of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
Archangel Chamuel | Limitless Love &
Healing with the 3rd Ray
This article looks at Archangel Chamuel. This
archangel is popular with healers & energy
workers as well as those drawn to learning
Law of Attraction techniques. We will identify
his qualities & look at ways we can align with
his energy & presence in order to progress
our healing & spiritual development.
Archangel Chamuel & the 3rd Ray
Archangel Chamuel’s name means “He Who
Sees God”, although he is sometimes called
by the name “Archangel Haniel” which means
“Joy of God”.
Archangel Chamuel is known as the Keeper of
the 3rd Ray. The 3rd Ray refers to an aspect
of pure white spiritual light (also called
“Universal Life-Force Energy”) that resonates
with the colour pink. This light’s unique
vibrational frequency can be used for healing,
enhancing relationships, aligning with
unconditional love, appreciating beauty,
developing creativity, overcoming
abuse/trauma & developing your self-esteem.
Connecting with Archangel Chamuel
Working with Archangel Chamuel can inspire
free-thinking & innovation. He is qualified as a
bestower of wisdom on mankind, and his
particular area of expertise is in conveying
the ever-changing and ever-evolving nature
of the divine principle to people. Just as we
endeavour to improve ourselves & strive
towards spiritual ascension, so do other
beings. The whole Universe, including all
dimensions that are seen and unseen, are
part of one glorious unfolding & we share a
common origin & destination in that regard.
Archangel Chamuel often exhibits a more
“human” nature than other angelic beings
because of this. His friendly, comfortable &
kind presence makes him a favourite with
energy workers, healers & spiritual seekers.
Increasing Self-Esteem with Archangel
Self-acceptance develops naturally from the
realisation that you too are part of the
Universe. You, as an individual are an
essential & unique facet of an expansive &
limitless divine source. You’re not so unique
as to be the only manifestation of this
magickal creative matrix that’s surplus to
requirements! No matter what your limited
ideas of yourself dictate, Archangel Chamuel
can help you to recognise & realise the truth
of the matter: You’re important & loved &
special. Working with Archangel Chamuel can
help you to awaken to this wondrous reality &
help you to overcome low self-esteem &
energetic blocks created by limited beliefs.
Overcoming Self-Judgement &
Embracing Forgiveness with Archangel
A tendency to judge ourselves is natural, but
unless it’s tempered with a tendency to
forgive ourselves, it creates an imbalance &
leads to energetic blocks, manifestations of
lack & restricted opportunities in our lives.
One of the important steps we have to take in
over-coming our self-judgement is to
recognise that a judgement isn’t a “truth”; it’s
an “opinion”. The truth is subject to change,
evolution & transformation over time.
Judgements aren’t; so if we apply them to
ourselves continuously & untempered by
compassion & self-love, we can deny our
potential to change, evolve & transform over
time too. Archangel Chamuel can help us to
recognise damaging patterns in the way we
think so that we can shift our focus & open
ourselves to new paths.
Self-forgiveness is the antidote to self-
judgement. Forgiveness provides us with an
opportunity to change. It creates a space for
kindness, empathy & healing. If we identify a
behaviour or habit we don’t like in ourselves –
or which seems to harm us or those around
us, forgiving ourselves allows us to move
beyond it by changing our truth. We can
choose to align with new ways to express our
sacredness & sovereignty by taking a softer,
gentler & more loving approach.
Symbols & Correspondences to Help You
Connect with Archangel Chamuel
We can enhance our connection to spiritual
forces by mindfully working with symbols &
correspondences. For example, you may
choose a specific crystal to work with while
you’re connecting with Archangel Chamuel, or
you may choose a particular incense or
perfume that you dedicate specifically to him
in order to establish a stronger connection.
Here are some correspondences that might
help you align more powerfully with Archangel
Day of the Week: Friday
Planet: Venus
Colour: Pink
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Aventurine,
Watermelon Tourmaline, Angelite, Howlite,
Chalcedony, Pink Opal
Incense/Perfume: Neroli, Orange Blossom,
Geranium, Rose, Sandalwood, Tuberose,
Rosewood, Vanilla
Symbols: Heart, Dove, Pink Rose, Winged
There are also a number of energy healing
modalities available that can help you to
connect more deeply with Archangel
Colours of Angels Attunements
Lightworker Archangelic Links
Angelic Empowerments
These attunement-based energy healing
courses are available through Mayastar
Academy. They include energetic attunements
that are sent using Mayastar’s unique Orb of
Life method, which enables you to receive
personal attunement from Maya wherever you
are in the world. Energy healing techniques
can become a powerful foundation for your
regular spiritual practice, allowing you to
pursue your healing journey & progress your
spiritual development path in ways that
empower you.
I hope this article has inspired you to explore
new opportunities for growth & that you’ll be
guided to those techniques that will most
effectively support & inspire you on your
spiritual path. You can find a list of Angel
Energy Healing courses as well as the Angel
Energy Healer Package & Angel Energy Healer
Advanced Diploma Package here…
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