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Your Abundance & Prosperity Altar | Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Working with abundance-based energy healing modalities can be a great way to improve the health of your life in all areas. Abundance and prosperity systems aren’t focused only on financial wealth or the accumulation of symbols of financial wealth; they’re about manifesting abundant energy into your physical, mental & emotional health; they’re about creating a happy and harmonious home; they’re about bringing love & deeper meaning into your relationships; they’re about developing a spiritually nourishing life that enriches your soul and allows you to grow, expand, and exceed the limitations of the past. Whatever your specific goals might be, tuning into the high-frequency energies of abundance and prosperity can enhance your life in countless ways. Simply connecting with ideas of progress, gratitude and joy each day can help you to become more receptive to the opportunities the universe presents to you.

Creating an Altar for Manifesting Abundance

A good way to bring your focus to abundance and prosperity is to create an area of sacred space that you dedicate to this powerful work. Creating an altar allows you to clarify your intentions and direct your will into drawing in the energy you want to see, feel & experience in your life. It’s worth putting a lot of thought and effort into your altar so that you’ll feel inspired by it when you sit before it to do your daily prosperity practice! When choosing items to place on your abundance and prosperity altar, everything you choose should resonate with you and inspire you. In that sense, no one can tell you how to construct your sacred space! But here are some ideas to get you started!

Altar Cloth & Colour Associations

Choose a yellow cloth for your altar. Yellow is the colour of ripened grain and can reflect the abundance of the harvest. It’s also the colour associated with the sun, which feeds & grows the grain. It’s also the colour of gold, and can represent financial wealth, success and happiness. Yellow is a colour that tends to make people feel positive, so it’s also a great symbol for reminding you to start the day with a smile! Crystals for Abundance & Prosperity Choose a piece of Citrine Quartz to place on your altar. You might choose to hold the crystal while you work with your chosen energy technique in order to programme the crystal to amplify your intentions. Citrine Quartz has a very high vibration and can be used to increase happiness, manifest prosperity, restore health & neutralise negative energetic vibrations. A crystal on the altar can act as a battery to store the energy you work with each day.

Creating a Vision Board for Abundance & Prosperity

Create a vision board to place on your altar by making a collage of images that inspire you and remind you of your goals. A vision board might have pictures of things you want to achieve or own; but it might also have images that inspire a feeling you want to bring more of into your life. An example of this (for me) would be the 3 of Cups card in the tarot. This card reflects celebration, frivolity, friends and fun – and for me, that conjures up the energy and sentiment of a “happy dance”. So, seeing the 3 of Cups on a vision board would remind me of that exuberance, excitement & energy. For you, it might be something else – perhaps a postcard from your last holiday destination (why not send one to yourself while you’re on holiday so you can add it to your vision board when you get home!), or some wrapping paper or a memento from a celebration.

Incenses, Oils & Perfumes for Abundance & Prosperity

If you like to burn incense or wear perfume, selecting a scent that inspires you and reminds you of your goals can be a powerful way to tap into the current of abundance and prosperity. Fragrances & incenses that are associated with abundance and prosperity are: pine, cinnamon, saffron, jasmine, mint & patchouli. But don’t feel restricted to these! These are traditionally associated with prosperity workings, but it’s more important that you choose something that resonates with you and inspires you. Using the holiday idea again, you might choose coconut as a scent for your prosperity work because it reminds you of good times; or perhaps you choose lemon because it reminds you of that great feeling you get when you’re showering with your lemon shower gel after a great gym session; or you choose rose because it reminds you of that sense of satisfaction you feel when your garden’s in bloom and you’re enjoying a weekend off. Whatever you choose should be something that inspires thoughts and feelings of abundance for you. Using an Item of Jewellery to Manifest Abundance & Prosperity None of these suggestions are essential to your prosperity work – but they can provide tools to help you focus and express your intentions to the universe. A piece of jewellery that you associate with prosperity can be a good way to take those positive energies out into the world with you. If you choose a piece of jewellery to represent your abundance and prosperity goals, it should be dedicated to that purpose alone and only worn for aligning you with those goals. Rings are popular because they can be worn as a ring, or a pendant. If you use a daily affirmation to align you with your prosperity goals, you can make a ritual of holding your piece of jewellery while reciting your affirmations each morning before you put it on. And then, at night, when you remove it, you’re reminded to repeat those affirmations again, and realign with your goals. This practice can help you to maintain your focus and amplify your intentions. These are just a few ideas to get you started. What works for you will be unique to you – so I encourage experimentation! Energy healing modalities that you could use to enhance this process or use for your daily prosperity practice include: Full Abundance Attunement, Attraction Reiki, Manifestation Guidance Programme, Lakshmi Golden Good Fortune, Abundance Affinity & Archangel Uriel’s Prosperity & Progress. Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Gabriel Energy Healing, Empathy & Symbols The Great Goddess Quan Yin | Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Attunements Information Article
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
Maya Muses - Energy Updates, Affirmations, Mystical Musings, Personal Posts, Photos & All the Latest for Mayastar & Maya Magickal Maya Magickal - Tailored Spells, Healing & Magickal Intensives Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin - Instagram - ALM (Maya) FB - Pinterest - Wordpress Join the mailing list or email Maya with your enquiry at: Personalised Package Discount Info... If you wish to purchase 3 or more courses at one time, please email me with your order to benefit from the Personalised Package Discount. This is 20% off for 3 or more options; 25% off for 6 or more; and 30% off for 10 or more. A Personalised Package may include courses from Mayastar Academy and magickal workings from Maya Magickal. If you would like advice on the options that would be most suitable for you, please email me. Payment Information: Personalised Packages, Exchange Rates & Monthly Payment Plans Testimonials & Reviews Cookie Policy, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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Your Abundance & Prosperity Altar | Inspiration, Innovation & Ideas Working with abundance-based energy healing modalities can be a great way to improve the health of your life in all areas. Abundance and prosperity systems aren’t focused only on financial wealth or the accumulation of symbols of financial wealth; they’re about manifesting abundant energy into your physical, mental & emotional health; they’re about creating a happy and harmonious home; they’re about bringing love & deeper meaning into your relationships; they’re about developing a spiritually nourishing life that enriches your soul and allows you to grow, expand, and exceed the limitations of the past. Whatever your specific goals might be, tuning into the high-frequency energies of abundance and prosperity can enhance your life in countless ways. Simply connecting with ideas of progress, gratitude and joy each day can help you to become more receptive to the opportunities the universe presents to you. Creating an Altar for Manifesting Abundance A good way to bring your focus to abundance and prosperity is to create an area of sacred space that you dedicate to this powerful work. Creating an altar allows you to clarify your intentions and direct your will into drawing in the energy you want to see, feel & experience in your life. It’s worth putting a lot of thought and effort into your altar so that you’ll feel inspired by it when you sit before it to do your daily prosperity practice! When choosing items to place on your abundance and prosperity altar, everything you choose should resonate with you and inspire you. In that sense, no one can tell you how to construct your sacred space! But here are some ideas to get you started! Altar Cloth & Colour Associations Choose a yellow cloth for your altar. Yellow is the colour of ripened grain and can reflect the abundance of the harvest. It’s also the colour associated with the sun, which feeds & grows the grain. It’s also the colour of gold, and can represent financial wealth, success and happiness. Yellow is a colour that tends to make people feel positive, so it’s also a great symbol for reminding you to start the day with a smile! Crystals for Abundance & Prosperity Choose a piece of Citrine Quartz to place on your altar. You might choose to hold the crystal while you work with your chosen energy technique in order to programme the crystal to amplify your intentions. Citrine Quartz has a very high vibration and can be used to increase happiness, manifest prosperity, restore health & neutralise negative energetic vibrations. A crystal on the altar can act as a battery to store the energy you work with each day. Creating a Vision Board for Abundance & Prosperity Create a vision board to place on your altar by making a collage of images that inspire you and remind you of your goals. A vision board might have pictures of things you want to achieve or own; but it might also have images that inspire a feeling you want to bring more of into your life. An example of this (for me) would be the 3 of Cups card in the tarot. This card reflects celebration, frivolity, friends and fun – and for me, that conjures up the energy and sentiment of a “happy dance”. So, seeing the 3 of Cups on a vision board would remind me of that exuberance, excitement & energy. For you, it might be something else – perhaps a postcard from your last holiday destination (why not send one to yourself while you’re on holiday so you can add it to your vision board when you get home!), or some wrapping paper or a memento from a celebration. Incenses, Oils & Perfumes for Abundance & Prosperity If you like to burn incense or wear perfume, selecting a scent that inspires you and reminds you of your goals can be a powerful way to tap into the current of abundance and prosperity. Fragrances & incenses that are associated with abundance and prosperity are: pine, cinnamon, saffron, jasmine, mint & patchouli. But don’t feel restricted to these! These are traditionally associated with prosperity workings, but it’s more important that you choose something that resonates with you and inspires you. Using the holiday idea again, you might choose coconut as a scent for your prosperity work because it reminds you of good times; or perhaps you choose lemon because it reminds you of that great feeling you get when you’re showering with your lemon shower gel after a great gym session; or you choose rose because it reminds you of that sense of satisfaction you feel when your garden’s in bloom and you’re enjoying a weekend off. Whatever you choose should be something that inspires thoughts and feelings of abundance for you. Using an Item of Jewellery to Manifest Abundance & Prosperity None of these suggestions are essential to your prosperity work – but they can provide tools to help you focus and express your intentions to the universe. A piece of jewellery that you associate with prosperity can be a good way to take those positive energies out into the world with you. If you choose a piece of jewellery to represent your abundance and prosperity goals, it should be dedicated to that purpose alone and only worn for aligning you with those goals. Rings are popular because they can be worn as a ring, or a pendant. If you use a daily affirmation to align you with your prosperity goals, you can make a ritual of holding your piece of jewellery while reciting your affirmations each morning before you put it on. And then, at night, when you remove it, you’re reminded to repeat those affirmations again, and realign with your goals. This practice can help you to maintain your focus and amplify your intentions. These are just a few ideas to get you started. What works for you will be unique to you – so I encourage experimentation! Energy healing modalities that you could use to enhance this process or use for your daily prosperity practice include: Full Abundance Attunement, Attraction Reiki, Manifestation Guidance Programme, Lakshmi Golden Good Fortune, Abundance Affinity & Archangel Uriel’s Prosperity & Progress. Go to... Articles Menu Archangel Gabriel Energy Healing, Empathy & Symbols The Great Goddess Quan Yin | Enlightenment, Compassion & Healing Rose Quartz Bath | A Healing Ritual by Maya 5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition 5 Ways to Use the Violet Flame of St Germain Maintaining a Healthy Aura Psychic Protection on the Healing Journey Best Crystals for Healing Harmonic Convergence, 2012 & the Age of Aquarius Psychic Self Defence & Spiritual Health Mayastar Philosophy Energy Exchange Article Attunements Information Article