of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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About Attunements
Elen Of The Ways Initiation & Healing
System - The Goddess of Mother Nature
Powerful connection with the Great Mother
Goddess. Learn about Elen and how to work
with her energy for healing and spiritual
The course covers correspondences and
detailed attributes of the Goddess Elen so
you can discover ways to connect with her
more deeply using mandalas, totems, colour
and sacred symbols.
2 attunements. 2 course manuals plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Elen of the Ways Initiation & Healing
System: £60
Fairy LightWorker Program
This course connects you with the following
Green Man
Woodland Nymph
Star Fairy
Stone Fairy
Ice Fairy
Water Sprite
River Queen - Coventina
The course covers how to work with the fairy
energies and which fairies to connect with for
different applications including: healing,
abundance, magick, guidance, protection,
fertility, transformation, transition, strength,
love, happiness, and beauty.
Eleven attunements, 36 page manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Fairy Lightworker Program Course: £80
Lotus Fountain Healing Technique
The energy for this system is full-spectrum
which makes it a versatile option that can be
used for all kinds of healing, meditation,
ritual and spiritual work. It can be used for
self healing, distance healing, animal healing
as well as in-person healing.
The course includes the use of mudras
(sacred hand positions) and techniques that
activate the flow of energy through the
hands, from the heart centre.
The lotus is a powerful symbol for spiritual
enlightenment and the manual explains in
detail how the life-journey of the lotus
mirrors the life-journey of the human soul.
Connecting with this powerful symbol using
the Lotus Fountain Healing technique
facilitates deep healing, spiritual growth and
personal transformation.
1 attunement. 37 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lotus Fountain Healing Technique
Course: £40
Magickal Lightwork Program
Learn about the 12 Universal Laws and how
to use them by combining magickal principles
and lightwork.
Manifest the desires that align you with your
highest good to progress your spiritual
journey towards enlightenment. Focus your
intentions and energy to maximise your
potential and create a magickal and
meaningful life that feeds your soul!
These attunements connect you with the
higher self, angels, fairies, dragons, the
goddess and your spiritual guides. These
lightbeings provide guidance and support in
completing your life-purpose.
The increase in personal power can be
directed to manifest abundance, beneficial
relationships, success, harmony, health and
happiness in accordance with your highest
spiritual potential.
6 attunements, 7 course manuals plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Magickal Lightwork Program Course:
Nature Deva & Fairies Attunements
Connect with the spirit of nature and the
elemental beings that inhabit the fairy realm
for spiritual development and healing work.
A connection to the supportive beings of the
Kingdom of Nature can help you to feel
deeper connection to the earth, plants and
animals; these potent energies can be
directed for healing, used in personal
spiritual/magickal practice and in daily
3 attunements. 15 page manual plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Nature Deva & Fairies Attunements
Course: £60
Fairies & Nature Energy Healer Package
This package includes:
Elen of the Ways
Fairy Lightworker Programme
Nature Deva & Fairies
Fairies & Nature Energy Healer Package:
£130 (save £70 on the regular fees)
Fairies & Nature Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package
This package includes:
Elen of the Ways
Fairy Lightworker Programme
Nature Deva & Fairies
Magickal Lightworker Programme
Lotus Fountain Healing
An accredited certificate of achievement is
issued for each course as part of the
package. On submission of a 300-word essay
& 3 case studies that demonstrate your
understanding & experience of each course, a
basic diploma certificate is issued. If you
complete all courses in the package to the
diploma level, you will receive an advanced
This package can count towards Mayastar
Degree Programmes. To receive a "Mayastar
Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 5 advanced diplomas; to receive a
"Mayastar Master of Energy Healing Degree"
you need to complete 10 advanced diplomas;
and to receive a "Mayastar Doctor of Energy
Healing Degree" you need to complete 15
advanced diplomas. The advanced diploma
packages can be found through the “Course
Category Menus” at the top of this page.
Fairies & Nature Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package: £300 (save
£100 on the regular fees)
Diploma Level Upgrade
To upgrade a single course to diploma level,
add this option to your order. Diploma
certification is issued on submission of a 300-
word essay demonstrating your
understanding of the modality & 3 case
studies that demonstrate your experience
working with the energy. This option allows
you to build towards advanced diploma or
degree certification one course at a time.
Diploma Level Upgrade: £20
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!