of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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Transmuting the Aura & Maintaining
Energetic Hygiene | A Mayastar Energy
Healing Article
This article is about your energetic hygiene
and explores ways to cleanse your energy
field, and by extension, your life,
relationships and connections. Using the
analogy of a traditional “spring clean” where
we attend to the maintenance of our home,
we will look at ways we can maintain our
spiritual-selves too. If your body is a temple,
the energetic field attached to it is a sacred
space; so learning to appreciate the
importance of looking after it is a powerful
spiritual practice in itself; it is a way to
honour your soul and create the energetic
space for yourself to fully embody your
highest spiritual intentions. By attending to
your spiritual needs you will also align
yourself more fully with higher levels of
consciousness that can enhance gifts like
intuition, energy healing and empathy.
When we spring clean a house, we usually
begin by moving things around. To get to the
areas we need to clean, we need to move
obstacles out of the way. This in itself can
allow the energy within a home to begin to
circulate more and restore the natural flow –
so don’t under estimate what’s going on
when you begin your spring cleaning! On an
energetic level, things are changing from the
moment you begin because your actions
underline your intentions; this sends a
powerful message to the Universe and to
your unconscious mind about what you want
to achieve! The same thing applies to your
aura. When you cleanse your aura, you’re
creating movement by drawing new energy
in and allowing it to circulate and then flow
outwards, into the ground. By consciously
taking action to do so, you’re communicating
with your higher self and with the Universe
that you’re moving yourself towards a more
harmonious state. Although this process is
simple and natural, it can have profound
effects on our mood and health simply
because we’re putting our intentions into
action and that’s a powerful piece of magick!
Areas of stagnant energy within the aura can
create blocks that limit the amount of life-
force energy flowing through particular
energy centres. An example of this might be
someone whose going through a difficult
time at work. Perhaps they’re over-working
and not taking enough time out to
decompress at the end of each day. Over
time, the repetition of a stressful activity
that isn’t balanced with any kind of self-care,
can create an energetic block within the
energy field. Often this type of block can be
felt in the central chakras – the Sacral
Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, and the
Heart Chakra. It may be experienced as
tension in the abdominal muscles that
restricts breathing and inhibits digestion
very slightly, or as a racing heart or anxiety
that’s felt in the chest, or perhaps the
cortisol from the stress causes excess fat to
be stored in your abdomen. Subtle physical
responses to stress might go unnoticed for
months, but over a period of time, they
could have a very negative effect on the
physical body in lots of different ways – long
after you’ve forgotten about the stress you
didn’t deal with! Perhaps the period of high
intensity stress was temporary and after a
few months, your work life returned to
normal so you just forgot about it. But for
some reason, you’re experiencing blocks to
your emotional expression or creativity
months later. You may not link this to your
energetic hygiene, but this is why
energetically spring cleaning your aura is as
important as it is powerful!
By consciously moving the energy around
your system or using an energy healing
technique (such as St Germain’s Auric
Transmutation Flush) to do that, you can
dissolve those energetic blocks that might
otherwise persist for a long time. Even when
the circumstances that created an energetic
block have passed, sometimes we need to
consciously release the energetic imprints
that we took on during them. Regularly
working with energy healing systems can
help to maintain your energetic equilibrium
throughout the year. However, sometimes
things come up, you get busy and some of
your good habits fall by the wayside. So
having a time each year when you work on
your energy to create a “clean slate” is a
good way to make sure any compromise to
the flow of your life-force energy doesn’t
persist for too long – and the tradition of
“spring cleaning” offers us an opportunity for
an annual ritual.
After we’ve moved things out of the way
within our home, we start the cleansing
process. We may use different elemental
forces to clean our physical space such as
water and soap to remove dirt and grime,
fragrant oils or incense to freshen the air
and a broom or vacuum cleaner to deal with
dust, fluff and whatever kind of nastiness
has accumulated in the corners! We wouldn’t
be able to do this effectively if we didn’t
start by moving things out of the way first –
and the same goes for the energy body:
When you want to fully cleanse your aura,
you have to start by getting the energy
flowing first! Then, you can allow your
intuition to guide you to any areas that need
special attention for you to focus on. Using
our example of a stressful time at work
creating an energetic block, once the energy
is flowing again, we may be able to sense
the problem that created the block in the
first place. We may notice that we
experience particular emotions as we’re
moving the energy around and that these
need to be acknowledged and accepted so
that we can properly release them. During a
stressful time at work, you might have
suppressed emotions like frustration or
sadness, and then, as the energy moves
around and clears, you experience those
emotions and remember the thoughts you
had that created and reinforced them.
Creating an energetic safe space for yourself
to do this kind of work is important and
some great energy healing modalities for
doing this are: Light Sanctuary Activation,
Dark Moon Mother Protection and Quan Yin’s
Compassionate Heart Healing.
In the final step, once our house is cleansed,
we want to arrange things the way we like
them or the way that works best for us –
and we might take some time to think about
changes we want to make at that point too.
Things we consider in the arrangement of
our physical home might include, placing
doormats in inside the doors to avoid dirt
being brought into the home; we might also
change the way we arrange our furniture to
optimise the space better or eliminate areas
that clutter tends to accumulate; and we
might get into the habit of opening the
bedroom window for an hour in the morning
to ventilate and wake up the energy in the
home. Likewise, with the aura, we can
address how we arrange ourselves
energetically. This might be establishing a
routine for daily meditation or grounding in
order to bring your attention to your energy
every day. Or, it might mean adding a
creative activity to your routine that can act
as an avenue for expressing emotions you’ve
a tendency to bottle up – perhaps a
colouring book or art pad to sit down with in
the evening after work. Or maybe a short
Yin Yoga practice to help you wind down for
bed; or it might mean, developing a simple
habit of using a daily energy healing practice
while you take your morning shower so that
you can focus on cleaning your energy and
maintaining your energetic integrity
throughout the day as part of your existing
Many people concern themselves with
attachments from negative entities and
come to me for spells or to learn energy
healing techniques that will help them to
resolve those kinds of problems. The thing
is, negative entities aren’t usually malicious.
They are just going where they find
energetic nourishment and they’ll go away if
you stop feeding them! They should be
considered more of a nuisance than a threat.
I tend to think of them like fleas in your
carpet! They’re not easy to get rid of once
they’ve infested – and they’re an irritation
for sure – but they’re not “demonic”! And, if
you attend to your regular energetic
maintenance, your “home” or energy
becomes unliveable for them. Negative
entities or lower astral beings are pests and
they exploit existing vulnerabilities rather
than creating them. If you consciously work
on areas of blocked and stagnant energy,
ensure your life-force is flowing well and
create opportunities for self-healing and
supportive spiritual practices in your regular
routine, you can make yourself very
unappealing to the types of entity that can
siphon energy and exacerbate
This article was inspired by my work with St
Germain’s Auric Transmutation Flush
because it’s a powerful system for energy
maintenance. It’s also a wonderful energy to
work with during the Killing Moon Karmic
Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive, and the
21-Day Chakra Healing & Light-Body
Activation Magickal Intensive with daily
energy transmissions that I provide through
Maya Magickal.
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