of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Do Not Despair!
An article by Ole Gabrielsen. Ole is a
Lightworker, healer and meditation master
from Denmark. He works closely with a
number of Light Beings and through this
work has brought to many the Orb of Life,
Kundalini Reiki System & Ethereal Crystals
Healing as well as other popular and
powerful systems of natural healing and
spiritual development.
Why are we living in a world where diet soft
drinks and products are fattening us instead
of making us thinner? Why are we given
vaccinations that are dangerous and
compromising our immunity, instead of
stimulating it? Why are chemicals added to
the food in supermarkets to prolong shelf-
life, when they in the long run, in fact
shorten our own life span? Why are we
living in a world where the world leaders are
only looking into their own interests, instead
of looking into the needs of humanity? …and
why is it that every 7 seconds a child under
10 years old, dies from the direct or indirect
effects of hunger?
I tell you, hunger could end right this
moment! The real problem isn't a lack of
food or resources! It's a lack of promised
action by governments of the "advanced"
world…and it really doesn't have to be like
this. There is plenty enough for all of us!
Yes…I think will repeat that: There is plenty
enough for all of us!
This earth is abundant!! It has everything
we all need to be happy!
If all the resources in the world were
distributed equally among us, we would all
be living in abundance! No one would ever
starve to death again. People would start
doing things they love, instead of things
they need to do for survival. There would be
peace! When you do something you really
do not like, but because you have to for
survival, you are not free… and lack of
freedom is life depriving!
You might say “But I cannot do much about
the world situation. I am just…me.” And I
would say “But that is all it takes. You!”
Everything starts with…you! No one else!
And that might be the most important thing
to understand right now!
Yes!!! You’ve got what it takes to change
the world!!! Isn’t that incredible to know???
“Little me?” you might ask. Yes, “little”
you… and “little” me!
“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something.”
- Edward Everett Hale
That pretty much explains it! …and
“something” is all it takes!
If you want to change the world, you have
to change yourself. You have to change the
way you view yourself and the world. When
you change yourself, you change the world.
When you help others, you help yourself.
Try to live by the Golden Rule: "Treat Others
as You Would like to Be Treated."…and see
the world change…see yourself change.
Reach out for those in need. We are all
You are creating your life, your reality by
your actions/thoughts. What you send out
comes back to you.
Did you know, that when a soul leaves its
body (”dies” in earth terminology), it pretty
quickly finds out how to NOT have negative
thoughts? Why? Because the soul
experiences that it attracts what it think
about IMMEDIATELY. We also create what
we think about, but there’s a delay “down
here”…a kind of buffer. That is one of the
main differences about being “dead” and
“alive”. So what we think about or focus on
the most will be manifested in the physical.
That’s the illusion of being a physical human
So there you have it.
What will you focus on? What will you do
when someone tries to take away your
freedom? What will you do when the TV
tells you that the world has to fear
terrorists? How will you feel when someone
tells you about the war horrors around the
world, when in fact 90% of the world is at
peace? Will you focus on the negative and
allow it to define your reality? By allowing
your reality to be so defined, are you willing
to accept the consequences of any damage
your negative focus may do to the world
and others?
This is happening right now! The choice is
yours. Strive to take back your freedom!
Because without it, you are just a slave to a
stilted reality… and I have a feeling that you
do not want to be that… right?
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