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Anna Louise May (Maya) Mayastar 2025
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The Concept of Energy Exchange: Why Aren't Attunements Free?

The idea of charging for attunements or healing services may seem strange to beginners in the field of energy work but it is a fundamental concept when it comes to this type of work. The concept of payment for attunements or healing services is nothing new. Dr. Mikao Usui who founded the most famous and popular energy healing system we use today, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, actually documented experiments in this area. He provided healing to the poor, sick and homeless free of charge - as an act of charity. He had charged for healing sessions with his regular clients but these people couldn't afford to make payment. Initially, the recipients of the healing experienced improvement and all seemed to be well. However, when he revisited these same people some months later, it became apparent that all of them had lapsed back to his/her original state; the healing hadn't 'taken'. Dr. Usui went on to experiment with providing healing for the poor, sick and homeless for payment - not in money because they had none, but in work for him. So (for example) one might paint his fences in return for the healing sessions he provided - another might tend his garden and so on. And guess what happened?? You got it! - those that had worked (exchanged energy) for their healing got better and stayed better! The concept of 'energy exchange' when it comes to the passing on of energy healing system attunements is an important consideration when you are selecting a suitable teacher. Unfortunately, this same natural law is what has lead some teachers to charge hundreds or thousands of pounds for certain attunements! I don't feel this is fair or right either because it puts these techniques out of the reach of the average person. I believe it's important to strike a balance. One concept here may be new to you and that is the idea of money being a form of energy – though when you stop to consider it, this is logical: We work to earn money, expending our energy and putting in time in order to receive it and so the money is a 'token' or 'symbol' that represents the work and effort we have expended. In an ideal world, what we receive should be directly related to the effort we put in – though it doesn't always work that way! When I pass on an attunement, I am passing on a gift and also energy. However, I am not charging the recipient for the Universal energy that is sent for the empowerment/attunement. But in order to pass on the best quality attunement I can for the recipient, I have to put in a lot of work in 'behind the scenes' and in my daily life. A good deal of energy goes into maintaining myself as a vessel of Universal Energy. For me this means regular meditation, giving up drinking and smoking, avoiding caffeine, adopting a karmically sound diet, maintaining my physical health, avoiding heavy meals, meat and sugar before meditation, healing sessions and sending attunements, further study of many related subjects to inform my work and ensure I have a wide overall knowledge of all aspects of the systems I teach. My work also involves a good deal of writing, organising my day around any attunements I have scheduled, work on keeping my website up to date and so on. So as you can see, a lot of time and energy is put in by myself to maintain and develop Mayastar and ensure my students receive the best quality tuition, attunements and support possible. In payment for the time/energy I put into their development, energy is received in payment for the courses and services I provide. It is worth finding out how much energy any teacher or healer puts into their work: Do they write their own material? When original manuals/notes of the founder of a particular modality are provided, are these supplemented with additional information from the teacher? Do they provide adequate support for their students? Do they have the knowledge and experience to give you advice should the need arise? Do they maintain themselves as a vessel for the energies they channel? Do they regularly work with the energies and systems they teach? Have they been accredited by an independent organisation that assesses their work? *Beware of some teachers that provide tuition for literally hundreds and sometimes thousands of modalities! Do they regularly work with all of these? (In the teaching community these are rapidly becoming known as 'walmat teachers'!) If not, are they qualified to teach the particular modalities you are looking for? Do they supplement the course information they are passing on with their own work where the original course information is not adequate to really get a beginner started? If you wish to learn a system fully and in detail, it is important to ensure your prospective teacher is qualified to provide this tuition and support. If a gift is given for free and not as an exchange, there is an imbalance: the receiver of the gift doesn't recognise its value or doesn't fully accept the gift because they don't feel they have 'earned' it. In the same way, the giver of a gift for no return is 'saying' through their action that the gift they have given has no value. When it comes to energy healing attunements in particular, this may compromise the power of the attunement. Both the attuner and the attunee's perception of the value of the attunement may directly inform the quality of the experience. So as you can see, an exchange is important; free attunements are likely to compromise the efficacy and power of the attunement – and that is not a desirable situation! I spent a good deal of time setting suitable prices for all of the Mayastar Courses because not only to I want to ensure the quality of the energy that is passed on is maintained, but I want to make these attunements affordable to the average student. I believe I have managed to strike a balance with this :-) Increasingly, originators of courses (myself included), are including as part of the copyright agreement that there is a set or minimum price to be charged for that course. This is to prevent the energy of the attunements diminishing over lineages where they may have been given away or undervalued. In lineages where someone is underpricing their time and energy, the quality of the attunements they give may be seriously compromised and in fact, over time, this may lead to certain lines rendering the energy too weakened for any practical use. Where possible a short lineage is best to avoid this occurring but in older systems, this is unavoidable. And in that instance I always consider the energy exchange principle as exercised by those originating the system and those that have passed it on before considering it for Mayastar. In some cases a 'fixed fee' is given in manuals and you will find my price higher than that of the fixed fee stipulated for the course. My fees include the entire support package that you receive from Mayastar with any course; ongoing support; record retention for verification in the future at anytime; Temple costs; time for administration and so on. There are a number of 'schools' that do not provide some of the key attributes that has ensured confidence in myself and Mayastar Academy since 2004. Individual tuition Personal consultation Ongoing email support (beyond the duration of your course) Administration and retention of student records for verification (by insurers or for any other reason - you would think this was a necessity for any 'school', however, I have found this not to be the case at all. And their low prices often reflect their low standards in this area. If a qualification cannot be verified then it may present a problem to the student in future) The Book of Inspiration Volumes 1-5 by Rev. Anna Louise May (Maya); supplied with every course to inform and enhance your study experience. Professional accreditation by the Accreditation Council of Holistic Healers & World Metaphysical Association; endorsing the quality of my work. In these ways Mayastar provides your with tangible advantages and benefits which is where the core value and worth of my work is. With over two decades of experience and study in metaphysics, vibrational therapy and energy work; my skills as an initiated High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition; and additional studies in counselling, psychotherapy, integrated psychotherapeutic counselling, vedic philosophy, spirituality, japa meditation and many other related subjects, I am entirely committed to my work as Spiritual Facilitator, Lightworker & Metaphysical Transformation Consultant; and my students and clients can rely upon my expertise and be assured of the standard of excellence I have achieved, maintained and which is ever in expansion because of the devotion I have to the process. What is the process? The purpose of my work and of Mayastar and related areas (such as Maya Magickal and Maya Muses)? It is simple. My life task; my vocation; my spiritual calling, is expressed in providing the inspiration, encouragement, information and validation that will facilitate the journey to the next level for those clients and students that are drawn to me. The next level may be manifested as increased confidence, the ability to provide healing, to heal oneself, to allow magick to work within your life to open up opportunities and possibilities that were not available before. It may be to lose weight. Break a bad habit. Resolve negative Karma. There are so many ways in which a person may improve themselves and with my various skills, I am equipped to provide assistance and support in any of them. This is the core value of Mayastar; on a metaphysical level, the service I provide and the advantages, blessings, openings for success & life enhancement, are worth more to my clients and students than any fee. I truly believe that because the work I do is from the heart, its significance transcends the outlay (which has at best a tokenistic value). I believe it is Mayastar's uniqueness & distinction that creates an environment of possibilities that means students and clients come to Mayastar because of the authentic and demonstrable results they have experienced; and because of the reliability & legitimacy of every collaboration we have. I always say that as a Facilitator I work WITH my students and clients; thereby empowering them even as I use my skills to assist them. And this collaboration takes place on a spiritual level essentially; and creates a genuine rapport and affinity with each individual. In this way, only the highest good can come from any undertakings; for the mutual benefit of me and my student/client but also, those benefits echo throughout the universe and are reflected in our lives in ways we may not have foreseen; When you are working in harmony with your higher will, you are working in harmony with the Universe; and when you are doing this, the Universe is working in harmony with you. My natural abilities, skills and intuition are the gifts I have been entrusted with for the purpose of bringing a fuller expression and manifestation of wholeness through every action, for the purpose of promoting each individual on their personal journey to Self Realisation. Rev. Anna Louise (Maya) | Mystic, Muse & Artist | Go to... Articles Menu Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Home Mayastar Philosophy Do Not Despair Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article
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Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; & 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me & I’ll be happy to help!
Mayastar's checkout process is through Paypal so you can pay securely online by credit or debit card wherever you are in the world! Check the current exchange rate from GBP (£) to you local currency here Paypal offers monthly payments when you check out through the website using your personal (not business) Paypal account ........................ Terms of Sale: Fees are not refundable in the event that you fail to complete your course. Once the course materials have been emailed to you, no change can be made to your order ....................... All visitors, please read our: Code of Ethics, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy ........................
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
The Concept of Energy Exchange: Why Aren't Attunements Free? The idea of charging for attunements or healing services may seem strange to beginners in the field of energy work but it is a fundamental concept when it comes to this type of work. The concept of payment for attunements or healing services is nothing new. Dr. Mikao Usui who founded the most famous and popular energy healing system we use today, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, actually documented experiments in this area. He provided healing to the poor, sick and homeless free of charge - as an act of charity. He had charged for healing sessions with his regular clients but these people couldn't afford to make payment. Initially, the recipients of the healing experienced improvement and all seemed to be well. However, when he revisited these same people some months later, it became apparent that all of them had lapsed back to his/her original state; the healing hadn't 'taken'. Dr. Usui went on to experiment with providing healing for the poor, sick and homeless for payment - not in money because they had none, but in work for him. So (for example) one might paint his fences in return for the healing sessions he provided - another might tend his garden and so on. And guess what happened?? You got it! - those that had worked (exchanged energy) for their healing got better and stayed better! The concept of 'energy exchange' when it comes to the passing on of energy healing system attunements is an important consideration when you are selecting a suitable teacher. Unfortunately, this same natural law is what has lead some teachers to charge hundreds or thousands of pounds for certain attunements! I don't feel this is fair or right either because it puts these techniques out of the reach of the average person. I believe it's important to strike a balance. One concept here may be new to you and that is the idea of money being a form of energy – though when you stop to consider it, this is logical: We work to earn money, expending our energy and putting in time in order to receive it and so the money is a 'token' or 'symbol' that represents the work and effort we have expended. In an ideal world, what we receive should be directly related to the effort we put in – though it doesn't always work that way! When I pass on an attunement, I am passing on a gift and also energy. However, I am not charging the recipient for the Universal energy that is sent for the empowerment/attunement. But in order to pass on the best quality attunement I can for the recipient, I have to put in a lot of work in 'behind the scenes' and in my daily life. A good deal of energy goes into maintaining myself as a vessel of Universal Energy. For me this means regular meditation, giving up drinking and smoking, avoiding caffeine, adopting a karmically sound diet, maintaining my physical health, avoiding heavy meals, meat and sugar before meditation, healing sessions and sending attunements, further study of many related subjects to inform my work and ensure I have a wide overall knowledge of all aspects of the systems I teach. My work also involves a good deal of writing, organising my day around any attunements I have scheduled, work on keeping my website up to date and so on. So as you can see, a lot of time and energy is put in by myself to maintain and develop Mayastar and ensure my students receive the best quality tuition, attunements and support possible. In payment for the time/energy I put into their development, energy is received in payment for the courses and services I provide. It is worth finding out how much energy any teacher or healer puts into their work: Do they write their own material? When original manuals/notes of the founder of a particular modality are provided, are these supplemented with additional information from the teacher? Do they provide adequate support for their students? Do they have the knowledge and experience to give you advice should the need arise? Do they maintain themselves as a vessel for the energies they channel? Do they regularly work with the energies and systems they teach? Have they been accredited by an independent organisation that assesses their work? *Beware of some teachers that provide tuition for literally hundreds and sometimes thousands of modalities! Do they regularly work with all of these? (In the teaching community these are rapidly becoming known as 'walmat teachers'!) If not, are they qualified to teach the particular modalities you are looking for? Do they supplement the course information they are passing on with their own work where the original course information is not adequate to really get a beginner started? If you wish to learn a system fully and in detail, it is important to ensure your prospective teacher is qualified to provide this tuition and support. If a gift is given for free and not as an exchange, there is an imbalance: the receiver of the gift doesn't recognise its value or doesn't fully accept the gift because they don't feel they have 'earned' it. In the same way, the giver of a gift for no return is 'saying' through their action that the gift they have given has no value. When it comes to energy healing attunements in particular, this may compromise the power of the attunement. Both the attuner and the attunee's perception of the value of the attunement may directly inform the quality of the experience. So as you can see, an exchange is important; free attunements are likely to compromise the efficacy and power of the attunement – and that is not a desirable situation! I spent a good deal of time setting suitable prices for all of the Mayastar Courses because not only to I want to ensure the quality of the energy that is passed on is maintained, but I want to make these attunements affordable to the average student. I believe I have managed to strike a balance with this :-) Increasingly, originators of courses (myself included), are including as part of the copyright agreement that there is a set or minimum price to be charged for that course. This is to prevent the energy of the attunements diminishing over lineages where they may have been given away or undervalued. In lineages where someone is underpricing their time and energy, the quality of the attunements they give may be seriously compromised and in fact, over time, this may lead to certain lines rendering the energy too weakened for any practical use. Where possible a short lineage is best to avoid this occurring but in older systems, this is unavoidable. And in that instance I always consider the energy exchange principle as exercised by those originating the system and those that have passed it on before considering it for Mayastar. In some cases a 'fixed fee' is given in manuals and you will find my price higher than that of the fixed fee stipulated for the course. My fees include the entire support package that you receive from Mayastar with any course; ongoing support; record retention for verification in the future at anytime; Temple costs; time for administration and so on. There are a number of 'schools' that do not provide some of the key attributes that has ensured confidence in myself and Mayastar Academy since 2004. Individual tuition Personal consultation Ongoing email support (beyond the duration of your course) Administration and retention of student records for verification (by insurers or for any other reason - you would think this was a necessity for any 'school', however, I have found this not to be the case at all. And their low prices often reflect their low standards in this area. If a qualification cannot be verified then it may present a problem to the student in future) The Book of Inspiration Volumes 1-5 by Rev. Anna Louise May (Maya); supplied with every course to inform and enhance your study experience. Professional accreditation by the Accreditation Council of Holistic Healers & World Metaphysical Association; endorsing the quality of my work. In these ways Mayastar provides your with tangible advantages and benefits which is where the core value and worth of my work is. With over two decades of experience and study in metaphysics, vibrational therapy and energy work; my skills as an initiated High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition; and additional studies in counselling, psychotherapy, integrated psychotherapeutic counselling, vedic philosophy, spirituality, japa meditation and many other related subjects, I am entirely committed to my work as Spiritual Facilitator, Lightworker & Metaphysical Transformation Consultant; and my students and clients can rely upon my expertise and be assured of the standard of excellence I have achieved, maintained and which is ever in expansion because of the devotion I have to the process. What is the process? The purpose of my work and of Mayastar and related areas (such as Maya Magickal and Maya Muses)? It is simple. My life task; my vocation; my spiritual calling, is expressed in providing the inspiration, encouragement, information and validation that will facilitate the journey to the next level for those clients and students that are drawn to me. The next level may be manifested as increased confidence, the ability to provide healing, to heal oneself, to allow magick to work within your life to open up opportunities and possibilities that were not available before. It may be to lose weight. Break a bad habit. Resolve negative Karma. There are so many ways in which a person may improve themselves and with my various skills, I am equipped to provide assistance and support in any of them. This is the core value of Mayastar; on a metaphysical level, the service I provide and the advantages, blessings, openings for success & life enhancement, are worth more to my clients and students than any fee. I truly believe that because the work I do is from the heart, its significance transcends the outlay (which has at best a tokenistic value). I believe it is Mayastar's uniqueness & distinction that creates an environment of possibilities that means students and clients come to Mayastar because of the authentic and demonstrable results they have experienced; and because of the reliability & legitimacy of every collaboration we have. I always say that as a Facilitator I work WITH my students and clients; thereby empowering them even as I use my skills to assist them. And this collaboration takes place on a spiritual level essentially; and creates a genuine rapport and affinity with each individual. In this way, only the highest good can come from any undertakings; for the mutual benefit of me and my student/client but also, those benefits echo throughout the universe and are reflected in our lives in ways we may not have foreseen; When you are working in harmony with your higher will, you are working in harmony with the Universe; and when you are doing this, the Universe is working in harmony with you. My natural abilities, skills and intuition are the gifts I have been entrusted with for the purpose of bringing a fuller expression and manifestation of wholeness through every action, for the purpose of promoting each individual on their personal journey to Self Realisation. Rev. Anna Louise (Maya) | Mystic, Muse & Artist | Go to... Articles Menu Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Home Mayastar Philosophy Do Not Despair Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article
Maya Muses - Energy Updates, Affirmations, Mystical Musings, Personal Posts, Photos & All the Latest for Mayastar & Maya Magickal Maya Magickal - Tailored Spells, Healing & Magickal Intensives Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin - Instagram - ALM (Maya) FB - Pinterest - Wordpress Join the mailing list or email Maya with your enquiry at: Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; and 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me. Payment Information: Personalised Packages, Exchange Rates & Monthly Payment Plans Testimonials & Reviews Code of Ethics, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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