of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2024
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 10k courses taught worldwide!
Akashic Records & Egregores: Your
Questions Answered
What does the term “Akashic Records”
The term "Akashic Records" was coined by
the Theosophical Society in the 1800s. It
refers to the invisible, energetic reality
where an etheric signature of every event,
thought, experience and all knowledge exists
forever. This reservoir of information is what
the psychoanalyst, Carl Jung called “The
Collective Unconscious”; it is the realm of
dreams, visions and imagination.
The word Akasha, is a Sanskrit word that
means Sky or Ether and the Theosophists
understood this to be a non-physical, mental
plane of reality where all expressions of
consciousness exist in some form for all
What is contained in the Akashic
We all contribute to the Akashic Records
because our conscious experiences generate
unconscious energetic signatures that
become part of that great collective.
Everything that has ever happened echoes
for all time in the Akashic Records and this
allows us to access information on an
energetic level that would not otherwise be
accessible to us. But you can’t just barge
into the “library” of the Akashic Records, pull
out a book and start expanding your
wisdom! However, you do connect with the
Akashic Records all the time on an
unconscious level and you can learn to do
this consciously!
How can you connect to the Akashic
You can learn to derive information from the
Akashic Records by developing your
intuition. A good way to begin this process is
to start a dream journal. Every night, while
you sleep, you connect with the Akashic
Records and “upload” your experiences of
the day to the Collective Unconscious
through your Unconscious Mind. When you
dream, you are translating the experiences
of 3D reality into something that
communicates the essence of those
experiences and becomes accessible to
others through the “Akasha”. And through
your dreams, you access some of that
energetic reality and bring it back with you
when you remember your dreams. Writing
down what you remember of dreams can
send a powerful message to your
unconscious mind that will help you
remember more of your dreams, and also
help you to resonate more with the energetic
realm and access it more easily.
Through the Akashic Records, we can
connect with past lives, future lives, and
gain insight into our current lives. But we
can also connect with the experiences,
memories and energetic signatures of all
beings that have consciousness – even those
that have not experienced a physical
The Akashic Records can allow us to explore
the deeper meaning behind everything we
see. And if you work regularly to develop
your intuition, over the years, you can come
to experience the energetic information that
reflects the true reality of the things you
perceive in the 3D realm.
How does 5D-consciousness & spiritual
awakening relate to the Akashic
All things that exist in the 3-dimensional
reality are not only expressed on the
physical plane; beyond that, there are layers
of energy, experience, knowledge and power
that stretch back to the dawn of time. If you
can develop your 5D consciousness
alongside your 3D consciousness, you can
tap into the energetic reservoir of magick
and meaning that reflects more of the true
reality. This reality is always there and you
are always connected to it; but you need to
develop your consciousness in order to
perceive it. This process is called “Gaining
the Sight”, “Spiritual Awakening” or
Through the Akashic Records we can connect
with historical figures, ancestors and
ourselves; we can connect with the
experiences of animals, plants and planets;
and we can connect with divinities or beings
of light that exist solely in that dimension
and which we know as angels, gods and
goddesses. You can see the Akashic Records
as being the planes of reality that exist
above us and below the gods.
What are thoughtforms & egregores?
Another component of the Akashic Records is
the concept of “thoughtforms” or
“egregores”. Egregores are energetic
constructs that may or may not have some
level of consciousness and that are built up
of peoples’ contributions to the Akashic
Records through their experiences and
beliefs. An example of this might be for a
character like the Ascended Master St
Germain. He likely had a historical reality
and many people, in many places have had
experiences of him since then, and hold
many beliefs about him that they reinforce
throughout a lifetime. Their attention and
energy expands and informs the egregore of
St Germain. And St Germain exists in the
higher realms, where he also feeds the
energetic egregore because he’s connected
to it too! So the energetic constructs that we
can encounter in the Akasha, are like
batteries for different types of energy.
Are thoughtforms & egregores the same
as ascended masters, angels, gods &
Now, is the egregore the same thing as the
Ascended Master/Person of St Germain? No.
It’s not! But it is a powerful reservoir of
energy that can do great good, or great
harm, depending on how it is accessed,
interpreted and expressed when translated
through someone’s unconscious mind, into
their conscious mind and then into their 3D
reality through their actions and interactions
with the physical world. The St Germain
egregore could be considered an illusion,
but it could also be considered an energetic
symbol that expresses a complex of realities
and facilitates connection with the Ascended
Master by allowing you to explore the
energetic signature of St Germain in order to
align with his energy and thereby connect
with his ascended form.
Thoughtforms & egregores from
fictional characters
This same phenomenon applies to other
beings of light, but also to other human
constructs. Characters in films, plays and
books that have resonated with millions or
billions of people over time also develop
egregores that reflect some level of cohesion
and some level of individuality. An example
of this might be a fictional character like
Maleficent in the Disney movies. I’m using
this example because the modern films are
based on a character that appeared in the
original Sleeping Beauty where she was
depicted as a malevolent fairy in 1959.
Through the decades, almost every child will
have encountered this character and had
their own experiences and understanding of
it. They may have reflected over the course
of a lifetime on the character and moved
from fearing her to sympathising with her.
The character evolves for them as they
experience life. They may have met people
that reminded them of the character and
further recalibrated their connection with
that symbol over time. Then, Disney
releases the modern movies that further
elucidate the idea of this character and
explore her nature and motivations in more
detail. And through that, many more people
experience the evolution of the egregore and
contribute to it through their own thoughts
and understanding. Every time someone has
a conscious experience or interaction with
that character, they contribute to the
egregore that exists in the Akashic Records.
Are the Akashic Records just an
So what is the point of that? If fictional
characters exist in the Akasha, maybe we
can’t trust anything we encounter beyond
the physical plane? Maybe it’s all just an
illusion? Perhaps it is. That’s one way to look
at it. Just like some people describe their
dreams as “nonsense”. Or perhaps it’s just
down to the individual to decide what that
energetic reality means to them. For some
people, this might be an empowering
concept. They might be the kinds of people
who find meaning in their dreams. Reflecting
on ideas might help them to connect with
different archetypes as they progress their
healing journey and explore themselves. It
might add some magick to the mundane for
them and help them to explore the life in a
way that works for them.
How can we use egregores &
thoughtforms for self-empowerment &
Using the same character as an example,
perhaps someone lacks confidence and
always feels anxious when out in public. But
after watching Maleficent, they feel inspired
to explore the “dark fairy” within. They wear
more black and hum music from the film as
they drive to the supermarket and somehow
arrive feeling more confident and markedly
less anxious. Maybe they do this
deliberately, or maybe they do it
unconsciously. But through that interaction
they are feeding the egregore as well as
drawing energy from it and the result might
be very positive for them.
What techniques help us to perceive the
Akashic Records?
So, how might we learn to perceive the
invisible realms of the Akashic Records?
Essentially we do this by pursuing our
spiritual path and progressing our healing.
The more we do this, the more we balance
our conscious and unconscious awareness.
That allows us to connect with the energetic
reality and draw it down to a level were we
may perceive it and work with it. Good
Mayastar courses for those who would like to
develop this skill are:
Ocean of Intuition 3rd Eye Activation
Starseed Psychic Activations
Kundalini Reiki
And Constellation of Bliss: Light-Body
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