of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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Lakshmi Golden Good Fortune
Lakshmi is an Indian goddess of love, good-
fortune, abundance and prosperity. She
provides the sweetness and satisfaction of
meaningful success and her presence
manifests deep healing in all areas of our
lives, allowing us to live from a position of
greater freedom, personal power and
Throught this attunement, Lakshmi connects
us with our highest ideals, authenticity and
true potential. Her Golden Good Fortune
activation enables us to exceed our
limitations & expectations.
Regularly working with this activation will
align you with the blessings that flow to us
through the great goddess Lakshmi; opening
your life to a future replete with soul-
affirming possibilities, success, joy and
golden good-fortune!
1 attunement. 30 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lakshmi Golden Good Fortune
Activation: £40
Lemurian Facilitator, Seed Crystals 1-4
and New Lemurian Energy
This series of attunements facilitates a deep
connection with the Lemurian light beings.
This connection is enhanced by the symbols
of the Seed Crystals attunements that form
part of this package.
If you feel an affinity for the lost continent of
Lemuria or Atlantis, these attunements can
strengthen and clarify your connection,
allowing you to manifest spiritual gifts.
These energies can optimise self-healing,
healing others, spiritual development,
programming crystals and connecting with
Lemurian spirit guides.
6 attunements. 6 detailed course manuals
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lemurian Facilitator, Seed Crystals 1-4
and New Lemurian Energy Course: £80
Lemurian Indigo Connections
Powerful symbols and mantras are used to
work with this energy. It is designed to
intensify spiritual gifts and develop
confidence in your spiritual worth.
Many lightworkers carry a sense of
homesickness and emptiness within them
because they're more grounded in the
spiritual realm than the physical. Working
with the Lemurian Indigo Connections
enables you to connect with your spiritual
source and find deeper fulfilment through
your spiritual work.
1 attunement, 24 page manual by Rev. Anna
May (Maya) plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lemurian Indigo Connections Course:
Light of Lemuria
The Light of Lemuria attunement connects
you to the Lemurians as well as developing
any existing connection you're already
conscious of. This empowerment that
develops and enhances psychic abilities,
helps bring forth
the hidden memories of past-life connections
with the Lemurians and other tribes of light-
beings connected with Lemuria.
1 attunement. 13 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Light of Lemuria Course: £40
Light Sanctuary Activation
This system is used for energetic protection,
psychic self-defence & to mitigate the
negative influence of the energetic
projections of those around you. It can be
used to protect from conscious and
unconscious psychic attacks that come from
people, elementals & lower astral beings:
spiritual souls, artists, natural sensitives,
intuitives and empaths are more vulnerable
to the damaging effects of psychic attack.
Additionally, this technique can be used to
create sacred safe-space for grounding,
healing or to enhance daily meditation. It
can also be used in public, in the workplace
or when you're around manipulative,
controlling or narcissistic personality types.
1 attunement. 42 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Light Sanctuary Activation Course: £40
Lightworker Animal Empowerments
Includes the following empowerments:
Bear Medicine
Butterfly Empowerment
Cougar Medicine
Coyote Medicine
Deer Medicine
Domestic Cat Empowerment
Dragon Empowerment
Fox Medicine
Friends of the Sea Empowerment
Great Blue Heron Medicine
Hawk Empowerment
Animal Path Healing
Racoon Medicine
Swan Empowerment
Turkey Medicine
Turtle Medicine
Wolf Empowerment
Connecting with these energies awakens the
powerful healing potential that come from
these animal archetypes. You may want to
develop your strength through connecting
with the bear, or gain confidence in your
independence by connecting with the cat.
The wisdom of animal spirits can help you to
explore your spiritual potential and exceed
your limitations.
17 attunements, 17 Lightworker series
course manuals plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Lightworker Animal Empowerments:
Lightworker Archangelic Links
Includes attunement to:
Archangelic Colours
Ariel Link
Cassiel Link
Chamuel Link
Gabriel Link
Jophiel Link
Metatron Link
Michael Link
Raphael Link
Sandalphon Link
Uriel Link
Zadkiel Link
Zaphrael Link
These attunements will align you with each
of the archangels and teach you about their
individual natures, associations and power.
The links can be used for healing,
channelling, meditation, spiritual
development and ritual. Angel energies can
help you to connect with your higher
spiritual self to facilitate deep healing,
transformation and the manifestation of
spiritual power.
13 attunements, 13 Lightworker Series
manuals plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lightworker Archangelic Links: £120
Lightworker Spiritual & Starseed
These transmissions contain powerful
energetic blueprints that raise the vibrational
frequency of your energy and facilitate
higher consciousness. They take the form of
initiatory empowerments that allow you to
embody your spiritual inheritance of past
lives and renew your connection to your
spirit guides.
The nature of the transmission is unique for
everyone; some receive karmic healing;
some manifest new gifts like psychic
awareness, seeing auras and enhanced
empathy; others receive dreams or visions
that reveal important guidance from
supportive light-beings.
2 attunements. Two Lightworker Series
manuals plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lightworker Spiritual & Starseed
Transmissions Course: £40
Lotus Fountain Healing Technique
The energy for this system is full-spectrum
which makes it a versatile option that can be
used for all kinds of healing, meditation,
ritual and spiritual work. It can be used for
self healing, distance healing, animal healing
as well as in-person healing.
The course includes the use of mudras
(sacred hand positions) and techniques that
activate the flow of energy through the
hands, from the heart centre.
The lotus is a powerful symbol for spiritual
enlightenment and the manual explains in
detail how the life-journey of the lotus
mirrors the life-journey of the human soul.
Connecting with this powerful symbol using
the Lotus Fountain Healing technique
facilitates deep healing, spiritual growth and
personal transformation.
1 attunement. 37 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lotus Fountain Healing Technique
Course: £40
Love Flush Empowerments 1-4
Love is not limited to our conception of it in
ideas of romance and the search for a soul-
mate. That type of love is conditional and
when we're fixed on specific derivations of
love, we can lose our sense of connection to
the true, limitless and eternal nature of
authentic spiritual love.
When we look outside of ourselves to fulfil
our need for love, we limit our capacity to
fully realise our true power and potential as
beings of love and light.
The Love Flushes help heal the wounds that
block us from experiencing the true love of
the spirit. This can assist to release
childhood pain; liberate us from limiting
beliefs and the toxic relationships, co-
dependence & low self-esteem that come
from them; to manifest a lighter heart and
awaken the ability to share infinite and
unconditional love with others.
4 attunement. Two manuals by Stephanie
Brail plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Love Flush Empowerments 1-4 Course:
Magickal Crystal Lightworker Program
Crystals, gems and stones have unique and
powerful potential for use in energy healing.
These attunements connect you with
essence of all healing crystals so that your
sensitivity to the different vibrations of each
is enhanced. This allows you develop your
intuition and connect more deeply with
crystal energies for use in healing work
whether you have crystals present or not.
Indicated for healing, psychic development,
manifesting, protection, spiritual practice,
ritual, magick and energy work of all kinds.
Four attunements. 16 page course manual
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Magickal Crystal Lightworker Course:
Magickal Lightwork Program
Learn about the 12 Universal Laws and how
to use them by combining magickal
principles and lightwork.
Manifest the desires that align you with your
highest good to progress your spiritual
journey towards enlightenment. Focus your
intentions and energy to maximise your
potential and create a magickal and
meaningful life that feeds your soul!
These attunements connect you with the
higher self, angels, fairies, dragons, the
goddess and your spiritual guides. These
lightbeings provide guidance and support in
completing your life-purpose.
The increase in personal power can be
directed to manifest abundance, beneficial
relationships, success, harmony, health and
happiness in accordance with your highest
spiritual potential.
6 attunements, 7 course manuals plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Magickal Lightwork Program Course:
Magickal Shaman Lightwork Program
Shamanic practice is an expression of
spirituality reflected in the energies and
interactions we have with the physical,
natural world. Principles of divinity can be
perceived by deep connection with the Great
Spirit that is the source of all life.
You don't need to live in the wilderness,
jungle or isolated on a mountain top or
desert in order to experience the potent
connection to the divine.
These attunements activate the third eye
and crown chakra to enhance your psychic
ability and opens you to explore your
magickal potential through rites of passage,
use of magickal names and spirit journeys.
The manuals include information about soul
retrieval, attachments, power reclamation,
meditation, healing, herbs, stones, visions
and nature magick.
3 attunements. 28 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Magickal Shaman Lightwork Program
Course: £60
Ma'heo'o Reiki
'Ma’heo’o' means 'Great Spirit', 'Great One'
or 'God'. The word is of Cheyenne
derivation:a Native American language.
This modality combines the elements of
Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great
Spirit to potentiate powerful healing.
There are six symbols used in this healing
system, facilitating connection to natural
energies that can be used for healing,
protection, grounding, creating sacred
space, meditation and in personal ritual
Ma'heo'o Reiki follows on from Usui Shiki
Ryoho Reiki and is used in combination with
it to combine Reiki's gentle, spiritual
energies with the rich and raw energies of
the Earth in a unified form.
Connect with your totems for personal
transformation, spiritual development and
healing. Discover your sacred name, work
with colour and light energies and discover
deep inner-peace and balance by making
Ma'heo'o Reiki part of your regular spiritual
3 attunements. 65 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites but if you wish
to attune others you will need to be an Usui
Reiki Master.
Ma’heo’o Reiki Course: £60
Manifestation Guidance Programme 1-
An energetic journey of 12 attunements that
align you with your dreams and allow you to
manifest your desires.
The attunements are:
1. Personal Power
2. Self Love & Respect
3. Love & Friendship
4. Abundance
5. Prosperity
6. Letting Go
7. Moving Forward
8. Intuition & Psychic Abilities
9. Courage & Strength
10. Divine Guidance
11. Rising to the Challenge
12. Healing Happiness
Learn to focus your intention and energy to
manifest progressive and powerful changes
in all areas of your life. Includes symbols
that you can use in meditation, healing
sessions and to enhance your manifestation
work. Working with each of these
attunements allows you to create a life that
fulfils you mind, body and soul.
12 attunements. 12 course manuals plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Manifestation Guidance Programme 1-
12: £150
Mary Magdalene's Inner Temple
Mary Magdalene connects you with your
power-centre, enhances your creativity and
graces you with magnificent, healing love.
This course looks at the mystery that
surrounds Mary Magdalene as well as the
historical accounts of her life. The
attunement aligns you with Mary's blueprint
for heart-centred soul expression; and
whether you choose to dance with her,
meditate with her or connect with her for
healing & guidance, this empowerment
awaken you to the source of divinity that
exists within all creation.
Use crystals, perfumes, essential oils, plants
and symbols to enhance your connection
and explore ways to bring deeper meaning
to your spiritual practice.
1 attunement. 32 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Mary Magdalene’s Inner Temple
Empowerment Course: £40
Medicine Buddha Reiki
The Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of
healing. Historically, it is believed helpful to
meditate on his image and to chant his
mantra with the desire to alleviate suffering
and attain enlightenment. It is thought that
Dr. Mikao Usui, the originator of Reiki in its
modern form, may have meditated on the
Healing Buddha as part of his effort to
rediscover the original healing practices of
the Buddha.
The Medicine Buddha is an enlightened
being who has unbiased compassion for all
living beings. He protects from physical and
mental illnesses and other dangers and
obstacles, and helps to eradicate the three
poisons (attachment, hatred, and ignorance)
which are the source of disease.
The advanced techniques of Medicine
Buddha Reiki include mantras, visualisation
and the activation of symbols to augment
and direct energy. You need to be an Usui
Reiki Master to take this course.
1 attunement. 36 page course manuals plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master
Medicine Buddha Reiki: £40
Meridian Flush Levels 1-6
A series of healing empowerments that clear
blocks and balance the flow of life-force
energy throughout your system.
This modality is great for self-healing. It
resolves areas of deficient or stagnant
energy to manifest wholeness, balance and
6 attunements. 3 course manuals (25 pages
in total) plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Meridian Flush Levels 1-6: £60
Multidimensional Self Flush
This attunement allows you to transcend the
limitations of 3D consciousness and to
connect with your multidimensional nature.
This enables you to appreciate and
experience the connection you have to the
multidimensional Universe, and to the world
around you on an energetic level. Regularly
working with this energy will cleanse your
energy field of the illusion of separation, and
allow you to activate your spiritual gifts and
unlock your divine wisdom.
This course includes some recommended I
AM affirmations that can further amplify the
energy and help you to align with your true,
multidimensional nature. Combining these
with the energy flush can create fast
changes in your awareness, progressing
your spiritual awakening path.
1 attunement. 17-page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Multidimensional Self Flush
Empowerment: £40
Nature Deva & Fairies Attunements
Connect with the spirit of nature and the
elemental beings that inhabit the fairy realm
for spiritual development and healing work.
A connection to the supportive beings of the
Kingdom of Nature can help you to feel
deeper connection to the earth, plants and
animals; these potent energies can be
directed for healing, used in personal
spiritual/magickal practice and in daily
3 attunements. 15 page manual plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Nature Deva & Fairies Attunements
Course: £60
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki
Enhances and fortifies the energy field for
effective spiritual and psychic protection.
Clears the energy field of harmful and
negative frequencies and defends against
spiritual attacks including: negative/limiting
thoughts, psychic vampires, thought-forms,
psychic hoovers (narcissists), conscious &
unconscious psychic attack, attachments &
geopathic stress such as energy from ley
Maintaining energetic integrity is essential
for safe spiritual work and using this system
regularly can keep your energy safe, sound
and secure.
5 attunements. 9 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki Course:
New Usui Reiki Energies
This is a simple but powerful Reiki system
that was brought to the world by Ole
Gabrielsen in December 2004. The energy of
this modality is aligned with the original
Reiki practice developed by Mikao Usui, the
founder of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. This was
called Rei-Ju and is considered by some to
be a purer and more powerful form of Reiki.
The energy is full-spectrum and this makes
it versatile and an effective treatment for
self healing and healing others.
3 attunements/1 multi-level attunement.
Course notes by Ole Gabrielsen plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
prerequisites but Usui Reiki Master
New Usui Reiki: £40
Ocean of Intuition 3rd Eye Activation
Activate the 3rd eye centre to develop your
intuition and psychic abilities. Learn to
receive intuitive communications from your
unconscious mind and develop your
connection to the collective unconscious to
receive guidance and insight.
Find out how symbols can convey messages
and how you can interpret them to receive
direction on your spiritual path. Align your
intuition and consciousness in order to
further integrate your spiritual gifts.
Unlock the spiritual meaning of your
dreams, visions and meditation; develop
your telepathy; learn to scry in order to
divine the future and gain insight.
1 attunement. 40 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Ocean of Intuition 3rd Eye Activation
Course: £40
Orb of Life
The Orb of Life is a spiritual tool; an
energetic construct that can be used to
contain, channel and programme life-force
energy in accordance with your will.
This can be used for healing others, self-
healing, cleansing/empowering crystals or
sacred objects, creating a protective energy
field around you, sending healing into the
past or future.
Can be used alone or combined with other
energy healing modalities to give you a
powerful method for sending healing. There
are no complicated visualisation or rituals,
prayers or invocations you need to learn to
work with the Orb of Life. It's applications
are limited only by your imagination!
1 attunement. 7 page manual by Rev. Anna
May (Maya) plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Orb of Life: £40
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