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The Greatest Spiritual Awakening Convergence of the Aeon: The Age

of Aquarius Ascension Gateway

LEARN MORE: The Lightworker Revolution & the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway - Guidance for Healers, Spiritual Seekers, Indigo Children & Starseeds

When Does This Planetary Ascension Gateway Open?

On the 19th November 2024 a significant celestial event takes place. Between June of 2023 and the 18th November 2024, the planet Pluto danced in and out of the sign of Aquarius, but on the 19th November 2024, it settles into this new placement and will remain in this alignment for 20 years! With the opening of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway (AAA Gateway), a period of collective transformation for humanity begins. This Gateway will be in place, with Pluto in Aquarius until 2044, exerting a powerful influence on all of us individually and as a collective. This marks a period of spiritual advancement that will allow us to access higher levels of consciousness and manifest our spiritual gifts in new ways.

Pluto: Death, Rebirth, Transformation & Spiritual Ascension

Pluto is a dwarf planet and is the furthest planet from the sun within our solar system. It's orbit takes about 248 years and it's a heavy hitter when it comes to transformation in the direction of our world; bringing changes that happen over generations and which resonate for centuries. For those who choose to tune into the energetic tides that shape our reality, this celestial event, also presents great opportunities for personal healing and spiritual awakening. Pluto is named for the God of the Underworld in Roman Mythology - akin to the deity, Hades in Greek Mythology. Its influence reflects characteristics of this deity; while Pluto is often considered a God of Death, death isn't the end of the road in a spiritual sense. Rather, death is about transformation, rebirth, the ability to leave behind old versions of yourself that no longer serve you and the process of integrating the shadow aspects of the self in order to reveal their true light.

Pluto’s Transit in Aquarius 2024 & the Golden Age of Aquarius

As Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius, this transformational, initiatory current finds its expression in the New Age. The New Age refers to the Age of Aquarius; a period of 2160 years that began at the end of the Mayan Calendar during a cosmic event we call The Harmonic Convergence. This occurred on the Winter Solstice of 2012, when our Sun entered a dark area of the Milky Way galaxy (called "The Tree"), along with the primary star of the Pleiadian constellation, Alcyone. The Pleiadians are spiritually connected with humans and have been instrumental in our advancement and evolution as a species. Today, Starseeds, Lightworkers and spiritual seekers find deep connection with the Pleiadian Light-Beings. When we connect with them through energy attunements such as the Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Course, Pleiadian WhiteLight Connections, Pleiadian Resonance Orb & Pleiadian Healing Emanations, we can develop a closer bond with the spiritual beings that oversee the spiritual awakening of humanity as a whole. This great awakening is also referred to as Global Ascension, Planetary Ascension or the Ascension Gateway and it's a continuous process that experiences periods of acceleration at times. This is one of those times!

Starseeds, Indigo Children, Ascension & The Great Awakening?

From the early 70s, Starseeded souls (also called Indigo Children because of the amount of indigo light within their auras) have incarnated with increasing frequency. Starseeds are here to support this period of accelerated ascension and awakening. A good way to understand this is to realise that change is hard - it's hard for all humans because it means investing our energy, belief and consciousness into the unknown. It can feel very challenging and even scary at times, to consciously leave behind the past. Although time marches on, the way our consciousness is configured in order to allow us to operate within the 3D reality, means we can find change very difficult mentally and emotionally. Even healing requires us to leave behind the illness - and if you've ever seen anyone struggle with a bad habit or addiction such as alcoholism, over-eating, smoking or substance abuse, you soon realise that even when we know that a change is for our good, the process of change can be difficult. The planet Pluto inspires those kinds of changes though - it's all about personal transformation! The refinement of the spirit and the opportunity to be born anew. The transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly is a beautiful and wonderful thing. But while in the cocoon, the caterpillar isn't aware of its new form. If it were able to philosophise over the process, it might experience a lot of resistance to that change! It's exactly the same with people - our intelligence, beliefs and habits often create resistance to change. By embracing spiritual practice and learning to trust in The Universe, and allow the Light-Beings that support us to offer us their energetic encouragement and guidance, we can smooth the process of transformation by learning to manage our tendency to resist.

When Did the New Age of Aquarius Start? What Does it All Mean?

And now, 12 years on from the start of the New Age and our planetary ascension into the Age of Aquarius, our journey through the Aquarian paradigm is being increased, enhanced and accelerated by the transition of Pluto into Aquarius. What does the Age of Aquarius mean for us? In what ways is it different from the Age of Pisces that we've left behind? And how can we align with these great cosmic configurations in order to progress our path to wholeness? The first thing to appreciate is that peoples’ understanding of when the Age of Aquarius started, or will start, vary quite a bit! And while many New Agers celebrated the start of the Golden Age of Aquarius in 2012, some believe it began in 1962 or 2020; others believe the Pluto transition in 2024 heralds the true beginning of the Age; and others still believe the New Age will begin in 2140/2150. But when we’re dealing with such immense spans of time, whenever the actual point of transition is, the shifts and changes will be felt most intensely in a period of possibly hundreds of years either side of that point. We look to astrological events to help us determine what’s going on, on that cosmic scale, but our interpretations of those events may vary. What we do know is that Aquarius brings radical change! Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and brings in currents of sacred rebellion, individuality and liberation from old ways of being that we might attach to the former age: the Age of Pisces. The Age of Pisces was marked by organised religions which consolidated power and which dominated the last 2000 years. In contrast, the Age of Aquarius heralds a time of individual spirituality where experimentation is encouraged and freedom is part of the philosophy! This spiritual shift can be observed in New Age spiritual practices such as those I teach, energy healing, meditation and other creative expressions of the soul. The Age of Aquarius elevates the scientific mind; we are moved to question things more and explore the world in new ways rather than buying into the authority and hierarchy expressed in the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is about innovation and progress; we see this already in the swift changes that have occurred through technology including AI, space exploration and new ways that humanity as a collective connect with each other through social media and the internet.

Mayastar’s Work to Unite the 3D & 5D Aspects for Spiritual Progress,

Healing & Higher Consciousness

In my line of work, as a Lemurian Priestess and spiritual teacher I am focused on the spiritual aspects of the new aeon and helping spiritual seekers to discover the practices and energies that will help them explore their unique energetic landscape in order that they more fully embody their divine potential. What we’re seeking to do through New Age spiritual practices, is to bring our higher 5D principles and potential into our 3D reality and ways of operating. One important part of this is learning to stay grounded while retaining the wisdom and perspective of our higher consciousness. When we embrace the Ascension Journey, we’re not seeking to disconnect from the world in order to pursue our spiritual evolution, rather, we are seeking to root ourselves into the world in order to manifest the fruits and flowers of our divinity.

How Your Spiritual Practice & Energy Healing Work Can Serve You In

Times of Turmoil

With Pluto intensifying this process over the coming two decades, this period of human history is likely to see a lot of upheaval and change. In the past this configuration of cosmic forces has seen the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Enlightenment, the Abolition of Slavery, the Protestant Reformation and the Industrial Revolution. These changes brought about a better world, but the transition from the old world to the new often created turmoil and unrest. It’s likely the world will see similarly intense shifts and changes over the next 20 years and for spiritual seekers, Starseeds, Healers and Lightworkers, maintaining your grounding and attending to your spiritual practice will be all the more vital during turbulent times. So how best to navigate these new energies? How best to serve The Universe during challenging times? My simplest advice would be to stay grounded, embrace your spiritual self and step into your Lightworker potential by consciously choosing to align with these currents. Learning to go with the flow while remaining grounded isn’t easy, but through energy work and spiritual practice, it can be achieved and can bring balance and harmony to all areas of your life. Focusing too much on global events and things that are beyond your control can deplete your energy and create blocks to your spiritual awakening. And the more craziness that goes on in the world, the more tempting it is to get addicted to the news and the continuous formation of opinions and judgements about everything that goes on. There is a place for that – but it's important to maintain balance and to not be swept away by everything going on around you.

Healing Yourself to Avoid Being Triggered by the Collective Shadow-

Work of Humanity

Bringing your focus back to your spiritual self doesn’t have to be complicated. A regular meditation or prayer session that you observe, or an energy healing practice that you use every day to balance your energy centres might be all you need to make sure you don’t allow your consciousness to be drawn into the maelstrom. And through my connection and channellings of the Lemurian Goddess Amara and the deities and Star Tribes I work with, there’s an energetic leaning towards self-healing, integrating difficult experiences of the past to avoid being triggered so much by the collective shadow-work playing out globally, learning to ground yourself and protect your energy, and connecting with the light-beings that support us in our soul’s journey.

20 Years of Spiritual Shifts, Earthquakes & UFO Activity & the

Opportunities for Healing & Manifesting Your Spiritual Gifts

The next 20 years will see us advance in many ways and there is likely to be increased UFO activity, geological events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, people are likely to connect with their spiritual side more mindfully during this period, and technologies will move on apace. One day, people will look back on this period in the history books as being the Technological Revolution – and they’ll have the luxury of perspective! For us right now, we’re living it! We don’t know what it will ultimately translate to over the course of decades, and the implications of those changes reach into the distant future. But it’s a significant time in human history and as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers and spiritual souls, we are witnessing the dawn of the Golden Age and the Great Awakening. Don’t fear it – you were born for this moment! All incarnated souls chose to be here for this experience, and while we may not fully understand or appreciate it while we’re in it, the time will come when we all get to appreciate this grand rising in its fullness. If you would like to know more about how you can align with the new paradigm through energy work and the spiritual services I provide, you can find all kinds of possibilities on my websites at and Stay up to date with the latest energy updates, news and guidance on the Maya Muses Blog at LEARN MORE: The Lightworker Revolution & the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway - Guidance for Healers, Spiritual Seekers, Indigo Children & Starseeds

Energy Healing Attunement Courses Indicated for Those Who Choose

to Tap Into the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway

Some of the more recent channelled attunements I provide align powerfully with the new paradigm and are intended to support your spiritual awakening and ascension path. If you’re unsure where to start with energy work, or which attunements will help you to tap into the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway, these would be my recommendations:

Courses for Pleiadian Energies:

Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Pleiadian WhiteLight Connections Pleiadian Orb of Resonance Pleiadian Healing Emanations Celestial Encodings 1-9

Courses for the Wheel of Light Starseed Activations:

Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement Dolphin Healing Attunement Divine DNA Blueprint Attunement Higher Heart Chakra Attunement Indigo Aura Attunement Kundalini Awakening Attunement Shakti Rising Attunement Lemurian Starseed Attunement Pleiadian Connection Attunement

Courses for the Wisdom of the Stars Series:

Sirian Light Pyramid Activation Mintakan Portal Transmission Arcturian 12D Healing Chamber

Courses for the Whispers of the Goddess Series:

Melusine Dragon Power Sekhmet Solar Crown Sekhem Aradia of the Silver Wheel Go to... Articles Menu
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!
The Greatest Spiritual Awakening Convergence of the Aeon: The Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway LEARN MORE: The Lightworker Revolution & the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway - Guidance for Healers, Spiritual Seekers, Indigo Children & Starseeds When Does This Planetary Ascension Gateway Open? On the 19th November 2024 a significant celestial event takes place. Between June of 2023 and the 18th November 2024, the planet Pluto danced in and out of the sign of Aquarius, but on the 19th November 2024, it settles into this new placement and will remain in this alignment for 20 years! With the opening of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway (AAA Gateway), a period of collective transformation for humanity begins. This Gateway will be in place, with Pluto in Aquarius until 2044, exerting a powerful influence on all of us individually and as a collective. This marks a period of spiritual advancement that will allow us to access higher levels of consciousness and manifest our spiritual gifts in new ways. Pluto: Death, Rebirth, Transformation & Spiritual Ascension Pluto is a dwarf planet and is the furthest planet from the sun within our solar system. It's orbit takes about 248 years and it's a heavy hitter when it comes to transformation in the direction of our world; bringing changes that happen over generations and which resonate for centuries. For those who choose to tune into the energetic tides that shape our reality, this celestial event, also presents great opportunities for personal healing and spiritual awakening. Pluto is named for the God of the Underworld in Roman Mythology - akin to the deity, Hades in Greek Mythology. Its influence reflects characteristics of this deity; while Pluto is often considered a God of Death, death isn't the end of the road in a spiritual sense. Rather, death is about transformation, rebirth, the ability to leave behind old versions of yourself that no longer serve you and the process of integrating the shadow aspects of the self in order to reveal their true light. Pluto’s Transit in Aquarius 2024 & the Golden Age of Aquarius As Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius, this transformational, initiatory current finds its expression in the New Age. The New Age refers to the Age of Aquarius; a period of 2160 years that began at the end of the Mayan Calendar during a cosmic event we call The Harmonic Convergence. This occurred on the Winter Solstice of 2012, when our Sun entered a dark area of the Milky Way galaxy (called "The Tree"), along with the primary star of the Pleiadian constellation, Alcyone. The Pleiadians are spiritually connected with humans and have been instrumental in our advancement and evolution as a species. Today, Starseeds, Lightworkers and spiritual seekers find deep connection with the Pleiadian Light-Beings. When we connect with them through energy attunements such as the Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Course, Pleiadian WhiteLight Connections, Pleiadian Resonance Orb & Pleiadian Healing Emanations, we can develop a closer bond with the spiritual beings that oversee the spiritual awakening of humanity as a whole. This great awakening is also referred to as Global Ascension, Planetary Ascension or the Ascension Gateway and it's a continuous process that experiences periods of acceleration at times. This is one of those times! Starseeds, Indigo Children, Ascension & The Great Awakening? From the early 70s, Starseeded souls (also called Indigo Children because of the amount of indigo light within their auras) have incarnated with increasing frequency. Starseeds are here to support this period of accelerated ascension and awakening. A good way to understand this is to realise that change is hard - it's hard for all humans because it means investing our energy, belief and consciousness into the unknown. It can feel very challenging and even scary at times, to consciously leave behind the past. Although time marches on, the way our consciousness is configured in order to allow us to operate within the 3D reality, means we can find change very difficult mentally and emotionally. Even healing requires us to leave behind the illness - and if you've ever seen anyone struggle with a bad habit or addiction such as alcoholism, over-eating, smoking or substance abuse, you soon realise that even when we know that a change is for our good, the process of change can be difficult. The planet Pluto inspires those kinds of changes though - it's all about personal transformation! The refinement of the spirit and the opportunity to be born anew. The transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly is a beautiful and wonderful thing. But while in the cocoon, the caterpillar isn't aware of its new form. If it were able to philosophise over the process, it might experience a lot of resistance to that change! It's exactly the same with people - our intelligence, beliefs and habits often create resistance to change. By embracing spiritual practice and learning to trust in The Universe, and allow the Light-Beings that support us to offer us their energetic encouragement and guidance, we can smooth the process of transformation by learning to manage our tendency to resist. When Did the New Age of Aquarius Start? What Does it All Mean? And now, 12 years on from the start of the New Age and our planetary ascension into the Age of Aquarius, our journey through the Aquarian paradigm is being increased, enhanced and accelerated by the transition of Pluto into Aquarius. What does the Age of Aquarius mean for us? In what ways is it different from the Age of Pisces that we've left behind? And how can we align with these great cosmic configurations in order to progress our path to wholeness? The first thing to appreciate is that peoples’ understanding of when the Age of Aquarius started, or will start, vary quite a bit! And while many New Agers celebrated the start of the Golden Age of Aquarius in 2012, some believe it began in 1962 or 2020; others believe the Pluto transition in 2024 heralds the true beginning of the Age; and others still believe the New Age will begin in 2140/2150. But when we’re dealing with such immense spans of time, whenever the actual point of transition is, the shifts and changes will be felt most intensely in a period of possibly hundreds of years either side of that point. We look to astrological events to help us determine what’s going on, on that cosmic scale, but our interpretations of those events may vary. What we do know is that Aquarius brings radical change! Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and brings in currents of sacred rebellion, individuality and liberation from old ways of being that we might attach to the former age: the Age of Pisces. The Age of Pisces was marked by organised religions which consolidated power and which dominated the last 2000 years. In contrast, the Age of Aquarius heralds a time of individual spirituality where experimentation is encouraged and freedom is part of the philosophy! This spiritual shift can be observed in New Age spiritual practices such as those I teach, energy healing, meditation and other creative expressions of the soul. The Age of Aquarius elevates the scientific mind; we are moved to question things more and explore the world in new ways rather than buying into the authority and hierarchy expressed in the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is about innovation and progress; we see this already in the swift changes that have occurred through technology including AI, space exploration and new ways that humanity as a collective connect with each other through social media and the internet. Mayastar’s Work to Unite the 3D & 5D Aspects for Spiritual Progress, Healing & Higher Consciousness In my line of work, as a Lemurian Priestess and spiritual teacher I am focused on the spiritual aspects of the new aeon and helping spiritual seekers to discover the practices and energies that will help them explore their unique energetic landscape in order that they more fully embody their divine potential. What we’re seeking to do through New Age spiritual practices, is to bring our higher 5D principles and potential into our 3D reality and ways of operating. One important part of this is learning to stay grounded while retaining the wisdom and perspective of our higher consciousness. When we embrace the Ascension Journey, we’re not seeking to disconnect from the world in order to pursue our spiritual evolution, rather, we are seeking to root ourselves into the world in order to manifest the fruits and flowers of our divinity. How Your Spiritual Practice & Energy Healing Work Can Serve You In Times of Turmoil With Pluto intensifying this process over the coming two decades, this period of human history is likely to see a lot of upheaval and change. In the past this configuration of cosmic forces has seen the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Enlightenment, the Abolition of Slavery, the Protestant Reformation and the Industrial Revolution. These changes brought about a better world, but the transition from the old world to the new often created turmoil and unrest. It’s likely the world will see similarly intense shifts and changes over the next 20 years and for spiritual seekers, Starseeds, Healers and Lightworkers, maintaining your grounding and attending to your spiritual practice will be all the more vital during turbulent times. So how best to navigate these new energies? How best to serve The Universe during challenging times? My simplest advice would be to stay grounded, embrace your spiritual self and step into your Lightworker potential by consciously choosing to align with these currents. Learning to go with the flow while remaining grounded isn’t easy, but through energy work and spiritual practice, it can be achieved and can bring balance and harmony to all areas of your life. Focusing too much on global events and things that are beyond your control can deplete your energy and create blocks to your spiritual awakening. And the more craziness that goes on in the world, the more tempting it is to get addicted to the news and the continuous formation of opinions and judgements about everything that goes on. There is a place for that – but it's important to maintain balance and to not be swept away by everything going on around you. Healing Yourself to Avoid Being Triggered by the Collective Shadow- Work of Humanity Bringing your focus back to your spiritual self doesn’t have to be complicated. A regular meditation or prayer session that you observe, or an energy healing practice that you use every day to balance your energy centres might be all you need to make sure you don’t allow your consciousness to be drawn into the maelstrom. And through my connection and channellings of the Lemurian Goddess Amara and the deities and Star Tribes I work with, there’s an energetic leaning towards self-healing, integrating difficult experiences of the past to avoid being triggered so much by the collective shadow- work playing out globally, learning to ground yourself and protect your energy, and connecting with the light-beings that support us in our soul’s journey. 20 Years of Spiritual Shifts, Earthquakes & UFO Activity & the Opportunities for Healing & Manifesting Your Spiritual Gifts The next 20 years will see us advance in many ways and there is likely to be increased UFO activity, geological events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, people are likely to connect with their spiritual side more mindfully during this period, and technologies will move on apace. One day, people will look back on this period in the history books as being the Technological Revolution – and they’ll have the luxury of perspective! For us right now, we’re living it! We don’t know what it will ultimately translate to over the course of decades, and the implications of those changes reach into the distant future. But it’s a significant time in human history and as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers and spiritual souls, we are witnessing the dawn of the Golden Age and the Great Awakening. Don’t fear it – you were born for this moment! All incarnated souls chose to be here for this experience, and while we may not fully understand or appreciate it while we’re in it, the time will come when we all get to appreciate this grand rising in its fullness. If you would like to know more about how you can align with the new paradigm through energy work and the spiritual services I provide, you can find all kinds of possibilities on my websites at and Stay up to date with the latest energy updates, news and guidance on the Maya Muses Blog at LEARN MORE: The Lightworker Revolution & the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway - Guidance for Healers, Spiritual Seekers, Indigo Children & Starseeds Energy Healing Attunement Courses Indicated for Those Who Choose to Tap Into the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway Some of the more recent channelled attunements I provide align powerfully with the new paradigm and are intended to support your spiritual awakening and ascension path. If you’re unsure where to start with energy work, or which attunements will help you to tap into the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway, these would be my recommendations: Courses for Pleiadian Energies: Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Pleiadian WhiteLight Connections Pleiadian Orb of Resonance Pleiadian Healing Emanations Celestial Encodings 1-9 Courses for the Wheel of Light Starseed Activations: Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement Dolphin Healing Attunement Divine DNA Blueprint Attunement Higher Heart Chakra Attunement Indigo Aura Attunement Kundalini Awakening Attunement Shakti Rising Attunement Lemurian Starseed Attunement Pleiadian Connection Attunement Courses for the Wisdom of the Stars Series: Sirian Light Pyramid Activation Mintakan Portal Transmission Arcturian 12D Healing Chamber Courses for the Whispers of the Goddess Series: Melusine Dragon Power Sekhmet Solar Crown Sekhem Aradia of the Silver Wheel Go to... Articles Menu