of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
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This powerful system was channelled through
loving angelic beings for the purpose of
assisting those whose bodies require a very
specific kind of healing: a healing of the
appetite for those who experience emotional
or stress hunger/cravings.
The techniques are simple to work with and
combine to rebalance and harmonise the
appetite. For those people where a problem
with appetite has resulted in weight-gain,
weight-loss may naturally follow attunement
and continued work with the simple
3 attunements. 28 page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Weight Loss Reiki Course: £60
Channelled by Maya in 2023 through the
Ancient Lemurian Great Mother Goddess,
Energy healing techniques allow us to tap
into the subtle components of our being.
Genetic keys can be switched on & off
through changes to our environment. These
keys are reflected in the energy body &
restoration of the original energetic blueprint
can help us to restore health on other levels.
Different parts of the physical body are
reflected in our energetic blueprint - including
the coding of our DNA. By working with the
Divine DNA Blueprint we can align with our
highest mental, emotional & spiritual
potential by restoring the flow of life-force
energy throughout the system. As dormant
genetic keys are activated on an energetic
level, positive & progressive changes can
manifest on other levels in order to bring us
into alignment with our limitless light & soul-
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Divine DNA
Blueprint energy during healing & spiritual
empowerment sessions. The manual includes
links to relevant video articles as well as a
60-minute Light-Language Meditation that is
used during attunements & whenever you
want to connect deeply with this energy.
1 attunement. 53-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Divine DNA Blueprint Attunement: £40
Dolphins enchant & inspire us with their
magickal songs, wide smiles & playful antics.
They have been popular with humans since
the beginning; and because we evolved from
the rich & fertile waters of our planet,
Dolphins can represent our spiritual nature &
the origins of humanity in a unique way.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Dolphin Healing
Energy during healing & spiritual
empowerment sessions. The manual includes
links to relevant video articles as well as a
60-minute Light-Language Meditation that is
used during attunements & whenever you
want to connect deeply with Dolphin energy.
1 attunement. 52-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Dolphin Energy Healing Attunement: £40
Just as the Heart Chakra is connected with
love and the giving and receiving of love, so
the Higher Heart Chakra is associated with
our expressions of love that are intentional
and motivated by our highest spiritual
principles. Working with the Higher Heart
Chakra can help us to align with our spiritual
goals and find our true path in life. Activating
the Higher Heart Chakra can help us to
express mercy, compassion, forgiveness and
kindness as well as find deeper spiritual
connection with the world and those around
us. Regularly working with this energy can
also be a potent way of connecting with the
inner child and working on healing emotional
and spiritual traumas experienced during
birth and throughout childhood.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Higher Heart
Chakra energy during healing & spiritual
empowerment sessions. The manual includes
links to relevant video articles as well as a
60-minute Light-Language Meditation that is
used during attunements & whenever you
want to connect deeply with this energy.
1 attunement. 53-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Higher Heart Chakra Attunement: £40
Indigo energy is high-vibrational & expresses
the uniqueness, sovereignty & authenticity of
the individual soul. Working with the Indigo
Aura Attunement allows you to manifest the
spiritual gifts you’ve been blessed with in
order progress your healing journey & share
your magick with those around you. Indigo
light is connected with the Star of Perception
centre or 3rd Eye & working with this energy
increases intuition, extra-sensory perception
& helps you to interpret the symbols &
impressions you encounter during dreams,
visions & spiritual practice.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Indigo energy
during healing & spiritual empowerment
sessions. The manual includes links to
relevant video articles as well as a 60-minute
Light-Language Meditation that is used during
attunements & whenever you want to connect
deeply with Indigo energy.
1 attunement. 52-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Indigo Aura Attunement: £40
Channelled by Maya in 2023 through the
Ancient Lemurian Great Mother Goddess,
Kundalini energy is the potency of your divine
source: the fire within. It’s the origin of
spiritual power that comprises your soul. In
some spiritual philosophies this energy is
called Chi, Ki, Life-Force, Inner Light or
Shakti. It’s the essence of your true,
authentic self & is expressed in your life
wherever you put your focus & however you
configure your intentions.
Through regularly working with our Kundalini
energy, our spiritual awareness is raised and
we increasingly manifest our authentic
spiritual self. As we continue to achieve
higher levels of awareness and perception,
we begin to express our highest spiritual
ideals and destiny on the physical plane.
Kundalini activation is the birthright of every
human being. It is the path to our complete
manifestation and potential; the realisation of
the Self.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Kundalini energy
during healing & spiritual empowerment
sessions. The manual includes links to
relevant video articles as well as a 60-minute
Light-Language Meditation that is used during
attunements & whenever you want to connect
deeply with this energy.
1 attunement. 52-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Kundalini Awakening Attunement: £40
The Great Mother Goddess Amara is the
archetypal High Priestess of the New Age.
She is the spiritual mother of Indigo Children,
Starseeds & Lightworkers & she guides us to
greater authenticity by helping us to align
with our higher spiritual selves. Connection
with the divine feminine current is a powerful
way to align with our psychic & extra-sensory
gifts. As an oceanic goddess, Amara assists
us to access our unconscious mind to
progress our healing. She also helps us to
awaken to the magick of the world around us
by increasing our receptivity & sensitivity to
the energetic realms of the Collective
Unconscious or Akashic Records.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with the energy of
Amara during healing & spiritual
empowerment sessions. The manual includes
links to relevant video articles as well as a
60-minute Light-Language Meditation that is
used during attunements & whenever you
want to connect deeply with Amara.
1 attunement. 50 page course manual from
Mayastar plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites but Usui Reiki
Master recommended for those who wish to
pass attunement on to others.
1 attunement. 50-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement:
Starseeds are present on the planet for the
purpose of anchoring high-frequency light
energy & the levels of consciousness, love &
magick that it represents, to the physical
plane. Since the 1960s Starseeds have
incarnated with increasing frequency in order
to progress this special task. The more
Starseeds that are present on the planet, the
higher the energetic frequencies we can tap
into individually, collectively & as a planet
become enlightened. But to anchor those
energies, Starseeds must stay grounded. This
channelled attunement allows you to do that
in order to explore your Starseed potential &
connect with the Lemurians.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Lemurian Starseed
energy during healing & spiritual
empowerment sessions. The manual includes
links to relevant video articles as well as a
60-minute Light-Language Meditation that is
used during attunements & whenever you
want to connect deeply with this energy.
1 attunement. 52-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Lemurian Starseed Attunement: £40
Pleiadian Light-Beings are perhaps the best
known & popular of all extra-terrestrial
Emissaries of the Light that work with healers
& energy workers today. Those who feel a
strong spiritual calling to bring gifts of
healing, empathy, intuition & peace to the
planet & those around them are the
Lightworkers, Indigo Children, Empaths &
Starseeds that have incarnated at this time to
provide support, encouragement & inspiration
to awakening souls. Lightworkers, Indigo
Children, Empaths & Starseeds are often
more receptive to the energetic
communications of the Pleiadians because
they’ve been connected to them in past lives.
But anyone can connect with the Pleiadians!
They have supported our development on
earth for aeons and are powerful allies for
those pursuing their spiritual path.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Pleiadian energy
during healing & spiritual empowerment
sessions. The manual includes links to
relevant video articles as well as a 60-minute
Light-Language Meditation that is used during
attunements & whenever you want to connect
deeply with this energy.
1 attunement. 52-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Pleiadian Connection Attunement: £40
Shakti is the name given to the divine
feminine energetic current that is expressed
through, and underpins the whole of creation.
The name “Shakti” means ”force” or “power”
and is also the name of the goddess that is
partnered with the Hindu god, Shiva. Shakti
isn’t always depicted as the lover-goddess of
Shiva however; the word “Shakti” can also be
used to refer to divine feminine energy as a
formless, limitless and sacred spiritual power.
Shakti’s energy is considered the animating
component that expresses life, creativity and
abundance. She is depicted as a dancer
whose spirit and passion find full grounding in
her being as she embodies higher spiritual
energies through her physical form and
expresses her divine nature through every
intuitive step.
This activation includes a light-language
mantra & sacred symbol that can be used to
immediately connect with Shakti energy
during healing & spiritual empowerment
sessions. The manual includes links to
relevant video articles as well as a 60-minute
Light-Language Meditation that is used during
attunements & whenever you want to connect
deeply with this energy.
1 attunement. 53-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
Shakti Rising Attunement: £40
Aradia is a lunar goddess associated with
magick, women’s mysteries, healing gifts,
intuition and personal empowerment. In
Charles Leland’s book describing her
mythology (“Aradia, or the Gospel of the
Witches”) she is considered the daughter of
the goddess Diana and is depicted as a
messenger and guide who comes to offer
empowerment and wisdom to those who are
oppressed. In Doreen Valiente’s Charge of the
Goddess invocation (included in the course)
she is described as “the beauty of the green
earth and the white moon among the stars”,
expressing her connection with the forces of
nature. By connecting with Aradia we can
learn to find harmony within and without, and
explore the ebb and flow of the natural tides
expressed in our own lives and experiences.
Aradia is also a goddess of sovereignty and
independence. Connecting with her can help
us to find confidence and balance our self
esteem; she can provide guidance and
support on the healing journey and help us to
integrate challenging experiences, always
moving towards a state of harmony and
This course can be used to help you connect
with the goddess by developing your own
rituals and meditations using the
correspondences and guidance in the course
manual. As part of your regular practice,
connection with Aradia is indicated to help
you with confidence and grounding, becoming
a healer, enhanced intuition and psychic
awareness, finding balance, transformation
and rebirth, energy protection, developing
skills in magic, womb healing and women’s
mysteries, shadow work and self-healing,
learning divination, astral travel & lucid
3 attunements. 38-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Whispers of the Goddess Activations:
Aradia of the Silver Star: £60
In the Whispers of the Goddess Activation
series of courses, we delve into the sacred
currents of goddess energy to awaken the
archetypes of divinity within. The power of
these attunements lies in their ability to
connect us with the multifaceted energies of
the Great Mother Goddess, who embodies the
divine feminine in all her forms across
cultures and mythologies. By working with
the Whispers of the Goddess Activations, we
can deepen our relationship with the divine
and find ways to express our own divinity in
new, soul-nourishing ways.
Melusine embodies a myriad of qualities and
attributes that speak to her timeless
significance as a symbol of feminine power
and mystery. She is often associated with the
element of water, symbolizing intuition,
emotion, and the subconscious mind. As a
shape-shifter, Melusine represents
adaptability, transformation, and the ability to
navigate the depths of the psyche with ease,
returning with gifts of insight and
This course can be used to help you connect
with the goddess by developing your own
rituals and meditations using the
correspondences and guidance in the course
manual. As part of your regular practice,
connection with Melusine is indicated to help
you with emotional healing, self-acceptance,
independence, self-confidence, awakening the
gift of intuition, healing after toxic
relationships, reclaiming your power,
establishing good energetic protection,
enhancing creativity and enhancing your
skills in healing, magick and divination.
3 attunements. 35-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Whispers of the Goddess Activations:
Melusine Dragon Power: £60
Channelled by Maya in 2024
In the Whispers of the Goddess Activation
series of courses, we delve into the sacred
currents of goddess energy to awaken the
archetypes of divinity within. The power of
these attunements lies in their ability to
connect us with the multifaceted energies of
the Great Mother Goddess, who embodies the
divine feminine in all her forms across
cultures and mythologies. By working with
the Whispers of the Goddess Activations, we
can deepen our relationship with the divine
and find ways to express our own divinity in
new, soul-nourishing ways.
Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of war,
healing, and protection. She stands as a
formidable divine feminine figure in ancient
Egyptian mythology. Her archetypal power is
characterized by a lioness's ferocity, balanced
by her nurturing aspects reflected in her
abilities as a healer. This fascinating duality
has captivated the imagination of spiritual
seekers, healers, lightworkers, and witches
from ancient times to the present day. And
through the Sekhmet Solar Crown Sekhem
attunements, we can awaken her archetype
within our energy field to access her divine
inspiration and expression in our daily lives.
Sekhmet’s association with both destruction
and healing makes her an ideal deity for
those who work with transformative energies.
Sekhmet can be called upon to aid in
personal transformation, protection and
healing; and when it comes to integrating our
own shadow aspects, Sekhmet can provide us
with reassurance that balance is attainable,
and that we have the inner power to progress
towards a state of wholeness.
This course can be used to help you connect
with the goddess by developing your own
rituals and meditations using the
correspondences and guidance in the course
manual. As part of your regular practice,
connection with Sekhmet is indicated to help
you with integrating the shadow, overcoming
destructive or toxic tendencies, developing
skills as a healer, finding inner balance
through self-acceptance and self-healing,
developing confidence, learning to set
boundaries, energy protection, increasing
self-esteem, personal transformation and
spiritual awakening.
3 attunements. 37-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Whispers of the Goddess Activations:
Sekhmet Solar Crown Sekhem: £60
The Arcturians serve as powerful guides and
mentors to those progressing their healing
journey through energy work. The Arcturian
Star People stand as sentinels wisdom and
compassion in the cosmic landscape. Through
their guidance and support, they assist
humanity in navigating the healing journey,
facilitating profound shifts in consciousness.
As Starseeds and seekers awaken to their
cosmic heritage and soul mission, the
Arcturians offer a guiding light—a reminder of
our interconnectedness with the stars and the
infinite potential that lies within.
This course includes an activation symbol and
a light-language mantra that you can use to
access and amplify the energies of the
Arcturian 12D Healing Chamber. These sacred
tools serve as keys to connect with the
powerful healing currents of the Arcturians,
experience their loving energy and receive
their guidance on your journey to wholeness.
3 attunements. 39-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wisdom of the Stars: Arcturian 12D
Healing Chamber: £60
The teachings of the Mintakan Star People
emphasize the importance of love, harmony,
and balance in all aspects of existence. They
advocate for the cultivation of inner peace,
compassion, and spiritual evolution as
pathways to enlightenment and wholeness.
These attunements can help to strengthen
your connection with our allies in the stars,
and through your connection with the
Mintakans, you can work with their healing
energies to progress your path to wholeness
and awaken you 5D consciousness.
This course includes an activation symbol and
a light-language mantra that you can use to
access and amplify the energies of the
Mintakan Portal. These sacred tools serve as
keys to unlock the portals of cosmic
consciousness within you and allow you to
connect more deeply with the flow of life-
force energy; this can translate into personal
healing, increased awareness and channelling
ability and the manifestation of spiritual gifts
such as intuition, empathy, psychic
awareness and cosmic consciousness.
3 attunements. 37-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wisdom of the Stars: Mintakan Portal
Transmission: £60
Channelled by Maya in 2024
The Sirians are light beings that originate
from the Sirius star system which is the
brightest star in Earth's night sky, located in
the constellation Canis Major.
Sirius has been an object of fascination and
reverence across numerous ancient cultures,
including those of Egypt, Greece, and
indigenous tribes in Africa and the Americas.
And still today, in New Age circles, Sirius and
the Light-Beings connected with it, inspire
and provide guidance to many spiritual
seekers and Starseeds.
The Sirians are credited with providing the
ancients with technological advancements in
both practical sciences and spiritual
development, and through these
attunements, we can connect with the Sirians
to progress our own spiritual paths.
Through these attunements we access the
power of the energetic technology of the
Light Pyramid. This sacred geometric tool can
be used to amplify light energy, and using the
tools and techniques described in this course,
you can explore different ways to access the
amplifying effects of this sacred geometric
The Sirian Light Pyramid Activation can be
used for channelling energy, accessing higher
levels of consciousness, facilitating lucid
dreaming or astral travel, amplifying energy,
healing, grounding, protection, manifesting,
meditation and connecting to the Sirians for
guidance, insight and downloads of energy
and wisdom to progress your ascension
Each course in the "Wisdom of the Stars"
series consists of three energy attunements:
Alignment, Empowerment, and Activation.
The Alignment attunement aligns your energy
field with the vibrational frequencies of the
Star People, creating a harmonious resonance
between your soul and their collective energy.
The Empowerment attunement strengthens
your connection to the Star People,
amplifying your intuitive abilities and spiritual
gifts. Finally, the Activation attunement
activates the new light-codes within your
energy field that are integrated as you
continue to work with the energy. As these
codes are integrated, you awaken to your
true cosmic heritage and potential.
This course includes an activation symbol and
a light-language mantra that you can use to
access and amplify the energies of the Sirian
Light Pyramid. These sacred tools serve as
keys to connect with the powerful healing
currents of the Sirians, experience their
loving energy and receive their guidance on
your journey to wholeness.
3 attunements. 40-page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Wisdom of the Stars: Sirian Light
Pyramid Activation: £60
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 10k courses taught worldwide!
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2024