of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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Abundance Affinity Attunement
Channelled by Maya through the Great
Goddess, Quan Yin, the Abundance Affinity
Attunement sets out tools and techniques for
manifesting your dreams, goals and
Learn how to use the powerful Abundance
Affinity Flow. Find detailed guidance on
setting your intentions without limiting your
success. Align with the Source and use
affirmations to enhance the process. This
powerful attunement enables you to realise
your potential through a greater expression of
your authentic spiritual self while you create
the life you desire.
1 attunement. 42 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Abundance Affinity Attunement: £40
Activation of the Shaman (Lightworker
Discover the transformative power of
Shamanic energy through this unique
attunement course. The Activation of the
Shaman offers you an opportunity to connect
with the timeless wisdom of the Shamanic
path, channelling spiritual energy to support
your personal healing journey and enhance
your energy work practices.
This attunement is about activating the
powerful Shakti energy of the Shaman within
your energetic field, so that you can tap into
the wisdom of the ancients and bring more
shamanic elements to your spiritual practice.
By awakening the archetypes of ancient
Shamanic traditions, you may discover new
spiritual allies and guides, and experience
deeper trance states and heightened state of
consciousness that progress your healing and
transformation path.
1 attunement. 9 page course manual by Rev.
Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Activation of the Shaman Course: £40
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing
Ama Deus is a shamanic, energy-based
system of natural healing that has been used
for the past 6000 years by an ancient South
American Indian tribe called the Guarani that
live in the Amazon rainforests of central
Ama Deus can be used for healing, psychic
development, energetic protection, exorcism,
blessing and much more! Very versatile and
1 attunement. 43 page course manual by Rev.
Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing Course: £40
Amara Omni Empowerment
A powerful initiatory empowerment that
operates as an energetic catalyst to facilitate
and accelerate the spiritual development of
the student.
The spiritual journey is one of self-discovery
and the Amara-Omni empowerment enables
connections to different realms of
Amara-Omni is actually a unified group-
consciousness composed of unique aspects of
the divine. Connection to the element of
water and the Lemurian goddess Amara assist
with the development of intuition, psychic
awareness, telepathy and empathy.
1 attunement. 27 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Amara Omni Empowerment: £40
Ancient Egyptian Energies
This system includes attunement to the
following energies:
The Golden Globe
The Giza Pyramid Temple
The Sacred Cobra
Isis Blue Moon
The Temple of Isis
The Golden Honey Bee
The Sacred Peacock
The Sacred Jackal
The Sacred Sphinx
The Heart of the Desert
The Golden Ankh
The Sacred Cow
These energies can be activated to deepen
your connection to Egypt and unlock the
wisdom of the ancients. If you have past lives
in Egypt, feel drawn to Egyptian deities or feel
inspired by the pyramids and the richness of
of the desert mysteries, using these
activations can assist you in bringing potency
to your healing & spiritual development work.
12 attunements. 18 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Ancient Egyptian Energies Course: £120
Angel Journey Activations Program
A series of 7 attunements that connect you
with the divine Angelic beings that offer you
healing, support and spiritual guidance.
Includes: Angelic Communication, Angelic
Vibration, Spiritual Gifts, Heart Radiance,
Unconditional Love, Emerging Light and
Archangel activations.
7 attunements. 26 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Angel Journey Activations Program: £80
Angel Light Initiations
These Initiations connect you directly with
angelic spirits and guides so that you can
readily connect with them for channelling,
healing, guidance and spiritual growth. The
angels provide support, encouragement &
inspiration that will progress your soul's
evolution. Their constant and unconditional
love is deeply healing.
4 attunements. 14 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Angel Light Initiations: £60
Angel Lightworker Program
The Angel LightWorker Program connects you
to the angels you can call on to manifest
abundance, prosperity, healing, protection,
love, romance, psychic intuition, success, and
more! There are 3 attunements, a 26 page
course manual plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna
May. No prerequisites.
Angel Lightworker Program: £60
Angelic Empowerments
These empowerments connect you with the
angelic realm. The detailed manual discusses
the angelic hierarchy and includes powerful
meditations for you experiment with as you
work with these energies. Can be used for
healing yourself and others, clearing sacred
space, energetic protection and to assist your
journey to enlightenment.
5 attunements. 35 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Angelic Empowerments: £60
Animal Healer Program (Spiritual)
Learn to connect with animals and provide
them with energy healing. The course
Animal Communication
Emotional Trauma Animal Healing
Physical Animal Healing
Animal Behaviour
Wild Animal Environmental Healing
Crossing-Over Animals
6 attunements, 6 course manuals (39 pages
in total) plus 7 Mayastar Companion Guides.
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
prerequisites but some experience of energy
work recommended.
Animal Healer Program: £60
Animal Medicine Empowerments (Native
This system includes the following
Bat empowerment
Dragonfly medicine
Great Horned Owl empowerment
Butterfly Empowerment
Dolphin Breath Initiation
Spider Medicine
Jaguar Initiation
Dragon Empowerment
Crow Empowerment
These activations can be used for healing
yourself, providing healing treatments for
others and connecting with animal guides in
your meditation and sacred spiritual practices.
48 page course manual plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Animal Medicine Empowerments: £120
Archangel Gabriel's Empath Encoding
Empaths are gifted with the capacity to pick
up on the emotions and energy of those
around them. If you are drawn to spiritual
work and find that you are sensitive to the
energy & emotions of those around you, you
may be a natural empath. Empaths have
enormous potential as healers and
lightworkers, but can be vulnerable to
negative influences around them.
This activation supports the development of
spiritual gifts of intuition, clairvoyance,
empathy, compassion, kindness and
unconditional love in a safe way; it allows you
to switch your gift on and off as needed to
avoid burn-out & maintains your energetic
1 attunement. 31 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Archangel Gabriel's Empath Encoding
Course: £40
Archangel Michael Sapphire Flame
Through the Sapphire Flame, Archangel
Michael provides an impervious energetic
shield to protect you from harmful and
hindering energies. He can be called upon for
healing and protection; in the midst of
fear/anxiety/worry he restores clarity and
calmness of mind. His flaming sword cuts
through attachments that limit your spiritual
The Sapphire Flame can be used to counter all
forms of malignity including
negative/malicious entities, demonic forces
and black magic.
The Sapphire Flame can be used as a daily
practice to fortify your auric integrity for
continuous protection.
1 attunement. 29 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Archangel Michael’s Sapphire Flame: £40
Archangel Raphael's Healing Matrix
The Healing Matrix connects you with the
heart centre of the Universe, through the
heart centre of Archangel Raphael to heal
through the sacred experience of divine
spiritual communion.
Communion is the energetic flow, back and
forth, of spiritual substance; it is the energetic
'conversation' that occurs between the human
soul and the Soul of the Universe.
Working with the Healing Matrix regularly can
increase focus and concentration, enhance
visualisation ability, heal the inner-child
through internal communion, increase self-
love, self-trust and self-esteem. The energy
of this attunement manifests deep peace,
comfort and a sense of security that is
particularly powerful for emotional and
spiritual healing. It can also be used to
establish a deeper relationship with nature &
the planet as a whole; awakening us to the
energetic web that underpins all of creation.
1 attunement. 30 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Archangel Raphael's Healing Matrix
Course: £40
Archangel Uriel's Prosperity & Progress
Archangel Uriel provides powerful alignment
with progressive and prospering energies to
help you to manifest the changes you want to
see in your life! Whatever your goals and
ambitions, the Prosperity & Progress
Activation sets you on the path to success,
satisfaction and self-determination!
Archangel Uriel is considered the wisest of the
Archangels: he guides you through the
process of fully uniting your will and intention
in creating the life you truly desire, while
eliminating the ego's tendency to curtail the
Regularly working with this activation creates
a balance of energy that's congruent for
manifesting meaningful and progressive
change in all areas of your life: health,
wealth, finance, love, happiness, inner peace
and security.
Archangel Uriel can also be called upon for
help in processing significant changes,
disasters and trauma. He reveals hidden
opportunities for growth and inspires the
spirit to exceed itself.
1 attunement. 31 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Archangel Uriel's Prosperity & Progress
Activation: £40
Archangelic Flames Initiations
This system connects you with the four
primary Archangels to facilitate healing and
manifestation of your full energetic potential.
These attunements comprise an empowering
journey to spiritual wholeness that allows you
to connect with higher aspects of your divine
soul. Regularly working with these energies
can facilitate personal and spiritual
transformation and to provide healing energy
treatments for yourself and others.
1 multi-level attunement or 4 individual
attunements. 47 page course manual by Rev.
Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Archangelic Flames Initiations: £60
Ascended Masters Attunements
This system of attunements was brought to
the Earth plane by Ole Gabrielsen and
includes attunement to 13 Ascended Masters.
These attunements will allow the energy and
qualities of each Ascended Master to manifest
more fully in your life. This can assist you in
healing, spiritual development and
channelling work.
13 attunements. 17 page course manual by
Kirsten Dietz plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna
May. No prerequisites.
Ascended Masters Attunements: £120
Ascension Reiki 1-10
Ascension Reiki has been brought to us
through the extensive spiritual healing work
of Jayson Suttkus. The detailed eBooks that
accompany this course include the fruits of his
journey through the study of the Ascended
Masters, Usui Reiki and ancient important
texts such as The Aquarian Gospel, The
Bhagavad Gita, The Bible, The Essene
Gospels, The Teachings of the Compassionate
Buddha, The Upanishads, The Srimad
Bhagavatam, The Book of Tao, The Yoga
Sutras, and The Vedas.
Ascension Reiki completely encompasses Usui
Shiki Ryoho Reiki and attunements/re-
attunement to the degrees of Usui Shiki
Ryoho Reiki are included in the attunements
of Ascension Reiki. The subsequent
attunements build upon the Usui Reiki
foundation and creates a comprehensive
system that's suitable for self healing, healing
others and spiritual development work.
Ten attunements. Very extensive course
manuals (428 pages in total) plus “The Book
of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Ascension Reiki Course: £120
Attraction Reiki
Attraction Reiki is an easy-to-use system that
is designed to help you create an aura of
success that draws opportunities and positive
experiences to you. Attraction Reiki can work
as an energy empowerment system to help
raise your own “personal magnetism" and as
a specific form of energy healing that can be
used to give empowering healing treatments
to others.
The course looks at how to address belief
systems, clarify our intentions and fully
integrate our skills to facilitate greater
success in our manifesting work.
3 attunements, 3 course manuals (56 pages
in total) plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna
May. No prerequisites.
Attraction Reiki: £60
Avalonian Alignment Programme
A series of 12 attunements that connect you
with the light beings & powerful energies that
converge at the sacred historical site of
Glastonbury Tor. The Tor (also called "The Isle
of Avalon") marks the gateway to the spirit
realm and is the heart centre of the world's
energy body.
This system includes symbols for tapping into
different energy frequencies in order to create
balance and facilitate healing. They can also
be used in other spiritual practices such as
crystal healing, ritual, meditation, self-healing
and providing healing treatments to others.
This system combines with Star of Avalon
Ascension and Avalonian Spectral Activations
to form the comprehensive "Avalonian
No prerequisites. 12 attunements. 10
manuals by Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Avalonian Alignment Programme: £120
Avalonian Spectral Vibration Activations
This is a programme of 9 attunements that
relate to the Star Centres/Chakras of the
energy field.
These attunements connect you to specific
vibrations that raise your basal energetic
frequency for the purpose of spiritual
development and ascension. This process is
also known as the journey of enlightenment,
self realisation, gaining the sight and union
with the godhead; it is the ‘great work’ of
evolving consciousness.
The energy flows you're connected with
through this system can be used for spiritual
development, to empower objects & spaces,
to send finely tuned healing to others and to
enhance meditation.
This system combines with Star of Avalon
Ascension and Avalonian Alignment
Programme to form the comprehensive
"Avalonian Trilogy".
9 attunements. 30 page course manual by
Rev. Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Avalonian Spectral Activations: £120
Blue Star Celestial Energy Healing
The Blue Star Celestial Energy Course is a
Gateway to Spiritual Evolution and
Multidimensional Healing. This powerful
energy healing system connects practitioners
to celestial frequencies of light to progress
your healing path. This modality draws from
ancient wisdom and cosmic energies,
empowering you to expand your awareness,
align with higher dimensions, and facilitate
healing on all levels.
Blue Star Celestial Energy enables you to
access higher dimensions, facilitating healing
and manifestation beyond physical limits.
Work with sacred symbols to align chakras,
release energy blockages, and transform your
vibrational frequency. Work with the Mer-Ka-
Ba energy field for astral travel, spiritual
exploration, and protection.
This system aligns practitioners with
supportive light beings that may offer
guidance and personal healing if you connect
with them regularly. Through meditative
practices and symbol activation, you can
access higher realms of knowledge, love, and
healing energy, strengthening your connection
to the divine and your spiritual purpose.
2 attunements. 2 course manuals (71-pages)
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Blue Star Celestial Course: £60
Buddha’s Bliss Attunement
Buddha’s Bliss is a divinely channelled energy
attunement system that connects you with
the enlightened presence of Buddha. This
attunement is intended to activate a state of
deep tranquillity and inner harmony, allowing
you to experience the peace and wisdom of
the Awakened One. As you align with this
sacred energy, you may find yourself
embracing greater clarity, emotional balance,
and a heightened sense of spiritual
1 attunement. 6 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Buddha’s Bliss Attunement: £40
Celestial Encodings 1-9
These energetic encodings create "switches"
within your energy field that can be used to
activate and deactivate specific spiritual gifts.
Each encoding carries a unique programme
with a specific energy ‘message’ that comes
to us through the Pleiadian Light Beings.
These highly evolved spiritual beings work
with us on our ascension journey; they
provide energetic support, guidance, healing
and furnish us with tools to assist and
accelerate our spiritual development.
Celestial Abundance Encoding
Celestial Creativity Encoding,
Celestial Divinity Encoding
Celestial Healing Encoding,
Celestial Love Encoding
Celestial Peace Encoding
Celestial Protection Encoding
Celestial Psychic Encoding
Celestial Serenity Encoding
These may be purchased separately by
following the links above, or as a package of
the full programme of 9 attunements.
9 attunements. 9 course manuals by Rev.
Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Celestial Encodings 1-9 Course: £120
Celtic Deities Attunements
A powerful empowerment course that
connects you with the energies of:
The energy can be used for meditation,
magick & ritual, charging crystals & other
objects and connecting with divine forces for
healing & personal transformation.
13 attunements, 13 detailed course manuals
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Celtic Deities Attunements: £120
Celtic Reiki
Celtic Reiki combines energy healing with the
Celtic Ogham system of symbols that was
used by the ancient druids. The energy
connections correspond to the unique
signature frequencies of various trees and
These energies can be used in spiritual
development work, energy healing for
yourself and others and ritual. Celtic Reiki
connects you with the power and potential of
the natural world and allows you to use plant
medicine through the Ogham symbols to
enhance your energy work.
The Ogham symbols are powerfully magickal
and can be used for manifesting, spellwork
and divination.
3 attunements. 3 detailed course manuals by
Pamela Jordan plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna
May. No prerequisites.
Celtic Reiki Course: £60
Centre of Stillness Activation
In day to day life our consciousness is
invested in our physical senses, mind and
emotions. We can lose our ability to tap into
our spiritual consciousness and without it, our
life-experience is compromised by our limited
The Centre of Stillness Activation restores our
balance by allowing our consciousness to
return to its centre: the energetic source of
our being.
This modality facilitates deep, healing sleep
and enhanced meditation. It can be used for
self-healing as well as working with others
and working distantly.
Excellent for managing physical, emotional
and mental pain, for self healing, healing
others & as a daily meditation practice.
1 attunement. 38 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Centre of Stillness Activation Course: £40
Chakra Healing Attunements
These attunements work to cleanse and heal
the chakras from attachments, restricted flow,
blocks and negative energies that are
compromising the flow of life force energy.
A healing attunement is like a super-charged
healing session and is an extremely powerful
way to make changes in your life quickly!
Each Chakra is attuned individually for a
comprehensive & balanced healing
7 attunements, 14 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Chakra Energy Healing Attunements: £60
Christ Consciousness Flush
The Christ Consciousness Flush is an energy
healing system that helps us to retain our
connection with the flow of divine,
unconditional love. Regularly working with
this energy can help us to feel a deeper sense
of connection with the Universe and dissolve
any blocks that are preventing us from
experiencing oneness.
Living as your Christed Self means embodying
the divine qualities of love and unity. This
transformative paradigm shifts your
perspective, allowing you to act as a conduit
for divine light in your daily life. By embracing
Christ Consciousness, you transcend limiting
beliefs, align with your soul’s purpose, and
radiate high-vibrational energy that inspires
and uplifts others. Working regularly with this
energy can help you to live authentically,
rooted in spiritual truth, peace, harmony, and
unconditional love.
1 attunement, 16 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Christ Consciousness Flush
Empowerment: £40
Colours of Angels
A powerful attunement that connects you to
seven archangels and the energetic rays they
Michael (Blue Ray)
Jophiel (Yellow Ray)
Chamuel (Pink Ray)
Gabriel (White Ray)
Raphael (Green Ray)
Uriel (Gold Ray)
Zadkiel (Violet Ray)
You can tap into the rays for healing,
ascension work, ritual, manifestation & to
enhance your spiritual practices.
1 multi-level attunement, 18-page manual
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion
Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Colours of Angels: £40
Constellation of Bliss: Light Body
This attunement comes through the Great
Mother Goddess of Love & Compassion, Quan
Yin. It activates the light body and your
unique 'spiritual blueprint' to enhance healing,
spiritual development and the manifestation
of spiritual gifts such as psychic awareness,
empathy & healing.
By aligning with this powerful yin-energy
current, the unique constellation that forms
your light-body is illuminated. And regularly
working with the activation allows you to tap
into spiritual guidance through your dreams,
visions and meditations. Learn to interpret
symbols and intuition; and navigate your life
by the stars that form your own Constellation
of Bliss: the energetic blueprint that
determines your spiritual destiny.
1 attunement. 42 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Constellation of Bliss: Light Body
Activation: £40
Crystal Deva Empowerments
This is a multi-level attunement that
combines 19 empowerments that connect
with different crystal energies for use in
healing, meditation and ritual. This system
can be used in conjunction with other healing
modalities such as Reiki, Crystal Healing,
Sound Bathing and so on. It's a great system
for those just beginning to explore the
properties and energies of crystals as part of
their spiritual practice.
1 attunement. 14 page manual plus “The
Book of Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine,
Spirituality & Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Crystal Deva Empowerments: £40
Crystal Rose
This attunement comes in the form of an
encoded ethereal rose quartz crystal that acts
as an antenna, connecting you with the
calming, soothing & emotionally healing
energies of the Crystal Rose.
The Crystal Rose is concerned with the heart
chakra and healing through love. This can be
used for healing yourself, sending healing to
others, charging rose quartz crystals and
creating a nurturing atmosphere at home or
in your healing space.
The 31 page manual by Rev. Anna May
(Maya) is very detailed and has beautiful
illustrations. There is one attunement, one
manual plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev. Anna
May. No prerequisites.
Crystal Rose Attunement Course: £40
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!