon whenever you would like to invoke and express it for whatever purpose you choose. The course manual includes information about solar deities, quantum physics, the power of the mind, complementary therapies and energy healing, the Norse goddess Sunna, creating solar talismans, affirmations, environmental healing, self- healing, healing others, energy protection, empowering or charging sacred objects, energetically cleansing the home and much more. Read more here… Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Chamuel: Limitless Love & Healing with the 3rd Ray Animal Medicine Article Developing an Affinity for Abundance | Law of Attraction Article Your Abundance Altar: Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Ascended Masters Article Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy