of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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About Attunements
A series of 7 attunements that connect you
with the divine Angelic beings that offer you
healing, support and spiritual guidance.
Includes: Angelic Communication, Angelic
Vibration, Spiritual Gifts, Heart Radiance,
Unconditional Love, Emerging Light and
Archangel activations.
7 attunements. 26 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Angel Journey Activations Program: £80
These Initiations connect you directly with
angelic spirits and guides so that you can
readily connect with them for channelling,
healing, guidance and spiritual growth. The
angels provide support, encouragement &
inspiration that will progress your soul's
evolution. Their constant and unconditional
love is deeply healing.
4 attunements. 14 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Angel Light Initiations: £60
These empowerments connect you with the
angelic realm. The detailed manual
discusses the angelic hierarchy and includes
powerful meditations for you experiment
with as you work with these energies. Can
be used for healing yourself and others,
clearing sacred space, energetic protection
and to assist your journey to enlightenment.
5 attunements. 35 page course manual plus
“The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Angelic Empowerments: £60
This system connects you with the four
primary Archangels to facilitate healing and
manifestation of your full energetic potential.
These attunements comprise an empowering
journey to spiritual wholeness that allows
you to connect with higher aspects of your
divine soul. Regularly working with these
energies can facilitate personal and spiritual
transformation and to provide healing energy
treatments for yourself and others.
1 multi-level attunement or 4 individual
attunements. 47 page course manual by Rev.
Anna May (Maya) plus “The Book of
Inspiration: Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality
& Lightwork” Companion Guides
Compendium by Rev. Anna May. No
Archangelic Flames Initiations: £60
A powerful attunement that connects you to
seven archangels and the energetic rays they
Michael (Blue Ray)
Jophiel (Yellow Ray)
Chamuel (Pink Ray)
Gabriel (White Ray)
Raphael (Green Ray)
Uriel (Gold Ray)
Zadkiel (Violet Ray)
You can tap into the rays for healing,
ascension work, ritual, manifestation & to
enhance your spiritual practices.
1 multi-level attunement, 18-page manual
plus “The Book of Inspiration: Vibrational
Medicine, Spirituality & Lightwork”
Companion Guides Compendium by Rev.
Anna May. No prerequisites.
Colours of Angels: £40
Includes attunement to:
Archangelic Colours
Ariel Link
Cassiel Link
Chamuel Link
Gabriel Link
Jophiel Link
Metatron Link
Michael Link
Raphael Link
Sandalphon Link
Uriel Link
Zadkiel Link
Zaphrael Link
These attunements will align you with each
of the archangels and teach you about their
individual natures, associations and power.
The links can be used for healing,
channelling, meditation, spiritual
development and ritual. Angel energies can
help you to connect with your higher spiritual
self to facilitate deep healing, transformation
and the manifestation of spiritual power.
13 attunements, 13 Lightworker Series
manuals plus “The Book of Inspiration:
Vibrational Medicine, Spirituality &
Lightwork” Companion Guides Compendium
by Rev. Anna May. No prerequisites.
Lightworker Archangelic Links: £120
Angel Energy Healer Package
This package includes:
Archangelic Flames
Angelic Empowerments
Angel Light Initiations
Angel Energy Healer Package: £120
(save £60 on the regular fees)
Angel Energies Advanced Diploma
This package includes:
Lightworker Archangelic Links
Archangelic Flames
Angel Light Initiations
Angelic Empowerments
Colours of Angels
An accredited certificate of achievement is
issued for each course as part of the
package. On submission of a 300-word essay
& 3 case studies that demonstrate your
understanding & experience of each course,
a basic diploma certificate is issued. If you
complete all courses in the package to the
diploma level, you will receive an advanced
This package can count towards Mayastar
Degree Programmes. To receive a "Mayastar
Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 5 advanced diplomas; to receive a
"Mayastar Master of Energy Healing Degree"
you need to complete 10 advanced
diplomas; and to receive a "Mayastar Doctor
of Energy Healing Degree" you need to
complete 15 advanced diplomas. The
advanced diploma packages can be found
through the “Course Category Menus” at the
top of this page.
Angel Energies Advanced Diploma
Package: £300 (save £140 on the
regular fees)
Diploma Level Upgrade
To upgrade a single course to diploma level,
add this option to your order. Diploma
certification is issued on submission of a
300-word essay demonstrating your
understanding of the modality & 3 case
studies that demonstrate your experience
working with the energy. This option allows
you to build towards advanced diploma or
degree certification one course at a time.
Diploma Level Upgrade: £20
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!