of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Ethereal Crystals, Record Keepers &
Crystal Grids
One of the most popular Mayastar courses is
the Ethereal Crystals Healing modality, that
attunes the student to 60 different crystal
energies. Ethereal Crystals reflect the
qualities of physical crystals and allow us to
connect with specific crystal energy
frequencies without having the physical
crystal present.
Everything reflected within the physical or
3D realm is also connected to the invisible
realm by virtue of its “spirit” or
“consciousness”. Consciousness is expressed
throughout the whole of creation, but takes
different forms on different planes of
existence. Everything in the physical realm
carries an energetic signature that’s unique
and expresses its divine nature – and that
goes for all the people, plants and animals
too. But it also applies to those things we
don’t automatically consider to possess “life”
or that we call “inanimate”. But physical
crystals have life-cycles too! They grow and
change and evolve. The elements and forces
of nature work upon a crystal over
thousands of years and combine to create
unique energetic signatures that we can tap
into for the purpose of progressing the
spiritual path and unlocking our healing
Ethereal Crystals can be considered the
“over-soul” of particular energetic
expressions that are found within those
physical crystals. For example, if connecting
with Ethereal Rose Quartz, you are
connecting with the vibrational signature
that carries the qualities, powers and
potency of the energy contained within any
and all Rose Quartz crystals that have ever
existed and will ever exist in the future. By
connecting with this energy, you can utilise
crystal energy even when you don’t have the
physical crystal present. This can be very
useful if you want to harness the healing and
magickal properties of stones that are rare
or expensive such as diamond, ruby,
sapphire and emerald, which are all included
in the Ethereal Crystals course. Additionally,
high frequency stones like Moldavite can be
difficult to handle for some people who have
high sensitivity; working with the Ethereal
Moldavite can help you to acclimatise to
working with those super high-frequency
The physical crystal can be seen as a kind of
anchor that allows the etheric energy of the
crystal to find expression on the physical
plane. In the same way, our human bodies
can be seen as a way of anchoring the soul
to the physical world that allows us to
explore our true nature and express our
divinity through our day to day lives. And
just as we evolve, learn, change and grow
throughout a life time, so can crystals!
If you’re watching this video, the chances
are you have some interest or experience of
working with crystals. Or perhaps you just
like them and enjoy collecting them. If you
fall into either of these categories, you may
have noticed that you develop relationships
with your own crystals when you work with
them over an extended period of time.
Crystals pick up energetic imprints from all
of their experiences too. And just as external
conditions can affect the expression of our
energy, and even our physical genes, so a
crystal is affected by the environmental
energy and experiences it has. If you work
with a crystal for a long time, you literally
develop an energetic bond with it and that
bond works both ways.
This phenomenon of imprinting energy onto
crystals brings us on to some of the most
coveted crystals in existence! The elusive
(and often simulated) Lemurian Seed Crystal
Record Keeper! Lemurian Seed Crystals are
found in Brazil, though in more recent years,
people claim that they can be found in other
places too. This is a possibility because some
of the Lemurians survived the sinking of
their continent and are believed to have
inhabited areas of South America and the
southern United States; and if some
survived by travelling to the east, it’s quite
likely others survived by travelling to the
Record Keeper crystals have a pattern of
striations on one or more faces – and by
rubbing the face with the pattern on it
during meditation, you can activate and
align with the energy of that crystal, and
potentially awaken memories of past
connections with the ancient Lemurians. We
can also connect with Lemurian light-beings
through energy attunements such as the
Wheel of Light Starseed Activations:
Lemurian Starseed Attunement, Amara Omni
Empowerment, Lemurian Indigo Connections
& the Lemurian Facilitator & Seed Crystals
Activations course, all of which are available
on the Mayastar website. But we can
connect with Lemurian Light Beings by
connecting with the natural world. Visiting
the sea or the ocean, working with crystals
and tending to the needs of the natural
world can all be powerful ways of enhancing
our relationship with the ancient beings that
are ready and waiting to share their love,
wisdom and encouragement with us.
The ancient Lemurians are sometimes
credited with creating crystal grids that form
the pattern of ley lines that criss-cross the
globe and which create powerful energy
centres where they converge. These
convergences become sacred sites, and the
locations for temples and religious
ceremonies because of the high-frequency
energy anchored at those points. Whether
the ancients created them or simply taught
us how to use them doesn’t really matter!
The energy pathways of the earth herself
can be tapped into by spending time in
nature and opening your awareness to the
energetic dimension of the world. A great
way to enhance this experience is to connect
with Ethereal Crystal Energy while you’re
outside and connecting with the healing
power of the natural world. But you can also
share your spiritual practice and bring that
energy home with you by taking a favourite
crystal with you when you spend mindful
time in nature.
Another powerful technique for harnessing
the healing power and magickal potential of
crystals is to create crystal grids. Often we
do this by placing physical crystals into a
grid pattern in order to “pin down” the
energy and create a kind of battery that
allows the intensity of that energy to build
and keeps it flowing in a contained circuit.
The Ethereal Crystals Healing course teaches
you to create crystal grids without the
physical crystals present. This can be a great
way to start out with crystal healing without
buying a lot of different crystals! You can
experiment by creating a basic grid layout
that’s visualised as a 2-dimensional energy
mat on the ground, and when you’re ready
you can lie down on it and experience the
energy. As you become more adept at
visualising the grid, you can start to make it
3-dimensional so that it becomes more like
an “energy bath” that you can sit or lie
inside of it to protect your energy, or create
grids with different crystals for different
purposes such as using Smoky Quartz to
cleanse your energy field, or using Hematite
for grounding, and Moldavite for enhanced
astral travel for example.
Regularly working with Ethereal Crystals and
Ethereal Crystal Grids can restore the flow of
life-force energy and enhance your healing
and meditation practice. If you practice
magick or want to develop your own sacred
rituals, creating crystal circles using the
techniques described in the Ethereal Crystals
Healing course can be a great way to create
an energetic space for soulful work.
Rather than being an alternative to using
crystal energies, using Ethereal Crystals can
be a way to enhance your crystal healing
practice by opening up new opportunities for
energetic engagement, and facilitating a
deeper exploration of these unique and
magickal gems. The Ethereal Crystals
Healing course is an energy healing
modality, but that doesn’t mean it’s only
useful for healing. Regularly connecting with
Ethereal Crystals and learning the
techniques explored in the course manuals
can inspire you to experiment with new ways
of using physical crystals too!
I hope this article has offered you some
ideas that will help you to progress your
crystal healing practice in ways that will
support and enhance your spiritual
development and ascension path.
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