of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
About Mayastar
Mayastar Academy
of Natural Healing
& Spiritual
Development was
founded in 2004
and since this time
it has developed
and grown as an
recognised centre
of teaching. With
many new courses being added year on
year, Mayastar is a dynamic and evolving
academy and its many returning students
continue to grow and develop alongside us!
About Mayastar courses & Mayastar's
Mayastar Academy is a professional
academy of natural healing and spiritual
development. All courses are accredited by
the World Metaphysical Association and the
Accreditation Council of Holistic Healers.
Information on Mayastar courses and the
current Mayastar syllabus may be viewed
I endeavour always to maintain myself as a
good channel for high frequency spiritual
energies through my spiritual and personal
habits. I believe my dedication to the
healing journey has enhanced my capacity
to act as a powerful channel during
attunement processes and healing sessions.
Sharing my spiritual gifts with others is my
honour and privilege.
The ultimate purpose of Mayastar Academy
is to enhance each student's life experience
by facilitating their spiritual development so
that they grow in confidence of their own
abilities. In turn, it is hoped that through the
skills they attain, they will in turn enhance
the life experience of others - whether it be
through healing, teaching, counselling or
simply living as an example of living in
alignment with the healing path to inspire
Where does the name 'Mayastar' come
Many people have wondered where the
name 'Mayastar' came from...and the name
came about before I checked into the
meanings it might have and here's what I
Maya is the name of one of the stars that
make up the Pleiades (or Seven Sisters) –
and many people and Pleiadian light beings
feel a close affinity to those of Maya in
particular :-)
Maya is also a name from Greek mythology;
Maya (Maja or Maia) is a Greek goddess of
Spring, Rebirth, Love and Life: The "Great
Mother". The month of May was named after
Maya was also the mother of the god
Hermes, who is the Greek god of intellect,
inspiration, communication and acts as a
messenger of the gods. His symbol is the
Caduceus - a winged staff entwined with two
snakes that represent the dual creative
forces. The Caduceus is a symbol of healing,
peace and balance and is used nowadays as
a symbol for homeopathic medicine.
Interestingly, Maya is also the name of a
Hindu Goddess, an alternative name for the
Goddess, Durga and the name of the mother
of Buddha! Maya, the Hindu Goddess wore
a necklace comprised of the seven colours of
the rainbow; her association with the
rainbow is in her capacity to remove illusions
and expose the truth – the colours
representing these various layers of illusion
that ultimately will be removed to reveal the
inner mystery. An apt and highly congruent
stroke of synchronicity at work there too!
Maya is also my nickname; and I like to
think of it in terms of it being a
Russian/Eastern European of the name
Mary, which means "Star of the Sea". Under
slightly different spellings, the name
appears all over the world and has various
meanings. For example, "Maia" in Maori
means "Brave Warrior"!
Is Mayastar a cult or religion?
I would like to emphasise something here:
Mayastar is NOT a religion or a cult or
anything like that. None of the courses
taught are alternatives to religious belief or
practice; they are simply spiritual
development systems and healing
techniques. In that way, they don't 'clash'
with, or undermine any existing religious
belief you may have.
Understanding the 'energy' of 'energy
If you consider the basic premise that there
is one Universe; most people think there's
an intelligence behind it - and some call it
'God'. Many experience 'him' in a personal
way and relate deeply to 'him' in their day to
day life. Others take a pantheistic view and
call this under-pinning force things like
'Universal Life Force' or 'The Power that
Moves the Universe' and experience it as a
neutral and impersonal energy. But
essentially, the common denominator is the
mutual experience of a Universal power that
permeates all of creation. For those with a
pantheistic view, this power source is seen
as the 'be all and end all', while others
(myself included) see the Universal power
that permeates all of creation as an
expression of the 'be all and end all' (and
the 'be all and end all' would be defined as
an intelligent, personal, creator God whose
nature is love and abundance)...and we are
all part of that creation; united either by the
'impersonal/neutral' Source or the
'personal/good' God depending on our
religious beliefs.
This power that permeates all of creation
(seen and unseen) is the energy we work
with in vibrational medicine and energy
healing. Each system works with a different
'facet' or unique vibration that forms part of
that complete Universal Energy Spectrum.
So we're not dealing with anything dodgy or
dangerous here; it's simply facets of life
force energy that's expressed throughout
creation that we can be attuned to; the
energy that everything in existence is made
from; and that's what makes it feel so
natural to work with :-) In relation to this,
you may be interested to read an article
included on the site: THE SOURCE & THE
So, as you can see, whatever your person
belief system tells you about the nature of
the Universe, the energy that we use and
work with through attunements has its
place. And it is my belief and experience
that working with these natural, high
frequency energies will enhance your
personal spiritual experiences.
The Purpose of Mayastar: Spiritual
Empowerment of the Individual!
Mayastar supports the spiritual development
of each individual and believes that you
have a right to access your potential in this
way. Traditionally, some organised 'spiritual'
traditions have in fact ended in the
oppression of the individual and the
suppression of unique spiritual experiences.
It is my personal belief that on a soul-level,
there is a perfection and completeness
inherent in every person that we rarely, if
ever experience in life. Physical incarnation
has its restrictions! But ensuring we invest
time and effort in our spiritual life can help
us to gain perspective and become more
ourselves. The Universe (God) is always
pointing us towards this; the more true to
ourselves we are, the closer we feel to the
Universe (God).
So you won't find an alternative to religion
here at Mayastar; but you will find courses
and techniques that can enhance your
personal experience and to express your
spirituality in new ways.
I think we often spend a lot of time trying to
‘see the good’ in others but neglect to see
the good in ourselves. But until we know
what ‘good’ looks like, how can we recognize
it in another? The Mayastar philosophy
emphasizes empowerment of the individual
through recognition of the potential that
every individual carries within them as part
of the expression of an essentially 'good'
creator-force. Don't confuse this with
egoism or pride however; consider the
nature of the Universe/God and realise that
this nature is reflected in you inevitably; and
the more you feel and understand it - the
more you EXPRESS the truth you find within
yourself, the closer you 'match' with the
Universe and the more fulfilling you will find
every aspect of your life. Let all your
spiritual work be in mind of attuning to the
nature of 'God' however you define
him/her/it...if all your actions are motivated
by this simple idea, you will inevitably find a
deeper sense of joy, peace, hope and love in
your life.
So if there's one thing you do today - just
try to be true to yourself a little bit more!
Recognise the nature of the creative force of
the Universe within you and allow yourself
to take conscious steps to 'match up' with it.
Then do it again tomorrow...and so on. You
can't lose!
I hope that through their work with
Mayastar, my students will take a step closer
to recognizing and expressing that inner
‘grace’ and realizing their potential. And
that in turn, through the joy and peace they
‘find’ (more accurately, 'release'!) within, it
is my hope that they will inspire others
simply by living in a state of ‘congruence’; a
state of harmony with 'The Power That
Moves The Universe' so that truth of the
inner spirit is freely expressed and
manifested in day to day life.
Is Mayastar a business?
Mayastar has to be registered as a business
in accordance with Inland Revenue
regulations. And to enable me to dedicate
all my time to this work I do have to be able
to pay the bills of course! But it is not a
venture into 'commercialism'; rather it is a
vocation and fulfilment of my role as a
Spiritual Facilitator: a role that I take very
It is very rewarding work and I love what I
do; I put my heart and soul into it! In
addition, in the course of assisting others to
achieve their goals through Mayastar, I have
learnt a great deal and my own spiritual life
has been miraculously enhanced by it!
I see my work with each individual student
as a 'partnership'; we work together; and
the work is mutually beneficial too! I am
grateful to the universe for affording me the
skills and knowledge to share the gifts of
spiritual healing with others; and I’m
grateful to every student for the opportunity
to express my spiritual purpose through my
connection with them!
Visit the Maya Muses Blog to stay up to
date on my personal projects, Mayastar
news, energy updates & mystical
Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing &
Spiritual Development
Maya Magickal Spells
Maya Muses Blog
Mayastar Podcast on YouTube
ACHH & WMA Accredited - 11k courses taught worldwide!