of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
5D Planetary Ascension & Spiritual
Awakening for Indigo Children &
Lightworkers | A Mayastar Energy
Healing Article
Indigo Children, Lightworkers, Lemuria
& the Star People
Many Indigo Children & Lightworkers have
energetic ancestral connections to Ancient
Lemuria. Lemuria was a spiritually advanced
civilisation that lived in harmony with
nature. As a continent, Lemuria was also an
energetic gateway that connected the
Lemurians with their ancestors and soul-
tribes in the stars. Even while living on
earth, the Lemurians shifted between states
of consciousness, retaining their soul-
memories and relationship with the stars
that were their original home.
Many spiritual seekers today have energetic
ancestry that ties them to the Lemurians and
the Star People that the Lemurians were,
and still are, connected to. Souls that have
incarnated for the purpose of progressing
the spiritual awakening of humanity and the
ascension of the planet as a whole are
Lightworkers and Indigo Children. If you feel
drawn to Lemurian energies for your
personal healing or in order to develop gifts
to share with the world, you could be a
Lightworker or Indigo Child!
Lemurian Indigo Connections, the Age
of Aquarius & 5D Consciousness
This article is inspired by material provided
through the Lemurian Indigo Connections
course which was channelled by Mayastar. If
you feel drawn to connect with the
Lemurians and want to learn to connect with
their energy through sacred symbols and
light-language mantras, the Lemurian Indigo
Connections attunement is a powerful way
do this!
The Lemurian Indigo Connections
channelling was received through the
Lemurian Goddess, Amara. Amara is here to
support those Indigo Children and
Lightworkers that feel drawn to her or to
Lemuria. The Lemurians and Avalonian tribes
are both linked with the Pleiadian Light
Beings and many Indigo Children are
Pleiadian or Lemurian souls that have
returned to the earth plane from spiritual
dimensions in various star systems. These
are highly evolved souls that no longer need
to incarnate physically to facilitate further
development, but who have chosen to return
to earth to facilitate and assist the
development of humanity to achieve our
collective spiritual potential.
In 2012 the Age of Aquarius began, marking
a period of accelerated spiritual awakening
for humanity. Indigo Children have been
born with increasing frequency since that
time. Their purpose is to assist the difficult
transition period that we are going through
as the new paradigm unfolds. They also
provide support through the energetic
turbulence that arises as the old ways of
being and residual karmic bonds that tie us
to the past are dissolved and resolved.
Indigo Children are equipped for such
dramatic energetic shifts! They naturally
resonate at higher energetic frequencies so
they exert a subtle influence on those
around them. Raising of the frequencies of
others doesn’t diminish their energy in the
way those kinds of intense encounters might
do to less spiritually-rooted people. Many are
finding themselves called to work on their
spiritual development in order to raise the
frequency at which their energy field and
physical body resonate and thereby facilitate
a smoother transition into higher
consciousness, also called “5D
The Harmonic Convergence that marked the
initiation of the New Age in 2012 did not
create a cataclysm, despite the doom-
mongers of the time predicting some kind of
apocalypse! But 2012 did mark an
apocalypse in the truest sense of the word!
The word “apocalypse” refers to a
revelation; and a revelation is essentially the
comprehension of something new – a new
reality or philosophy – the birth of a new
age. The new reality is still taking shape and
some of the birth pains for humanity are
clearly expressed in world events. Birth is a
messy and difficult process and that’s why
the Indigo Children and Lightworkers are
here: they are here to support a natural, but
challenging process with their natural
healing skills & inspiring light.
Indigo Children & Lightworkers:
Ascension & Spiritual Awakening
Indigo Children and Lightworkers help and
inspire others through writing, healing work,
inspired channelling, creativity, art, music
and in many other ways. They may work as
teachers, healers, counsellors, spiritual
advisors and so on. Or they may be working
in less ‘new age’ jobs such as nursing or
caring professions and through their work
will be inspiring others. Others may be
mothers who inspire their children, counsel
their friends and so on. You may recognise
Indigo Children and Lightworkers by their
seeming to have an inner ‘knowing’ or sense
of destiny – even though they may be
unable to express this in words.
People in need of healing tend to be drawn
to Indigo Children and Lightworkers; they
seek them out for advice and reassurance
because a Lightworker or Indigo Child
naturally inspires others and has a
perspective that they are able to share on an
energetic level as well as through the
conventional means of communication.
Indigo Children and Lightworkers are
committed to their soul-purpose to
consciously work towards the evolution of
the Universe. This objective and spiritually
driven intent overrides all other drives in
their lives. To others they may seem ‘odd’
and a little ‘kooky’. The high vibrational
frequency of their energy bodies means that
their physical bodies also resonate at a
higher frequency (providing they are
sufficiently grounded!). This can lead to a
number of side effects.
First of all, intolerance for lower frequency
energies tends to manifest. This may be
expressed in a need to spend time alone or
in nature regularly; they may need to avoid
crowds, too much noise, too much fuss and
so on. It’s not just unpleasant to the Indigo
Child! These things actually upset the
balance of their energy body and impact
quickly on the physical body resulting in
physical manifestations of ‘dis-ease’ or
stress. You will often find Indigo Children
and Lightworkers who haven’t learnt to
properly ground and protect their energy
with a tendency to over-eat in an
unconscious attempt to bring down the
vibrational frequency of their physical body
in order to protect their energy.
Indigo Children are affected deeply by
displays of anger or violence and need to
avoid people of an aggressive or negative
disposition in order to maintain their own
sense of well-being. They often find that
eating particular foods, drinking alcohol,
using recreational drugs, consuming too
much caffeine or chemical additives has a
negative impact on their physical body and
leaves them feeling uncomfortable
energetically too.
Many Indigo Children and Lightworkers avoid
these things naturally and those that receive
attunement to high vibrational currents
through systems like Lemurian Indigo
Connections, Pleiadian DNA Clearing &
Activation, Avalonian Alignment, Usui Reiki
and other energy healing modalities, will
often find that as their basal vibrational rate
is raised, they become conscious of the need
to let go of ‘low energy habits’ and release
themselves from low-vibrational and limiting
belief systems and ideas. The journey of
their spiritual ascension is marked by their
deliberate liberation from all those things
that have and are restricting the full
manifestation and expression of their spirit.
This is what we call “Ascension” or “Spiritual
These changes often begin as a natural
progression but soon the Lightworker/Indigo
is actively seeking out energetic ‘debris’ to
clear out! This debris takes the form of
blocks or areas of stagnant energy in the
energy field that result from past
experiences of fear & upset that are
unhealed. Often, the mental and emotional
work has been done with regard to moving
on from these experiences and beliefs, but
the energy field wasn’t cleared fully and so
the residual karmic bonds continue to exert
an influence on the level of achievable
spiritual development as well as on the
mental, emotional and physical aspects of
the individual. If you feel you fall into this
category, you may want to look at the Killing
Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual
Intensive option from Maya Magickal or the
Starseed Unicorn Karmic Healing Course.
Indigo Children: Soul-Tribe Connection
& Destiny
In addition to our discussion so far, with
their higher purpose always taking
precedence over worldly concerns, Indigo
Children can feel alienated from the general
population and can become quite lonely if
they do not find connection with other Indigo
Children. They may experience
‘homesickness’ for their spiritual home and
become distressed and depressed through
this. The more other people try to console
them, the more isolated they feel because it
soon becomes apparent that in the main,
others don’t see things in the same way as
they do; they may be kind and supportive,
but they can’t genuinely understand the
experience of energetic sensitivity and
spiritual yearning if they haven’t lived it
Indigo Children and Lightworkers can end up
feeling isolated and unhappy. Some may
have flashes of memories of their past
existence in other dimensions or
incarnations that remind them of their
spiritual nature. And some are drawn
towards their Lemurian, Avalonian or
Pleiadian kin.
Thankfully, fate and destiny play a role here
and an Indigo Child will, sooner or later, find
themselves drawn to the right people at the
right time and in the right circumstances to
fulfil their purpose. They may find the right
teacher or guide, a close friend or soul mate
or perhaps they will establish a connection
with their friends ‘on the other side’ and
regain their sense of spiritual security,
confidence and conviction!
The challenging experiences and sense of
isolation are part of the initiatory processes
of earthly-incarnation. These difficult times
ensure that the Indigo is equipped with an
understanding of lower energies and the
difficulties and feelings that may be
experienced by those they are here to
support and encourage as they make their
own journey. Everything happens for a
reason – and even the darkest experiences
can pave paths to new light and greater
opportunities for hope, happiness and
healing to manifest.
If you feel drawn to progress your spiritual
path in order to develop your lightworker
skills, some courses that may interest you
Lemurian Indigo Connections
Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation
Avalonian Alignment Programme
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