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An Introduction to Ascended Masters | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article

Ascended Masters, the Astral Realm & Enlightenment

Ascended Masters are spiritual light-beings that exist in the astral planes. The astral planes can be considered trans-dimensional worlds that are not usually accessible to us – except through trancework and the achievement of higher states of consciousness. Some might call the astral realms, the ‘heavens’ or the ‘spiritual dimension’.

What is the Astral Realm & how can we access higher planes?

The planes of the astral realm resonate at higher vibrations than those we encounter in the temporal world so they are rarely accessible to us except sometimes in dreams, visions and during out-of-body-experiences where the energetic body leaves the physical form for a time. However, as intangible as these places may seem to us, to the energetic beings that occupy them, they are as real and concrete as the physical world is to us.

How can Ascended Masters help us on our spiritual journey?

Ascended Masters are beings that provide support and guide to those on a spiritual journey. Many of them have been human at some point and have ascended to a higher plane after death, where they continue their work in assisting human souls to evolve and to express the highest spiritual principles accessible to them. They can provide healing and assistance in overcoming limiting beliefs, ego-dominance and imbalance. They can provide comfort and help you to realise spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, extra-sensory perception, empathy and healing.

How do Ascended Masters appear?

Many healers, spiritual practitioners and occultists have worked with Ascended Masters – so there are many definitions, stories and explanations applied to them. Some of these light-beings have hundreds of names or are very complex so they might be approached by different people, at different times, in very different ways! When you connect with a spiritual guide, they often choose to appear to you in the archetypal form (character/model) that will resonate most strongly with you. In summary, Ascended Masters are Emissaries of The Light that were probably (though not always) once human. They may have been healers, teachers, spiritual-leaders or great mages while on earth. They achieved a level of spiritual development and self-realisation that allowed them to ascend beyond this earthly realm and beyond the karmic cycles of reincarnation. We call this “Enlightenment”. They exist in a plane of pure spiritual energy but concern themselves with our spiritual journeys. They are there to inspire us to realise our spiritual potential during incarnation and they will assist us in any way they can to do this, providing we approach them with pure intent, high ideals and without ego.

Here is a list of some of the Ascended Masters that can be called upon for

support & healing:

St Germain Mother Mary Mary Magdalene Serapis Bey Jesus (Master Jeshua) Master Kuthumi Quan Yin Buddha El Morya Melchizedek Hilarion Serapis Bey

How can I connect more deeply with the Ascended Masters?

There are a number of attunement-based energy healing modalities from Mayastar that may be of interest to those seeking more powerful alliance with the Ascended Masters: Ascended Masters Attunements Course Universal Rays Course Serapis Bey Ray of Harmony Kuthumi Crystalline Light Activation Archangel Michael’s Sapphire Flame Archangel Gabriel’s Empath Encoding Quan Yin’s Compassionate Heart Healing Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Gabriel Energy Healing, Empathy & Symbols Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork DNA Activation & Healing: An Overview The Great Goddess Quan Yin | Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025

An Introduction to Ascended Masters |

Mayastar Energy Healing Article

Ascended Masters are spiritual light-beings that exist in the astral planes. The astral planes can be considered trans-dimensional worlds that are not usually accessible to us – except through trancework and the achievement of higher states of consciousness. Some might call the astral realms, the ‘heavens’ or the ‘spiritual dimension’.

What is the Astral Realm & how can we

access higher planes?

The planes of the astral realm resonate at higher vibrations than those we encounter in the temporal world so they are rarely accessible to us except sometimes in dreams, visions and during out-of-body- experiences where the energetic body leaves the physical form for a time. However, as intangible as these places may seem to us, to the energetic beings that occupy them, they are as real and concrete as the physical world is to us.

How can Ascended Masters help us on

our spiritual journey?

Ascended Masters are beings that provide support and guide to those on a spiritual journey. Many of them have been human at some point and have ascended to a higher plane after death, where they continue their work in assisting human souls to evolve and to express the highest spiritual principles accessible to them. They can provide healing and assistance in overcoming limiting beliefs, ego-dominance and imbalance. They can provide comfort and help you to realise spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, extra-sensory perception, empathy and healing.

How do Ascended Masters appear?

Many healers, spiritual practitioners and occultists have worked with Ascended Masters – so there are many definitions, stories and explanations applied to them. Some of these light-beings have hundreds of names or are very complex so they might be approached by different people, at different times, in very different ways! When you connect with a spiritual guide, they often choose to appear to you in the archetypal form (character/model) that will resonate most strongly with you.

How should we approach Ascended


In summary, Ascended Masters are Emissaries of The Light that were probably (though not always) once human. They may have been healers, teachers, spiritual- leaders or great mages while on earth. They achieved a level of spiritual development and self-realisation that allowed them to ascend beyond this earthly realm and beyond the karmic cycles of reincarnation. We call this “Enlightenment”. They exist in a plane of pure spiritual energy but concern themselves with our spiritual journeys. They are there to inspire us to realise our spiritual potential during incarnation and they will assist us in any way they can to do this, providing we approach them with pure intent, high ideals and without ego. (Maya 2019)

Explore Ascended Masters Energy

Healing Courses…

Ascended Masters Attunements Course Universal Rays Course Serapis Bey Ray of Harmony Kuthumi Crystalline Light Activation Archangel Michael’s Sapphire Flame Archangel Gabriel’s Empath Encoding Quan Yin’s Compassionate Heart Healing Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Gabriel Energy Healing, Empathy & Symbols Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork DNA Activation & Healing: An Overview The Great Goddess Quan Yin | Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Lightworkers Article Attunements Information Article
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