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Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; & 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me & I’ll be happy to help!

Archangel Gabriel: Energy Healing, Empathy & Symbols

The Archangel Gabriel, whose name means “Power of God”, is perhaps the most well-known and beloved of the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel is featured as the herald who comes to the Virgin Mary bringing “good tidings of great joy” and proclaiming some of the words of the “Hail Mary” prayer: “Hail Mary! Full of grace! The Lord is with thee!”.

Non-Binary & Agender Angels

Most angels are depicted as male, but with Gabriel, he/she is often depicted as female. This is a matter of personal preference; many spiritual beings are what we’d now call “agender” or maybe even “genderfluid” or “non-binary”. I will refer to the Archangel Gabriel as masculine as that’s my personal habit. But please feel free to relate to him (or any of the other Emissaries of Light), in the ways that feel most resonant for you.

Archangel Gabriel Appearance & Symbols

Archangel Gabriel can be envisioned as a tall, slender male figure in a flowing white robe, with long silver hair and piercing blue/silver eyes. The white lily he carries is a traditional symbol of the Virgin Mary; and the trumpet is connected with the second coming of Christ as well as the ancient, hidden meaning of the apocalypse; far from being the end of all things, the word “apocalypse” is a Greek word that means “revelation” and refers to a new reality or paradigm shift that indicates progress and spiritual growth. It’s about leaving behind what doesn’t work to make way for what does.

Archangel Gabriel’s Loving Energy

The Archangel Gabriel inspires love, hope and creation. He assists with the processes of birth and death and at times of great emotional upheaval, he energetically reaches out to support human souls with his endless compassion and unconditional love. His ‘watery’ nature makes him especially caring and his energy is very nurturing and motherly.

Archangel Gabriel, Psychic Awareness & Empathy

He can be called upon for insight into the present and knowledge of the future. He is a patron of mystics, artists and mothers. Secrecy is an important expression of his nature. The root of the word “secret” has the same as the root of the word “sacred”; and maintaining silence and secrecy can be a way of holding on to one’s sacred power. As a being associated with prophecy, this trait mirrors the Goddess Frigga’s nature; she also has the gift of insight and prophecy. She is the wife of Odin and is renowned for her knowledge of all things. However, she famously says nothing of what she knows because she also knows enough to realise that speaking of things can change what happens; and that ‘interference’ with the unfolding of things can have karmic implications. The importance of creating boundaries in order to properly use a spiritual gift avoids the complication of the involvement of the ego that can limit the potency of those gifts & stop them being used for higher spiritual purposes.

Archangel Gabriel in the Kabbala

In the ancient Jewish system of the Kabbala, Archangel Gabriel is associated with the sphere on the Tree of Life, called Yesod. This is the plane of the moon and represents the unconscious mind: the realm of visions, intuition, dreams and magick. This association makes the Archangel Gabriel a patron of those whose dominant spiritual expression is of the element of water. That’s not just for those who are born under a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), but also those that are highly sensitive, empathic or psychic. (This article is an excerpt from Archangel Gabriel’s Empath Encoding Course | Maya 2019) Read more: Archangel Gabriel’s Empath Encoding Course (Channelled by Maya) Read more: Angel Lightworker Programme Course Go to... Articles Menu Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork DNA Activation & Healing: An Overview The Great Goddess Quan Yin | Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Maya Muses - Energy Updates, Affirmations, Mystical Musings, Personal Posts, Photos & All the Latest for Mayastar & Maya Magickal Maya Magickal - Tailored Spells, Healing & Magickal Intensives Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin - Instagram - ALM (Maya) FB - Pinterest - Wordpress Join the mailing list or email Maya with your enquiry at: Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; and 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me. Payment Information: Personalised Packages, Exchange Rates & Monthly Payment Plans Testimonials & Reviews Cookie Policy, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Archangel Gabriel: Energy Healing, Empathy & Symbols The Archangel Gabriel, whose name means “Power of God”, is perhaps the most well- known and beloved of the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel is featured as the herald who comes to the Virgin Mary bringing “good tidings of great joy” and proclaiming some of the words of the “Hail Mary” prayer: “Hail Mary! Full of grace! The Lord is with thee!”. Non-Binary & Agender Angels Most angels are depicted as male, but with Gabriel, he/she is often depicted as female. This is a matter of personal preference; many spiritual beings are what we’d now call “agender” or maybe even “genderfluid” or “non-binary”. I will refer to the Archangel Gabriel as masculine as that’s my personal habit. But please feel free to relate to him (or any of the other Emissaries of Light), in the ways that feel most resonant for you. Archangel Gabriel Appearance & Symbols Archangel Gabriel can be envisioned as a tall, slender male figure in a flowing white robe, with long silver hair and piercing blue/silver eyes. The white lily he carries is a traditional symbol of the Virgin Mary; and the trumpet is connected with the second coming of Christ as well as the ancient, hidden meaning of the apocalypse; far from being the end of all things, the word “apocalypse” is a Greek word that means “revelation” and refers to a new reality or paradigm shift that indicates progress and spiritual growth. It’s about leaving behind what doesn’t work to make way for what does. Archangel Gabriel’s Loving Energy The Archangel Gabriel inspires love, hope and creation. He assists with the processes of birth and death and at times of great emotional upheaval, he energetically reaches out to support human souls with his endless compassion and unconditional love. His ‘watery’ nature makes him especially caring and his energy is very nurturing and motherly. Archangel Gabriel, Psychic Awareness & Empathy He can be called upon for insight into the present and knowledge of the future. He is a patron of mystics, artists and mothers. Secrecy is an important expression of his nature. The root of the word “secret” has the same as the root of the word “sacred”; and maintaining silence and secrecy can be a way of holding on to one’s sacred power. As a being associated with prophecy, this trait mirrors the Goddess Frigga’s nature; she also has the gift of insight and prophecy. She is the wife of Odin and is renowned for her knowledge of all things. However, she famously says nothing of what she knows because she also knows enough to realise that speaking of things can change what happens; and that ‘interference’ with the unfolding of things can have karmic implications. The importance of creating boundaries in order to properly use a spiritual gift avoids the complication of the involvement of the ego that can limit the potency of those gifts & stop them being used for higher spiritual purposes. Archangel Gabriel in the Kabbala In the ancient Jewish system of the Kabbala, Archangel Gabriel is associated with the sphere on the Tree of Life, called Yesod. This is the plane of the moon and represents the unconscious mind: the realm of visions, intuition, dreams and magick. This association makes the Archangel Gabriel a patron of those whose dominant spiritual expression is of the element of water. That’s not just for those who are born under a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), but also those that are highly sensitive, empathic or psychic. Read more: Archangel Gabriel’s Empath Encoding Course (Channelled by Maya) Read more: Angel Lightworker Programme Course Go to... Articles Menu Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork DNA Activation & Healing: An Overview The Great Goddess Quan Yin | Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article