of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
DNA Activation & Energy Healing: An
Energy healing techniques allow us to tap
into the subtle components of our being.
Genetic keys can be switched on & off
through changes to our environment. These
keys are reflected in the energy body &
restoration of the original energetic blueprint
can help us to restore health on other levels.
This article explores how.
A Holistic View: Energy Healing & Health
Energy healing techniques allow us to tap
into the subtle energies that make up the
energy body. The energy body occupies the
same space as the physical body, and
extends beyond it in the form of the aura.
The energy body reflects the health of the
physical, emotional and mental aspects of
When we’re ill or upset, the flow of energy
through the energy body is compromised,
and this can lead to imbalances being
reflected in other areas. For example, a
period of mental stress when studying too
much might create emotional imbalances
affecting our mood, and physical stress
responses such as an upset stomach or
headache. Energy healing techniques like
Reiki might be useful to mitigate the
emotional & physical symptoms, but unless
changes to lifestyle were made, the problem
wouldn’t really be solved.
Appreciating the interconnectedness of all
aspects of our being is important for those
working with spiritual energy healing
techniques. Energy healing can influence the
other levels of our being. But it’s important
to recognise that if a fundamental issue is
creating the imbalance (over working, under
exercising, drinking alcohol, not sleeping
enough etc), it may be that we need to make
more effective changes. Energy healing work
can support us in making those changes by
aligning our energy with our original
energetic blueprint.
Energy healing can also be useful in
managing symptoms. But it’s important not
to consider energy healing an alternative to
looking after yourself in other ways. This is
what we mean by taking a holistic approach
to healing.
What is DNA? – The Science Bit
DNA is also known as ‘deoxyribonucleic acid’.
It is a large molecule, shaped like a double
helix (two spirals) and is found primarily in
the chromosomes (the information part) of
the cell nucleus.
The DNA contains the genetic information of
the cell. It forms a double helix, two
elongated molecular chains (like spiral
staircases), that wrap around each other.
Our genetic code consists of approximately 3
billion letters that make up the instructions
for all human genes. While this code varies
among individual humans by only about 1%,
these variations are a key factor in
understanding what makes us susceptible to
disease and what determines our lifespan
and how we age.
The sections of DNA called genes instruct our
cells to make proteins, which perform all of
the body’s essential tasks, like breathing,
and determine physical features, such as hair
colour. There are approximately 100,000
genes residing within each double helix of
DNA tells our cells what they have been,
what they will continue to be, and what they
will become.
DNA is the blueprint for our life processes.
Each cell of our bodies contains the complete
genetic code for the whole body.
Human DNA is generally divided into 46
chromosomes (pairs), each one containing
characteristic genes that distinguish one
chromosome from another. Derived from the
Greek words "chromo" (colour) and "soma"
(body), they are intensely coloured
components within our cells. One member of
each pair comes from the mother through
the egg and one member of each pair comes
from the father through the sperm.
Human DNA is about 3 billion "base" pairs
long. If you stretched the human
chromosome out end-to-end, it would be
about 6 feet. All 46 chromosomes are folded
into a space of a few thousandths of a
millimetre (super coil).
The Energetic Blueprint & Epigenetics
Different parts of the physical body are
reflected in our energetic blueprint. This goes
for the coding of our DNA too. Our DNA
contains all of the information our cells need
to follow for the efficient running of the
whole system.
Our DNA determines our appearance & many
aspects of our health. But our DNA isn’t the
“Commander in Chief” that old fashioned
medical models proposed. It was believed
that our DNA determined whether we would
get sick, how long we would live, & even
what we would die of. These conclusions
about the scope of our DNA have proven to
be incorrect. The new science of Epigenetics
(“Epi” meaning “Above”) has shown that our
environment, behaviour & thought habits all
determine how our DNA is expressed.
How Lifestyle Choices & Habits Affect
Studies into Epigenetics have shown that
daily meditation, healthy diets (not too much
sugar) & regular exercise all have essential
roles to play in how our genes are
expressed. A person with genes that dispose
them to heart disease may actually have a
far lower risk of heart disease than an
average person if they follow a health
programme that supports their genetic
makeup. There’s no “one-size fits all” routine
for optimal health because everyone’s
genetic makeup is unique.
The energetic component of our DNA is
reflected in the energy body. Just as the DNA
codes dictate the programmes our body will
run, the energetic aspect of our DNA
determines our energetic blueprint. And just
as our genes can be switched on and off on a
physical level as we adapt to our
environment, the energetic expression of
those genes is also changed on a subtle
DNA Clearing & Activation with Energy
Energy healing modalities like the Pleiadian
DNA Clearing & Activation Programme allow
us to effect healing on the energetic aspect
of our DNA in order to align us more closely
with our original energetic blueprint. By
doing this, the subtle energetic shifts that
take place within the energy body, exert a
subtle influence on the other levels of our
being. The changes on an energetic level
may effect healing shifts on a physical level.
But they may also, by aligning our energy
with our optimal blueprint, inspire our
unconscious mind to encourage us to make
the changes to our lives and environment
that will support our energetic integrity going
Holistic healing means taking into account all
aspects that contribute to health. That
includes the energetic, emotional, mental,
spiritual & physical aspects of ourselves.
Adopting a healthy habit like walking for 30
minutes a day, can have a profound effect on
emotional health, reduce insomnia, balance
blood sugar & boost the metabolism. But it
can also be an opportunity to relax the mind,
spend time in nature or in meditation.
Likewise, when we use an energy healing
modality regularly, the changes we effect can
exert a positive influence in other areas.
Read more: Pleiadian DNA Clearing &
Activation Course (Channelled by Maya)
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