of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
The Eye of Horus Activation
The Eye of Horus Activation (EOH) is a
gateway that connects you to the 5th
dimensional energies of light and higher
The EOH Activation provides the opening that
creates a reservoir of celestial energy within
your own energy field. This reservoir of
celestial energy then anchors and infuses
your energy field. Through the activation,
your connection with our Sacred Mother Earth
is also strengthened and you experience a
new sense of nurturing through this re-
As we build this reservoir of celestial energy
within, we re-calibrate our physical,
emotional, mental and spirit body, releasing
old programming, negative patterns, and
creating a stronger foundation or matrix. This
in turns activates more of our Divine
Blueprint and can connect us more efficiently
to our Light body.
Along with the higher vibrations of light
through this activation, we are able to access
and hold more 5D light as we operate in our
daily lives. The upcoming spiritual,
consciousness and earthly changes that will
occur around this time have been prophesied
by many including the Hopi, Edgar Cayce,
Gordon Michael Scallion and many others.
The Eye of Horus Activation works towards
the awakening and full activation of your
Light Body. There are many ways of working
towards this and many reasons why you may
wish to undertake such a venture. The
course founder, Carol Ann Hessier says the
Your light body is the body of light you are
developing as your next evolutionary step.
Awakening your light body brings higher,
finer frequencies of light into your physical,
emotional and mental energy bodies. With
these finer frequencies of light you are
building, step-by-step, an awareness of the
higher dimensions and yourself as you exist
in them. As you awaken your light body you
can experience many heightened, blissful,
peaceful, loving, joyful and insightful states
of consciousness. You can reach higher,
expanded states, open your channel upward,
and expand your consciousness to experience
your Source directly. You can use these
energies in many practical ways as well as to
create the life you want.
· If you are you feeling a strong, inner desire
to make significant changes in the way you
experience your life
· If you would you like to expand your
consciousness, deepen your sense of your
life's purpose and grow in your ability
to connect to your Source and your own
inner knowing
· If you are ready to learn to merge your
willpower with your heart and mind for
balanced, harmonious living
· If you would like to learn to surf the chaos
and navigate the flow of the energies that
make up your Universe
· If you are on a path of accelerated self-
The EOH Activation can assist anyone who
works with spiritual development systems or
energy healing techniques though increasing
their ‘basal vibrational rate in order to raise
consciousness and increase their natural
resonance with high vibrational energy
frequencies such as those channelled during
Reiki and other energy healing modalities.
Course includes:
1 distant attunement
14-page course manual in pdf format by
Maya’s exclusive eBook: "The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium. This includes
information about energy anatomy,
spirituality, healing, meditation & provides
a broad base of knowledge to enhance
your healing & spiritual development
The Mayastar Information Pack
An Accredited Certificate of Achievement &
lineage. Your lineage is proof you’ve been
attuned by someone from a line of
genuine masters
The option to upgrade your Certificate of
Achievement to a Mayastar Diploma for an
upgrade fee of £20. To receive this higher
award, you need to submit a 300-word
essay about the modality, along with 3
case-studies to demonstrate your
experience of using it. Read about
Mayastar’s advanced programmes here…
Attunement(s) sent using the Orb of Life
method within 3 days of purchase
Unlimited email support from Maya for the
duration of your course
No time limits or deadlines! You are
encouraged to learn at your own pace and
to enjoy your journey with Mayastar. Read
more about how courses work here…
Prerequisites: None
Eye of Horus Activation Course: £40
Diploma Certification Optional Upgrade:
Psychic Development Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package (includes:
Intuition & Enorasis, Ocean of Intuition
3rd Eye Activation, Starseed Psychic
Activations, Violet Flame of St Germain,
Eye of Horus, Constellation of Bliss: Light
Body Activation). An accredited certificate
of achievement is issued for each course as
part of the package. On submission of a 300-
word essay & 3 case studies that
demonstrate your understanding &
experience of each course, a basic diploma
certificate is issued. If you complete all
courses in the package to the diploma level,
you will receive an advanced diploma.
This package can count towards Mayastar
Degree Programmes. To receive a "Mayastar
Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 5 advanced diplomas; to receive a
"Mayastar Master of Energy Healing Degree"
you need to complete 10 advanced diplomas;
and to receive a "Mayastar Doctor of Energy
Healing Degree" you need to complete 15
advanced diplomas. The advanced diploma
packages can be found through the “Course
Category Menus” at the top of this page.
Psychic Development Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package: £300 (saving
£160 on the regular fees)
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!